Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Can anyone help me with this request?

“I initially wanted to find some data sets pertaining to the housing situation of adults who are disabled, particularly for those who have developmental disabilities, but have yet to find any relevant literature or surveys.  If there were to be any code books or other resources that you could suggest, that would be greatly appreciated.”

Answer from DLI List:
CMHC published a Research Insight: Housing Conditions of Persons with Disabilities [https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/data-and-research/publications-and-reports/research-insight-housing-conditions-persons-disabilities] which references the Canadian Survey on Disability and provides some summary statistics. The associated data tables I was able to find are from 2012 and don’t reference housing specifically. This is a survey run  on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada—not sure if that means anything regarding access.

Answer from Subject Matter:
“CSD 2012 does have some housing variables included:

DDIS_FL (disability status) and DDEV_FL (Developmental disability indicator); type of in-residence aids used or needed and reasons for unmet needs (such as walk-in bath/shower, access ramp, widened doorways/hallways, lowered counters, etc. (AAD variables series); and Census linked housing variables (BEDRM-number of bedrooms; BUILT-period of construction of dwelling; GROSRT-gross rent; OMP-owner’s major payment; RCOND-tenure-condominium; Rooms-number of rooms; RPAIR-condition of dwelling; SUBSIDY-subsidized housing; TENUR-Tenure (owned or rented).)

CSD 2017 will be released at the end of the month and will include many more housing indicators.  Including core housing needs and shelter-cost-to-income ratio. Codebooks will be available in the new year.

I found one Statistics Canada study on our website that may be of interest:

82-003 - Health reports

Needs for mobility devices, home modifications and personal assistance among Canadians with disabilities

by Edward M. Giesbrecht, Emma M. Smith, W. Ben Mortenson and William C. Miller”