I recently received this from a faculty member:
"I am looking for aggregated cause of death statistics for Nova Scotia
and Ontario. I am interested in the number of homicides (each year) for
both Nova Scotia and Ontario, which is recorded as a type of cause of
death (among other causes). I am trying to collect the data on an annual
basis for every available year (i.e. likely sometime in the early 1900s
until the most recent year available).
For Nova Scotia, I was given data collected by a local historian for
1749-1908. I was told by him that the data should be available beginning
in 1909. I have found the following site, which suggests that data are
available for select Canadian provinces beginning in 1920
However, I don’t know how/where to access these data, and I still
require data from 1909-1919.
Although my current focus is Nova Scotia, I will eventually also collect
the same data for Ontario."
Would an extracts from the Vital Statistics - Death database he refers
to be a custom tab? if so, could you give me the necessary contact
information so that he can negotiate the order?
Here is the response we've received from subject matter:
"I can say for certain we don't have anything in our databases that go back that far. I'm attaching a PDF [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-516-x/sectionz/4147446-eng.htm] that has a table on homicide charges and dispositions (not incidents that way we count them nowadays), though I don't know if it will be of much utility since the counts don't break down by Province. That said, if the DLI could use with Canada level data, please consult page 33 of this document."