Friday, October 31, 2014

The Input-Output tables 2010

Please note the updated products listed below and the path to access them via the EFT site

Input-Output Structure of the Canadian Economy in Current Prices

The Input-Output tables are the most comprehensive and detailed statistics on transactions involving production activity and intermediate as well as final consumption of goods and services in the economy.

The input-output accounts of Canada and its provinces and territories are presented in three main data tables (matrices) for each jurisdiction.
These are the output table, input table, and the final demand table. In addition, provinces' and territories' tables are linked together through an interprovincial flows table that shows each jurisdiction's exports to, and imports from, other provinces and territories as well as abroad.

Input-Output tables cover all economic activities conducted in the market economies of each province and territory, encompassing persons, businesses, government and non-government (non-profit) organizations, and entities outside its jurisdiction that give rise to imports or exports (inter provincially or internationally.)

The Input-Output tables represent the most detailed accounting of the Canadian economy available and thus serve as benchmarks to the Canadian System of National Accounts.

National tables are produced on an annual basis (starting with the 1961 reference year) and completed in June each year with a 30 month lag from the reference year. Provincial tables are produced annually (starting with the 1997 reference year) and released together with the national tables in November of each year with a 34 month lag from the reference year.

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Input-Output-Tables/2010

Friday, October 24, 2014

2008 Canadian Financial Capability Survey



We do have the survey of 2008 in the DLI collection (/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Canadian Financial Capability Survey - cfcs/2008). The next survey will be released in November 2014 <>.

Canadian Community Health Survey - Mental Health and Well-being - Canadian Forces (CCHS-CF)


I have a graduate student who is looking for datasets related to members of the armed forces, in Canada or the US, including health and mental health.

I noticed that Cycle 1.2 of the Community Health Survey looked at a representative sample of the Canadian Forces population, Canadian Community Health Survey - Mental Health and Well-being - Canadian Forces (CCHS-CF) - <>. When I look at CCHS Cycle 1.2 I could not find variables for Canadian Forces, and it specifically states that members of the Canadian Armed Forces are excluded from the sampling. Does anyone have any idea where or if this data is available? Or suggestions for an alternative dataset?


From the guide found at the bottom of the link you gave: (First paragraph and last paragraph of the Description section) In Cycle 1.2 of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS),
an additional component was administered to a representative sample of the Canadian Forces (CF) population. This is known as the CF Component. 

One of the exclusions of the core CCHS target population is full-time members of the regular Canadian Forces.

As the Department of National Defence (DND) wanted to be able to provide reliable, comparable information for the Canadian Forces, DND contracted Statistics Canada to undertake a special survey component with a representative sample of the Canadian Forces, both regular and reservist members.

Mental Health and Well-being – CF Component has analogous objectives to those of the CCHS, against which results can be compared – to estimate the prevalence of certain mental disorders in the Canadian Forces and record members’ utilization of mental health services.

This information is intended to assist in the determination of mental health care needs in the CF and to allow DND planners the crucial data they need to ensure adequate resources.

Further, do not forget that this came out not to long ago, <>

We had a similar question in the past year. Below, you will find clues to the existence of data found in the secondary literature.


In October 2013, the CAF Surgeon General’s Mental Health Strategy  was released. Based on a number of internal and external studies, the Strategy gives an assessment of the current state of mental health in the CAF, and provides guidance for the delivery of services and the prioritization of resources and research over the next five years. It is important to note that Afghanistan-related OSIs are a minority of the mental health conditions present within the CAF population. According to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, one in every five Canadians will experience a mental health condition in their life time. The Canadian Community Health Survey – Mental Health and Well-being – Canadian Forces (CCHS-CF) conducted by Statistics Canada in 2002 showed that CAF members exhibited double the risk of depression, both related and unrelated to military operations, as compared to the Canadian population.15 Therefore, CAF health services must have the ability to treat “a far greater” mental illness burden that is not related to combat or deployment operations.16 Unfortunately, the Statistics Canada survey did not capture data with respect to determining whether the OSIs suffered by CAF personnel were specifically related to deployments to Rwanda, Bosnia, or other locations. The only mission-specific OSI data the CAF holds is from its report entitled Cumulative Incidence of PTSD and Other Mental Disorders in Canadian Forces Personnel Deployed in Support of the Mission in Afghanistan, 2001–2008. The report, by David Boulos and Dr. Mark Zamorski, indicates that out of about 30,000 CAF personnel deployed to or in support of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan before 31 December 2008, 13.2% were diagnosed with an OSI in the 5 years following that deployment. This included 8% diagnosed with PTSD and more than 5% with other types of deployment-related OSIs, such as depression and anxiety disorders.17 BGen Bernier informed us that once extrapolated to approximately 9 years post-deployment, the
percentages increase to 20% for OSIs and 11.8% for PTSD. In comparison, the lifetime
prevalence of PTSD in the general population is 7% to 9%.18 The report also indicates that
when deployment and non-deployment related mental illnesses within the cohort are taken into account, the figure rises to 18.9% for PTSD. Another report by the same authors
extrapolates that those who deployed to Kandahar specifically have close to a

14 Department of National Defence, Guide to Benefits, Programs, and Services for Serving and Former
Canadian Armed Forces Members and their Families
, November 2013 Edition.
15 BGen Jean-Robert Bernier, NDDN Evidence, 41st Parliament, 2nd Session, Meeting No. 19, 8 April 2014.
16 Ibid.
17 Department of National Defence, Cumulative Incidence of PTSD and Other Mental Disorders in Canadian
Forces Personnel Deployed in Support of the Mission in Afghanistan, 2001–2008, Canadian Forces Health Services , November 2011.
18 BGen Jean-Robert Bernier, NDDN Evidence, 41st Parliament, 2nd Session, Meeting No.19, 8 April 2014.

30% possibility of developing an OSI nine years post-deployment.19 The limitations of these studies include the inability to capture those who have not sought care, who have sought care outside CAF health services, or who were released shortly after their deployment.

The DND/CAF Ombudsman has also been engaged in CAF mental health issuessince 2002. He has released 5 different reports and almost 50 recommendations intended
to improve the care and treatment received by CAF members suffering from OSIs,including PTSD. The 2012 report Fortitude Under Fatigue,concluded that the CAF made considerable progress in implementing previous recommendations with respect to the identification, prevention, and treatment of OSIs. The report also identified a number of broader areas of improvements, including the evolution of the CAF’s mental health capability from an ad hoc system to one that is better structured to deliver integrated care to CAF members suffering from OSIs, including PTSD. The challenges that remain are addressed in this report.

CAF health services are the primary health care provider for all CAF personnel whether their health concerns are duty related or not. If necessary services arenot available within the CAF system, military members are reliant on civilian provincial/territorial health authorities. Every military member is insured by a third-party insurer, currently Blue Cross, which covers the cost of external health care treatments for DND. Since the closure of CAF hospitals, and given that 80% of military members and their families live off military bases, there is an increased dependence on provincial/territorial health care services and support systems than ever before. This is an overarching challenge that touches not only the care of ill and injured CAF personnel, but also the care of their family members and reservists.
<>Caring for Canada’s Ill and Injured Military Personnel p. 5-6

-Unfortunately, a PUMF will not be created for the Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey, access to the masterfile will be available through the Research Data Centers (RDCs).

Wood Pellet Use on Aboriginal Reserves


Just wondering if anyone would have any suggestions where I could find info on Wood Pellets use on Aboriginal Reserves. I have searched CANSIM and found some information but, my researcher would like more.


The Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division does not have data on this. The Households and the Environment Survey, which has data about wood pellets, does not cover Aboriginal Reserves. 

The Aboriginal Statistics Division does not go on reserve with their surveys.The NHS includes reserve, therefore if it’s not they won’t have it.

I would recommend contacting Aboriginal Affairs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey


I have a researcher interested in accessing data from the Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey.This is not available via the DLI--is this is something that can be accessed at an RDC? Barring that, is a custom tabulation available?


There was no PUMF file created for the 2011 CNICS and we have not provided the Master file to the RDC. The 2014 CNICS survey is still being processed. I do not believe we have an official release date booked yet but a 2014 Master file could be available in early 2015.

Custom tabs are available at the cost of $73.02 per hour plus tax if applicable. The SSD requires detailed specifications before providing a cost estimate and timeline if the sample size is large enough to provide any reliable data.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Households and Environment Survey 2011

I have a question about the PUMF for the 2011 HES. In the 2011 file there does not seem to be a CMA variable, the only geographic variable is Province of residence. This a bit strange a CMA variable was included in previous years of the survey (2009, 2007 and presumably 2006). Also, the User Guide for the 2011 PUMF mentions in section 7.4 (table of derived variables), page 16, that there is a CMA variable: CMA - Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) - 2006 Census Code .

Can someone confirm that this variable was not included in the PUMF and if so why did it appear in the previous years but not in 2011?


An updated file, Households and the Environment survey (Version 2), was released last spring (see attached announcement), which includes the geographic variable “Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)”.

Available here:

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/ Households and the Environment Survey-hes/2011

The updated version is also available on DLI’s Nesstar.

Rice Wine Imports and Consumption Data


I have a student looking for information on types of wine imports and consumption in Canada,by province if at all possible. Here is a lightly edited version of what she is after:
The amount of commercially imported sake [rice wine] to Canada. At the provincial level, if possible. And for the last few decades. 
If it is possible, I would like to find the amount of sake consumed in each province (to see which province is consuming sake most and least) to compare these numbers with other products like grape wine. Thus, if I can get numerical data for grape wine import and its consumption in Canada, that will be great.

I'm not sure how to go about finding import and/or sales numbers for sake [rice wine].
Can I find numbers for so detailed a product type?


Please note that we do have figures on consumption or sales. The student will be able to retrieve free data at the HS06 level from our Canadian International Merchandise Database (CIMT) online:
-sake is classified within HS06 220600,
-grape wines are classified from 220410 to 220430
(see attached tariff manual for complete list of codes.

Note that if the client wishes to have a more detailed data table at the HS10 level, there will be a cost involved.

Below is the link to our Canadian International Trade Database (CIMT) to retrieve free HS06 trade data:

1. Retrieve your data with one of the following options:
     -Option 1: Select trading partner -
      Select a trading partner and specific variables (e.g., country, province, state, year,                 month, or frequency).
     Click on the appropriate button to either "Retrieve" the data or "Save as spreadsheet            (CSV)" .
    -Option 2: Search by commodity or Harmonized System code" -
     Click on "Search" and then on "Domestic Exports", "Re-exports" or "Imports" next to the        commodity of your choice.
 Use the multiple drop-down menus to change variables.

In some instances, hyperlinks are available and enable you to drill down to lower levels of detail. For example, clicking I-Live Animals and Animal Products shows a breakdown of all the commodity chapters found in that section, offering access to more detailed information.
Use the buttons "Retrieve" to retrieve a different variable selection from the drop down menus "Save as spreadsheet (CSV)" to save in tabulation compatible document and/or "Start Over".

To obtain more information on international trade concepts, commodity classification, releases and revisions, please click on the related buttons in the left-hand side menu.

LFS 2014-09


I am looking at the documentation that accompanies the LFS 2014-09. The frq0914.prn document appears to be a bit wonky. The title of the doc is “Metro Toronto Breakdown – New Weights.” The frequencies for the first 13 pages are for Canada as a whole – despite the title. Starting on page 14, there is a second set of frequencies for Metro Toronto. Usually this document does not have a title and only includes frequenc
ies for Canada as a whole.
Will this document adjusted to reflect what it contains?


The mistake was only in the title. Please find the correction attached." A corrected version (v2) has been uploaded to the following site :

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2014/data

TEF : /MAD_DLI/Root/autres-produits/Enquête sur la population active - epa/1976-2014/data

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ontario National Parks - Price and Visits


I'm looking for data on the pricing and attendance of Ontario National Parks from 1990 to 2008.


The Special Surveys division suggested that:
- The TSRC (Travel Survey of Residence of Canada) might have some information regarding that.<>
- There is the Travel Motivations Survey that might have some questions, but might not give enough detail <>

The Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics Division explained that they do not have any information on this topic.

The Ontario National Parks attached the fiscal year attendance figures for the national parks in Ontario between 1990-91 and 2008-09.But does not have pricing, but suggested trying the Canadian Gazette. 

You may also want to try:  <>

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Survey of Financial Security


I have a researcher who is wondering when the SFS 2012 PUMF will be out. The page says Fall 2014 but we just need a more exact date. As well, is it possible to obtain other years (apart from 2005, 1999 and 1983).


The SFS PUMF 1983, 1999 and 2005 are available (no other years) The SFS PUMF 2012 is not ready yet. At this time we have no specific date for the release.

/MAD_PUMF/Root/PUMF/Survey of Financial Security - sfs

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

LFS Rebasing


One of the purposes of the rebasing of the Labour Force Survey files to 2006 was to assign 2006 NOCS codes. Therefore, shouldn’t the variable names be changed from NOCS_01_25, NOCS_01_47 and SP_NOCS01 to NOCS_06_25, NOCS_06_47 and SP_NOCS06 respectively, to avoid confusion (documentation says 2006, variable name says 2001)?


You are right. The variable names should be NOC_06_25 and NOCS_06_47. I will update the rebased record layout file provided to the DLI on the EFT site.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Commercial Rent Data


I am helping a student who is looking for information on the average price of commercial rents in Montreal (by borough ideally).

I know that Statistics Canada has a survey on commercial rents: the Commercial Rents Services Price Index <>.

Looking at the questionnaire, one would assume that the survey would gather geographically detailed information, but the only data that seems to be released is a price index at the national level. Is there any way to obtain something better or is out of bounds for confidentiality reasons?

The only other source of information I have been able to dig up so far is from Colliers International <> that seems to make some of their basic reports freely available.Any other ideas? 


Unfortunately the information you are requesting is not possible due to the sampling method utilized in the index construction. We don’t collect enough data at this level of detail to be able to release city indexes. Your best bet would be to look at asking rents from some of the big real estate companies like Colliers or CBRE.

Family Income by FSA


Are there any recent sources other than the 2006 census for family income data at this level of geography?


U of T did an NHS custom Tab and shared it with the DLI. This profile contains income data to the FSA level.This file can be found at: /MAD_DLI/Root/NHS_ENM/2011/NSH-Profile_Profil-ENM/fsa_rta on the DLI EFT site.

The data by FSA can be downloaded from a database for a nominal fee. Before I can proceed further please review:
-Family, tables 1 to 18 (tables 16 discontinued as of 2007) and
-Neighbourhood Income and Demographics, tables 1 to 8 (individuals).
One or all of these tables can be downloaded by FSA by province, territory or for Canada. For example, if your client chose Family, table 17 before tax LIM (low income measure), cost is $146.04 + taxes. Most current year is 2012 for both series attached above with accompanying user’s guides.

Family, table 1 contains median income;
table 4, distribution of total income etc. NID, table 4 contains data by source of income;
table 7 contains income by total after-tax income and age group.

The cost depends on the number of years and tables before a cost quote is sent.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

National Graduates Survey, Class of 2005 - Fields of study


One of our researchers is asking whether there is a specific classification scheme for the fields of study provided by educational institutions, as referred to in question PR_Q02 below:
Coverage: All respondents.
PR_Q02 Was your major field of study or specialization for this program (field of
study provided by the educational institution)?
1 Yes..................................................................................................(Go to PR_Q04)
2 No
DK, RF......................................................................................... (Go to PR_Q05B)
She is looking for the distinct licensed health professions, e.g., nursing, physiotherapy, medicine, etc.
The researcher has discounted the PUMF having noticed that the appendix A for the PUMF (Classification of Instructional Programs) aggregates these professions too broadly.
So she is looking to the master file for the detail she needs.If there is a classification scheme for this, may we please request a copy?


STC does have two classifications associated with instructional programs:

There is CIPs, which you mentioned, and Major Field of Study (MFS).
Code 51 in CIPs is for Health Professionals and Related Programs.
Within this code are 35 sub-programs, including 51.38 & 51.39 for different categories of Nursing and 51.12 for MD.A third layer of classification is below this level. For example, 51.38 for Nursing has 24 program categories.The classification system supports the detail your researcher is seeking.
However, you'll need to see at what level CIPs was coded in the confidential file for the NGS.

The Education Division, however, explained that the researcher needs to refer to the user guide under appendix A1. Appendix A1uses CIP 2000. PRCIP1 (six digit code, i.e. 01.0000)and PRCIPAG (two digit code, i.e., 01).

For the upcoming NGS, PUMF-uses CIP 2000 but at an aggregated level only- PRCIPGP (two digits).

'In Kind' Support on Grant Proposals


Has anyone had any experience in assigning ‘in-kind’ dollar values to grant proposals for data management services. Specifically, the project we’re working with needs us to provide a financial breakdown for in-kind services provided by the Library (for data management and institutional repository services). We’re thinking of including amounts for salaries, software, hardware, and maintenance.


You may find the In-kind Eligibility Table from CIHR <> and Guidelines for Cash and In-Kind Contributions from SSHRC of interest <>

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Microdata files for Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy


I have a researcher looking for microdata files for the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy and it appears that this is not available in the DLI. Is there anywhere else she could get that data? She specifically wants data at the company level, rather than the industry level.


That information would not be available for confidentiality reasons. The only way to work with that business microdata would be through the Canadian Centre for Data Development and Economic Research (CDER).

Could a business or person be identified by any of the data in CDER?

No. All data sets have been stripped of identifiers-such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and detailed industry classification-that could be used to identify particular businesses or individuals. Moreover, a combination of measures – user agreements, synthetics databases and batch mode processing – are in place to ensure researchers cannot peruse the individual observations in their data base.

For more information about the application process and what data is contained at CDER, see the program website

PCCF+ and Health Regions


A researcher is using PCCF+6A1 to assign health regions to the postal codes listed in the CCHS 1.1. She's noticed that for several postal codes, not all cases are assigned to the same health region. Most cases within the postal code are assigned to one health region, with a minority being assigned to another. Some examples are B0E 1J0 and K0K 2C0. They would like clarification as to whether this is normal behaviour.

The description of the PCCF+ mentions that it “uses population-weighted random allocation for Postal CodesOM that link to more than one geographic area.” Would these cases represent situations where postal codes and health region boundaries do not neatly line up?


The postal codes in question are more rural in nature and tend to cover a large area. Health regions do not necessarily follow postal code boundaries, however, so there are instances where a postal code could include portions of two or more regions. In cases like that, the PCCF+, assigns the records probabilistically with a greater chance of it getting assigned to a region with a greater population (so the "population-weighted random allocation for Postal Codes that link to more than one geographic area" that the client had already identified). In any case, yes, I expect these cases do represent situations where postal codes and health region boundaries do not line up.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Subdivision-Level Data for 1971 Census


I’m currently trying to find subdivision-level data for the 1971 census. My researcher is interested in a lot of stuff, but let’s start with income by income source (wages and salaries, government transfer payments, other sources of income). A quick look at the census products table of contents: <> tells me I’m not going to get anything interesting at subdivision level for income for the 1971 census in the print products, though I’ve sometimes had luck finding other variables in the “SP” series. What I’ll usually do in these kind of cases is look around the Enumeration area: BSTs <> as shared by UofT. They don’t always correspond exactly to what’s available in the DLI collection but can be really useful when hunting around for stuff in the FTP. For example, the “Family Files” have the income by major source of income I need, but there seems to be no equivalent in the DLI FTP collection.

-Question 1: What now? Any suggestions?
-Question 2: Let’s say instead that I just want average income by subdivision for all of Québec. Hunting around in the documentation and the data files of the DLI FTP for 1971 bst’s, I find that I can probably use the a2ecn001 file.
-Question 3: Am I right in guessing that the SPSS syntax:  <>
 file from UofT for a2ecn001 is basically just subdividing the bigger file in different “tables,” so I can totally just run the SPSS syntax file on the FTP version of a2ecn001?
-Question 4: Is there list in electronic format of the 1971 version of Québec subdivision names with geographic codes?


Question 1: There’s always the option of a custom data request from the regions.
Question 2: I think A2ECN002 would probably be a better choice as it includes income for males, females, Total pop 15+, Census families, etc and from what I can tell a2ecn001 seems to focus on males with income.
Question 3: See above answer.
Question 4: We do not have an electronic listing of 1971 CSDs. The best I can do is refer you to the following publications:

1971 Census of Canada Population Census Divisions and Subdivisions (Atlantic Provinces) Catalogue 92-704 VOL: 1-Part: 1 (BULLETIN 1.1-4)
1971 Census of Canada Population Census Divisions and Subdivisions (Quebec Catalogue 92-704 VOL: 1-Part: 1 (BULLETIN 1.1-5)
1971 Census of Canada Population Census Divisions and Subdivisions (Ontario) Catalogue 92-704 VOL: 1-Part: 1 (BULLETIN 1.1-6)
1971 Census of Canada Population Census Divisions and Subdivisions (Western Provinces) Catalogue 92-704 VOL: 1-Part: 1 (BULLETIN 1.1-7)"

Earning Potential Graduates in Different Areas of Study


I have a researcher who is analyzing earnings potential for graduates of different fields/faculties in Canada. Required is data on: relative earnings, fields of study when in post-secondary, number of years beyond the completed degree.

We have considered Census & NHS, Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs (TLAC), and National Graduates Survey (NGS) resources, but we haven’t been able to bring together her three criteria yet. (The sticking point is likely to do with the establishing a length of time beyond a completed degree and income from work in a field related to it…! Not an easy thing to isolate..)

Can anyone recommend a resource that would help in this area? Our next stop is policy from arms-length PSE agencies like MPHEC and HEQCO, but I expect to find reports more than anything else from there. Any input you have would be well appreciated.


I take it the two year interval: 2005 to 2007, not provide enough information from the National Graduate Survey 2005? I think the master file gives a better breakdown of the instructional programs.

PRCIPAGP: Agg. class. of program at grad.
Aggregated classification of instructional program (CIP) at graduation in 2005
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies
Social and behavioural sciences, and law
Business, management and public administration
Physical and life sciences, and technologies
Mathematics, computer and information sciences
Architecture, engineering and related technologies
Health, parks, recreation and fitness
Agric/nat ress/cons; pers/prot/trans serv; oth
Not stated
JOBINCP: DV-Annual earnings-job last week
LITERAL QUESTION               
Estimated gross annual earnings in Canadian dollars for the job held during the 2007 survey reference week.     
Values     Categories
1              Less than 5,000
2              5,000 to 9,999
3              10,000 to 14,999
4              15,000 to 19,999
5              20,000 to 24,999
6              25,000 to 29,999
7              30,000 to 34,999
8              35,000 to 39,999
9              40,000 to 44,999
10            45,000 to 49,999
11            50,000 to 54,999
12            55,000 to 59,999
13            60,000 to 64,999
14            65,000 to 69,999
15            70,000 to 74,999
16            75,000 to 79,999
17            80,000 to 84,999
18            85,000 or more
96            Valid skip
99            Not stated

I don’t know if the longitudinal data from the NLSCY would have this information?

There is also the PUMF that will be released in December if your researcher can wait that long: Product: National Graduate Survey 2013 PUMF (Class of 2009/2010)

Expected date of release: December 2014

There's a few other options that may be helpful. The standard table 3A is free that comes from the National Graduate Survey. It is by the Provincial comparison of estimated gross annual earnings of 2009-2010 graduates working full-time in 2013, by gender* and level of study. This table should hopefully be helpful to the client. We could provide the similar table by the field of study such as education, humanities, health fitness, etc but at a cost to the client.

This file is on the EFT site:
/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/National Graduates Survey - ngs/2013/ngs2013(graduates2009-2010).xlsx

Temporary Foreign Worker Data


I have a researcher who is looking for numbers of employed temporary foreign workers (TFWs) in the Prince George region (whatever geography she can get for this general area) by business/industry of employment and by country/region of origin. She is looking for as granular as possible, but she recognizes that she may have to go less granular.
Data like these tables from the NHS looked useful:

- <>
- <>

However, the researcher feels that NHS data would be seriously underreporting the numbers (ie. would the workers know about the NHS? Would they fill it out? Would language difficulties get in the way of them filling it out?). I think these are legitimate concerns re. using NHS data for this purpose. So, she's looking for other options--anything she can get. Is there any administrative data that would help her out? From CIC? From Employment & Social Development Canada?

I downloaded the CIC tables from the mirror site and provided her with all the tables for the Prince George CA. I think that these will be somewhat useful for her, but they are eight years out of date and rather limited for her purposes .Are they going to be giving us comparable updated data?


Unfortunately, the 2011 NHS includes temporary foreign workers in the non-permanent resident population. Non-permanent residents in the NHS are defined as persons from another country who, at the time of the survey, held a work or study permit or who were refugee claimants, as well as non-Canadian-born family members living in Canada with them. The non-permanent resident population is identified from responses to the citizenship and landed immigrant status questions. Persons who are not Canadian citizens by birth and who answered 'No' to the landed immigrant status question are considered non-permanent residents. The NHS does not further distinguish the different types of non-permanent residents (e.g., student, worker, etc).

There is also this excerpt from the Place of Birth, Generation Status, Citizenship and Immigration Reference Guide, National Household Survey, 2011: <>
which notes the difficulty in capturing data from non-permanent residents: "Although every attempt has been made to enumerate non-permanent residents, factors such as language difficulties, the reluctance to complete a government form or to understand the need to participate may have affected the estimate of this population." To assist people whose first language was neither English nor French, the NHS questions were translated into 31 other languages, including 11 Aboriginal languages.

Our only other suggestion for the client would be to use administrative data from the department of citizenship and immigration Canada on temporary residents.

PCCF File Confusion


I am looking at the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF), Reference Guide (Catalogue no. 92-154-G). On p. 22, I see the following:

"The current version of the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF) includes five files: the PCCF, three
name files (CD_DR.txt, FED03_CEF03.txt, SAC_CSS.txt), and a special file, Retired 2010 (R2010.txt). Postal codesOM retired before January 1, 2011 are included in the Retired 2010 file."


"The naming convention for Postal CodeOM Conversion Files (PCCF) is bilingual and reflects the reference date (June 2013) of the Canada Post Corporation (CPC) data used in the release. The file name for this release is"

So from the above, and looking at the 2011 data folder on the EFT I conclude the following:
* PCCF filename: pccfNatJUN13fccNat.txt
* CD_DR.txt name file filename: CD_DR.txt
* FED03_CEF03.txt name file filename: FED03_CEF03.txt
* SAC_CSS.txt name file filename: SAC_CSS.txt
* Retired 2010 (R2010.txt tile name: R2010.txt
So, what are the other two files?
* R2010_2006GEO.txt
* pcfrfNatFED2003JUN13fcpcefNatCEF200…

Also, there doesn't seem to be any documentation for the Health-PCCF Plus. Could we be provided with a description of what this is and what the individual files are? Perhaps the documentation is packed in with the zipped file, but it would preferable to be able to see the documentation without having to download the entire zip file.


An announcement was sent to the list regarding changes to the file naming convention of the PCCF files:

"Due to an inconsistency between file names and what has been published in the reference guide, we [Geography Division] have renamed two files:
- The R2010_2011GEO.txt file has been renamed to R2010.txt - These postal codesOM are linked to the geographic areas used in the 2011 Census
- The R2010.txt file has been renamed to R2010_2006GEO.txt - These postal codesOM are linked to the geographic areas used in the 2006 Census
"pccfNat_JUN13_fccpNat.txt" file has been replaced with the error correction."

The file is unzipped already on the EFT site here:

And pcfrfNatFED2003JUN13fcpcefNatCEF200 is referring to Postal Codes(OM) by Federal Ridings File.

The working paper related to the file is available in HTML format here: <> and here: <>

Friday, October 3, 2014

Important Addendum: Updated Products: TLAC 2014/2015 / FSSUC 2014/2015

The v6 zip file is not missing any files. The decision was made to put only current data. Which means that tables 1-4 have not been put again in V6 as those are discontinued.

I remade a zip file including the historical data, footnotes and the questionnaire of the previous version. Note that the included files have not been updated, simply added to the new version from the previous version. The next version will not contain historical data because they have been discontinued.

The zip file has been updated on the DLI site but not on the mirror site. The mirror site will be updated shortly

The path:

In English:

/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs for Full-time Students - tlac

In French:

/MAD_DLI/Root/autres-produits/Frais de scolarité et de subsistance des étudiants à pleins temps dans les universités - fssuc

Saskatchewan Unemployment and Population Data


1. Looking for the unemployment rate (15-24 years old) for 9 Saskatchewan cities (Estevan, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Weyburn, Yorkton) for the years 1999-2013, or as far back as available. I can find information in the pre-2011 censuses but that doesn't give him an annual rate. Would this be in the Labour Force Survey at the RDCs?

I've looked at the masterfile metadata on the DLI Nesstar server but I'm not sure if what he wants is there.

2. As for population numbers, I have showed him the Saskatchewan Health Covered Population which are annual. I don't know of anything else except for the Census. He wonders if Statistics Canada has a method of "filling in the gaps"/interpolating" to determine annual numbers?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Anything we have should all be available online. The LFS does not produce data by CSD or CD. Census Population links are at the.

This is what we have for our standard products available from the 2011 National Household Survey and various Census years.You may also want to consult the following regarding comparability: 

2011 NHS Guide <>

Comparability of labour force activity data with those of previous censuses (1971 to 2006) and with the Labour Force Survey <>

Unemployment rates:

For the 2011 National Household Survey you can use the drop down menus and find the various areas and age group they are looking for (with the exception of Weyburn which is a CSD).Labour Force Status (8), Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (15), Major Field of Study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (82), Location of Study Compared with Province or Territory of Residence (6), Age Groups (13B) and Sex (3) for the Population Aged 15 Years and Over, in Private Households of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2011 National Household Survey <>

Weyburn CSD can be found through the NHS profile: <;TABID=1>

2006 and 2001 Census (again, the drop down menus will pull up the Unemployment rate information for 2006 and 2001).

Highlight tables:

Labour force indicators by age groups and sex: All census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and census agglomerations (CAs) <>

For Weyburn CSD:

Census subdivisions (CSDs) - Municipalities
Labour force indicators by age groups and sex for Census subdivisions (CSDs) - Municipalities - All or 5,000-plus population <>

1996 Census (with the exception of Weyburn which is a Census Subdivision)

Profile of Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 1996 Census <>

Profile of Census Divisions and Subdivisions, 1996 Census <>

Population counts:

2011 Census
-You can find all of the 2011 Census Population counts here:<>

2006 Census
- <>

- <>

- <>

Thursday, October 2, 2014



A researcher came across this statement, “Special LHIN weights are available upon request,” on the following web page: <>.

How can he get access to the LHIN weights mentioned there?


The author division has explained that there is no LHIN weight file created for use with the PUMF file, which is the file available through the DLI. These weights are created for use with the master file available through the RDC.

PFA Tables Request


I have a researcher here who would really like to get his hands on the Physical Flow Accounts tables (from the Environment Accounts) at the provincial level. The tables in CANSIM are only for the national (Canada) level. Would you be able to check to see if this is something that could be provided to the DLI?


The Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics division confirmed that those
 data are available at the national level only.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

SHS Custom Tab


I have a researcher looking for Survey of Household Spending by category of spending and age, for the Greater Toronto Area, GTA. Is that available by custom tabulation?

(I tried checking which PUMFs on the DLI Nesstar had selected metropolitan areas, but the server seems to be having trouble loading, and the researcher is looking for more recent data than 2009 anyway).


The latest SHS PUMF available is for 2009 but I’m pretty sure it’s only at the CAN/PROV level. Custom SHS tabulations are available by select CMA only. We can produce data for the Toronto CMA, but not the Toronto GTA, on a cost recovery basis. The most current year available is 2012. Since 2010, CMA level data has only been available on a custom basis.

Saskatchewan Health Data


The researcher would like to be able to analyze who has had certain tests performed, such as pap tests specifically in Saskatchewan. I think she can likely obtain information on the number of tests which have been billed for by physicians. However, she would really like to further analyze the data. It would be ideal to know the relationship between having the tests performed and the patient's race/place of birth/ethnicity; income; education, etc.

I am not hopeful that these data exist and, if they do, I assume they would be in different places. If that is the case, I would not think you could link the data. However, any information or suggestions would be helpful.


The CCHS subject-matter explained that: "the researcher could have a look at the CCHS 2012 dataset. There look to be enough records where respondents indicated that they had had at least one PAP test in their lifetime, in SK, to do some analysis."

We realized that the synthetic files for the CCHS 2012 in the DLI collection were missing. We have requested them and uploaded them in a zip file ( in the below folder.

Part of the answer would be in the Data Dictionary (p. 249) and included in this zip file in the doc folder.

In English:

/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Canadian Community Health Survey-cchs/synthetic

En français:

/MAD_DLI/Root/autres-produits/Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités can-escc/synthetic

NHS Cross-Tabulations


I just have a basic question I’d like to get confirmation on. From what I can see, there is currently no possibility of obtaining cross-tabulated data (other than by gender within the Profile) at the census tract level for the 2011 NHS. Am I right?"


The purpose of any profile from the NHS or the Censuses is to provide characteristic data by geography. The data in the NHS (ie. income, immigration, Aboriginal, etc.) is only crossed by Sex to give totals for all population and by Male and Female populations.

In the 2011 NHS the NHS data tables will provide more variables that are cross-tabulated. Unlike the previous releases for the data from the long form Censuses, the 2011 NHS did not have in the standard product line any Data Tables below the census subdivision level of geography. Only the NHS profile is available for CT level data.

There are no plans in the future to release any more standard tables at the CT (or lower) level of geography. Any requests for 2011 NHS data for any product at any geographic level that cannot be found in our standard product line is available as a custom data tabulation through the nearest regional office.

2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey Community Profiles


Has the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey Community Profiles disappeared from the Statistics Canada website? They are listed in the right hand side menu on this page under 2001 Census Profiles but the link goes no where.

Will this data still be available to us somewhere?


The 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey Community Profiles is no longer available due to the security risks or vulnerabilities of the database that is used, as well the database software can no longer be updated. We had similar issues with the 1996 Community Profiles in which we had to take this off line as well.

I have been in liaison with subject matter who has informed that while the profile information is no longer available, it is available on the DLI EFT site now:

MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Aboriginal Peoples Survey-aps/2001/Community profile

Mortgage Loan Data (via CANSIM)


I have a researcher looking into mortgage loan rates/housing prices over time. Statistics Canada's CANSIM Table 027-0017 <> "mortgage loan approvals, new residential construction and existing residential properties, monthly" is derived from CMHC data. Both Statistics Canada and CMHC <> indicate the data terminates in 2010/2012. Is there anyone else who may be collecting this information?


The data in CMHC's Mortgage Loan series (ie: CANSIM table 027-0017) have been terminated.The series that split data between National Housing Act (NHA) and Conventional Lenders Survey (CLS) were terminated in September 1999. The data separating NHA and CLS is not available for points after this date.

The Conventional Loan data was obtained from our Conventional Lenders Survey (CLS). Because the CLS was discontinued in Dec 2010 the data in the series that combined NHA and CLS was discontinued. Data points after this date are not available.