Monday, September 17, 2018

Access to CCHS Diabetes Counts & Frequencies

I have a researcher who interested in doing provincial comparative analysis on diabetes prevalence between First Nations and the general population using the CCHS.

She obtained an excerpt from the CCHS 2015-2016 data dictionary which contains the variable SDC_016A (Are you First Nations, Metis or Inuk?)  and is interested in acquiring either the counts or frequencies of First Nations respondents by province.

Initially I’d referred her to the 2013-2014 CCHS which is the most recent release but she reported and I confirmed this information is not in there.

I suspect this won’t be included in the 2015-2016 release either due to low counts.

Can she get this information via the RDC? If not, are there recommendations for alternative data sources?

We have received the following response from subject matter regarding your inquiry:

“The researcher should be made aware that “Excluded from the survey's coverage are: persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements in the provinces”. Those answers are only available on the master file.”

“The researcher can request access to the 2015-2016 CCHS data through the RDC where they will be able to look at the raw counts.

We are not able to provide raw counts but after looking at the frequencies for 2015-2016, by combining First nation, Métis and Inuit that have been diagnosed with diabetes, estimates in PEI, New-Brunswick or Yukon will not be releasable due to low frequencies (less than 10 respondents).

A suggestion for the researcher could be to combine 4 years of data (2011 to 2014) to have enough sample to be able to do a provincial comparative analysis. This could be achieved through the RDC proposal.

The CCHS annual component was redesigned for the 2015 reference period and onward cycles.  Please note that as a result of the changes from the 2015 CCHS redesign, combining cycles of CCHS data from before and after the redesign (e.g., combining 2014 (and earlier files) with 2015 annual files) is not recommended, and caution should be taken when comparing estimates across those years.

Please be aware that the CCHS survey coverage excludes persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements in the province.”

The CCHS team did inform us that a custom request (at cost) is possible based upon the requirements you’ve provided. If you would like to proceed with this option, please let us know.

Friday, September 14, 2018


I have a researcher who is looking for data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. The most recent PUMF in Nesstar is 1998-99. Is this the most recent one available?

Subject matter has confirmed that PUMFs were discontinued after cycle 3 as it was too difficult to produce a PUMF that provides enough analytical information while maintaining confidentiality. Therefore, none were produced and there are no plans to develop any.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Enumeration of Dissemination Areas

I had a question regarding the method and coverage for enumerating of institutional bldgs in DAs.

“I know that when enumeration for the census is completed, institutional buildings are done separately. There are a few buildings in xxx that are owned/run by social housing providers. The data for those people would still be included in the overall population data for the DA, correct?”

My answer to this client would be yes – they are correct.

I looked on the DA definitions page and did not find anything to indicate otherwise.

Am I correct?

You are correct! In the Census profile for the area in question, the individuals in institutional dwellings of that area will be included in the population counts. This will differ for our data tables, however, since the tables are normally produced for individuals in private households of occupied private dwellings.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 2015 PUMF Release Date

Do we think the CCHS PUMF for 2015-16 will be released this month?  Keen researchers are looking forward to it.

The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Annual Component 2015-2016 PUMF is expected to be released sometime in November 2018.

More information about the tentative release date of DLI products can be found on the following webpage: 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

General Social Survey (GSS) -- Availability of Cycle 30, 2016

A researcher is interested in obtaining the PUMF for the General Social Survey (2016). It doesn’t appear to be on NESSTAR or the DLI-EFT site and I don’t see an indication of a release date on the DLI web page. Is there an estimate of when this might be available?

The General Social Survey - Canadians at Work and Home (GSS) 2016 (Cycle 30) is available on the EFT.  Please see attached for a copy of the notice sent to the listserv in this regard. The survey is not yet available on Nesstar Webview. Another notice will be sent to the listserv once it is made available on that platform. 

List of Census Tract Codes for the 2016 Census

I am looking for a list of all the Census Tract codes used in the 2016 Census. I would like the codes and the geographical location information for the code (i.e., where the is located in Canada).

In this case it would be easier to use the CT boundary file.  If you download it from the appropriate Geography page and unzip it, you'll see that there is a dbf as part of the shapefile, and this will include the associated PR and CMA/CA.

Friday, September 7, 2018

WLU Library video on the new statcan data portal

This summer, I worked with our Instructional Technologies and IL groups at the Laurier Library, who designed a short tutorial on the new StatCan data portal.  The intended audience is wide/general in scope, with novice users in mind.  It’s a good introduction on how to facet your way down to a table in the new StatCan UI and then how to customize the data for export.  They’ve done a really good job at translating some difficult concepts into a usable tutorial for first-timers…

The link on our web is here [], and on youtube here [].

Proportion of People with Charges who Spend Some Time in Custody

I have a researcher who wants “the proportion of people with charges who spend some time in custody.”

Table  35-10-0177-01   Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations

This table does have “actual incidents”, but that may be slightly different, because a few individuals may be responsible for many “incidents”. 

There are also tables on admissions to correctional services (35-10-0014-01 and 35-10-0015-01) but they do not have the number of persons charged. 

There are some older archived publications that have “persons charged”  i.e. (Canada year book)

But I cannot seem to find this in a more recent data source with this exact information.

I have looked at a lot of tables, but cannot seem to find exactly what this researcher wants, so any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

We have received the following response from subject matter: 

“I will refer you to a couple of our Integrated Criminal Court Survey tables, though they don’t have exactly what the client is looking for. Our unit of count is the case or the charge, which doesn’t exactly correspond to a person since 1 person can have multiple charges and cases within a single year and across years. However, the client could look at the proportion of guilty cases that were sentenced to custody for the various offences that we publish on. I don’t know if that would meet their needs, but it’s free and easily available.

The caveat of course is that these tables are for cases rather than charges. Criminal Courts does have charge and case tables, but only guilty cases tables cross-tabulate with a sentence of custody.”

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Most Recent CCHS

I've had an inquiry as to the date of availability of the CCHS 2017 released on June 26 2018. Any ideas?

The Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Annual Component 2015-2016 PUMF is expected to be released sometime in November 2018. We are inquiring with subject matter in regards to the CCHS 2017.

Seeing as the CCHS 2015-2016 PUMF is still pending it’s November 2018 release, subject matter is currently unable to provide a tentative release date for the CCHS 2016-2017 PUMF. However, this information will be updated on our tentative release dates of DLI products page ( as it becomes available.