Please see below for an updated listing of the tentative release dates of DLI products:
Product: Labour Force Survey (LFS) 2018 PUMF
Expected date of release: Monthly release
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Nutrition Component 2015 PUMF
Expected date of release: Fall 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Canadian Income Survey (CIS) 2016 PUMF
Expected date of release: Fall 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey (CTADS) 2017 PUMF
Expected date of release: November 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) – Annual Component 2015-2016 PUMF
Expected date of release: November 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS) 2017 PUMF
Expected date of release: November 15, 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: International Travel Survey (ITS) 2017 PUMF
Expected date of release: December 2018
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Households and the Environment Survey (HES) 2017 PUMF
Expected date of release: Early/Mid December
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: National Graduates Survey (NGS) – Class of 2015 PUMF
Expected date of release: 2019
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Census 2016 Long Form – Individual PUMF
Expected date of release: January 30, 2019
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Census 2016 Long Form – Hierarchical PUMF
Expected date of release: July 31, 2019
Information updated on: July 2018
Product: Canadian Housing Survey (CHS) 2018-2019
Expected date of release: June 2020
Information updated on: July 2018
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Labour Force Survey data for Nova Scotia
I have a researcher in the preliminary stages of a proposal. They are looking for more granular data for the ‘Job Permanency’ variable in the LFS. Specifically:
“The level of geography we are looking for is Census subdivision: Lunenburg, Municipal district. IF you can also get this data at the ‘Designated Places’ level, New Germany is one community that we will be working with. I was able to find a Census profile for NG but the job permanence variable isn’t included in this.”
I’ve let them know about the RDC, but could this specific data be available as a custom tabulation?
Although Statistics Canada can produce Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates at the Census Division (CD) and Census Subdivision (CSD) levels, the LFS sample is not allocated specifically at these levels of geography. As a result, data level movements may be due to real change, or they may be due to data variability from changes in sample size.
Data quality is usually low at these levels and further decrease when intersected with additional indicators such as Job permanence, for example.
I do not recommend getting these data produced with the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
I have a researcher in the preliminary stages of a proposal. They are looking for more granular data for the ‘Job Permanency’ variable in the LFS. Specifically:
“The level of geography we are looking for is Census subdivision: Lunenburg, Municipal district. IF you can also get this data at the ‘Designated Places’ level, New Germany is one community that we will be working with. I was able to find a Census profile for NG but the job permanence variable isn’t included in this.”
I’ve let them know about the RDC, but could this specific data be available as a custom tabulation?
Although Statistics Canada can produce Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates at the Census Division (CD) and Census Subdivision (CSD) levels, the LFS sample is not allocated specifically at these levels of geography. As a result, data level movements may be due to real change, or they may be due to data variability from changes in sample size.
Data quality is usually low at these levels and further decrease when intersected with additional indicators such as Job permanence, for example.
I do not recommend getting these data produced with the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Friday, July 27, 2018
Wind Speed Data
Any idea how to find wind speed data? This link looked promising but it is broken.
If you go to the Open Data portal and search for "wind speed" you'll find links to data that might be of use, including the "Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data." You'll find a link for "surface wind speed" along with data for three other climate elements. You'll see that the page with the data looks like the same page you cite below; however, the link points to the new domain as opposed to the older domain. I've tested it, and the documentation and data links resolve as one would desire.
Any idea how to find wind speed data? This link looked promising but it is broken.
If you go to the Open Data portal and search for "wind speed" you'll find links to data that might be of use, including the "Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Data." You'll find a link for "surface wind speed" along with data for three other climate elements. You'll see that the page with the data looks like the same page you cite below; however, the link points to the new domain as opposed to the older domain. I've tested it, and the documentation and data links resolve as one would desire.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Visible minority tables by Census Division/Census Subdivision
I’m helping a researcher who would like to find a simple cross-tabulation containing:
Visible minority groups (15), Age (12 or 10) and Sex (3) by provinces, census divisions, and census subdivisions for 2016 & 2011 NHS.
Using the census tables search tool, we were able to find this for 2006, but for 2011 and 2016 it seems that this combination of variables were only available by CMA/CA.
Am I missing something? If not, would these tables be available as a custom request, and if so, can you please put me in touch with an analyst to provide a quote?
Subject matter has informed us that we only have tables with visible minority for CMACA geographic levels for Census 2016 and 2011. Therefore, a custom tabulation will be required for the CD, CSD geographic level. We have shared your information with a Consulting Analyst who will contact you to confirm the table specifications and geography. They will then be able to provide you with a cost estimate and detailed table specifications.
I’m helping a researcher who would like to find a simple cross-tabulation containing:
Visible minority groups (15), Age (12 or 10) and Sex (3) by provinces, census divisions, and census subdivisions for 2016 & 2011 NHS.
Using the census tables search tool, we were able to find this for 2006, but for 2011 and 2016 it seems that this combination of variables were only available by CMA/CA.
Am I missing something? If not, would these tables be available as a custom request, and if so, can you please put me in touch with an analyst to provide a quote?
Subject matter has informed us that we only have tables with visible minority for CMACA geographic levels for Census 2016 and 2011. Therefore, a custom tabulation will be required for the CD, CSD geographic level. We have shared your information with a Consulting Analyst who will contact you to confirm the table specifications and geography. They will then be able to provide you with a cost estimate and detailed table specifications.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
GPA or Average Final Grade in Post Secondary Institutions in Canada
I have a student who is looking for graduation by sex, by type of PS institution and GPA/Average final grade for Canada.
I’ve suggested she look at the National Graduate Survey but PSIS may be more appropriate however it doesn’t have any grading characteristics (GPA/average grade) in the public tables. Is it possible to access this information?
Subject matter has informed us that unfortunately, PSIS contains no data related to grades or rankings and NGS has only one variable related to ranking in graduating class (top 50-25%, top 25-10%, top 10%) and nothing regarding grades. I was able to identify this variable and find it on Nesstar Webview: Variable PR_Q05: Academic ranking.
I have a student who is looking for graduation by sex, by type of PS institution and GPA/Average final grade for Canada.
I’ve suggested she look at the National Graduate Survey but PSIS may be more appropriate however it doesn’t have any grading characteristics (GPA/average grade) in the public tables. Is it possible to access this information?
Subject matter has informed us that unfortunately, PSIS contains no data related to grades or rankings and NGS has only one variable related to ranking in graduating class (top 50-25%, top 25-10%, top 10%) and nothing regarding grades. I was able to identify this variable and find it on Nesstar Webview: Variable PR_Q05: Academic ranking.
1991 Census Forward Sortation Area - Digital Boundary Files
From the DLI EFTP, I am not able to locate the 1991 census FSA digital boundary files either in the “/MAD_DLI_IDD_DAM/Root/geo/1991/spatdata/arcinfo/dcf” nor the “/MAD_DLI_IDD_DAM/Root/geo/1991/spatdata/arcinfo/dbf” safes. Please advise if such files are available and if yes, where should I look.
Answer from DLI Community:
We are working on an inventory and digitization project for these older census boundaries files at UTL/SP. We originally consulted the DLI, OCUL library holdings, STC Geography & Census departments, and were not able to locate a FSA digital boundary file for 1991 at that time.
A potential secondary source has been identified but not scanned, see:
Answer from Subject Matter:
Subject matter has confirmed that officially, no FSA digital boundary files were ever produced for the 1991 Census. For more information on what digital boundary files were produced for the 1991 Census, please see the following StatCan publication: 1991 digital boundary files user guide.
Some sort of Census FSA boundary file may exist, but not a StatCan product (and we can’t speak for what might exist elsewhere in the country, or for non-StatCan products).
From the DLI EFTP, I am not able to locate the 1991 census FSA digital boundary files either in the “/MAD_DLI_IDD_DAM/Root/geo/1991/spatdata/arcinfo/dcf” nor the “/MAD_DLI_IDD_DAM/Root/geo/1991/spatdata/arcinfo/dbf” safes. Please advise if such files are available and if yes, where should I look.
Answer from DLI Community:
We are working on an inventory and digitization project for these older census boundaries files at UTL/SP. We originally consulted the DLI, OCUL library holdings, STC Geography & Census departments, and were not able to locate a FSA digital boundary file for 1991 at that time.
A potential secondary source has been identified but not scanned, see:
Answer from Subject Matter:
Subject matter has confirmed that officially, no FSA digital boundary files were ever produced for the 1991 Census. For more information on what digital boundary files were produced for the 1991 Census, please see the following StatCan publication: 1991 digital boundary files user guide.
Some sort of Census FSA boundary file may exist, but not a StatCan product (and we can’t speak for what might exist elsewhere in the country, or for non-StatCan products).
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Census Tract Correspondence Files 1976-1981. 1981-1986, 1986-1991
I am looking for CT correspondence files between the 1976 and 1981 censuses, 1981 and 1986 censuses, and 1986 and 1991 censuses. Would anyone have those?
Have you checked out:
You can check out other years in the portal as well, everything is open. When there is more time we will try to update these with newer correspondence files as we receive them.
Follow Up Answer:
Please see below for the Equivalent Enumeration Areas:
I am looking for CT correspondence files between the 1976 and 1981 censuses, 1981 and 1986 censuses, and 1986 and 1991 censuses. Would anyone have those?
Have you checked out:
- Taylor, Zack; Allen, Jeff, 2018, "Canadian Longitudinal Tract Database",, Scholars Portal Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:ZGi846/Su7dwN76j8+3oaA==
- MDL UofT might also have some other CT correspondence files (directly from STC)
- In the GeoPortal, we brought together known to exist CT correspondence files and packaged them up with the census boundary files
- 1986 Census Tracts$DLI_1986_Census_CBF_Eng_Nat_ct click “ADD” to view and then download all to get full data download with “data/correspondence files/” for 1986-1981 and 1986-1991
You can check out other years in the portal as well, everything is open. When there is more time we will try to update these with newer correspondence files as we receive them.
Follow Up Answer:
Please see below for the Equivalent Enumeration Areas:
- Equivalent Enumeration Areas, 1981 and 1976 []
- Equivalent Enumeration Areas, 1986 and 1981 []
- Equivalent Enumeration Areas, 1991 and 1986 []
the format of Equivalent Enumeration Areas, 1991 and 1986 is “paper”, which is why it is not available online.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Extraction System for Agricultural Statistics Replacement
Was there a replacement product for ESAS? ( Extraction System for Agricultural Statistics)
“The Extraction System of Agricultural Statistics (ESAS), which was a CD-ROM product, was replaced by the Canadian Farm Financial Database (CFFD) in 2009. Unfortunately, this product was discontinued in 2012.
The CFFD was an easy-to-use tool which provided the means to evaluate agriculture policies and programs as well as analyze the viability, stability and competitiveness of farm businesses. This web-based product was a comprehensive and timely database of administrative and survey sources of agricultural statistics, containing thousands of cross-classified data series, spanning two decades. The database offered detailed operating revenues and expenses; sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for operators and farm families; assets, liabilities, capital investments and capital sales for farms; and information on seeded area and livestock inventories by region, type of farm and revenue class.
The content of the database could no longer be maintained by Statistics Canada. The database was not compliant with the Government of Canada’s new accessibility and security requirements and it resided on a legacy server that was scheduled to retire. The CFFD was removed from Statistics Canada’s website on July 31, 2012. The CFFD was a product that served to complement CANSIM tables that were available for free on our website.
Data from the Agriculture Taxation Data Program are available in CANSIM tables (002-0024 to 002-0042 and 002-0044 to 002-0063) for years up to 2013 or 2014 depending on the series.
Data from the Farm Financial Survey are available in CANSIM tables (002-0071 to 002-0074).
With the transition to the New Dissemination Model (NDM), new table numbers have been assigned but the clients can access them with the former CANSIM tables.
The Agriculture Taxation Data Program underwent a redesign with reference year 2015 and no data have been loaded in the NDM yet. However, data files on Farm operating revenues and expenses for reference year 2015 (revised data) and 2016 (preliminary data) are available upon request. Data files on Total income of farm operators for reference year 2015 are also available.”
Was there a replacement product for ESAS? ( Extraction System for Agricultural Statistics)
“The Extraction System of Agricultural Statistics (ESAS), which was a CD-ROM product, was replaced by the Canadian Farm Financial Database (CFFD) in 2009. Unfortunately, this product was discontinued in 2012.
The CFFD was an easy-to-use tool which provided the means to evaluate agriculture policies and programs as well as analyze the viability, stability and competitiveness of farm businesses. This web-based product was a comprehensive and timely database of administrative and survey sources of agricultural statistics, containing thousands of cross-classified data series, spanning two decades. The database offered detailed operating revenues and expenses; sources and levels of farm and off-farm income for operators and farm families; assets, liabilities, capital investments and capital sales for farms; and information on seeded area and livestock inventories by region, type of farm and revenue class.
The content of the database could no longer be maintained by Statistics Canada. The database was not compliant with the Government of Canada’s new accessibility and security requirements and it resided on a legacy server that was scheduled to retire. The CFFD was removed from Statistics Canada’s website on July 31, 2012. The CFFD was a product that served to complement CANSIM tables that were available for free on our website.
Data from the Agriculture Taxation Data Program are available in CANSIM tables (002-0024 to 002-0042 and 002-0044 to 002-0063) for years up to 2013 or 2014 depending on the series.
Data from the Farm Financial Survey are available in CANSIM tables (002-0071 to 002-0074).
With the transition to the New Dissemination Model (NDM), new table numbers have been assigned but the clients can access them with the former CANSIM tables.
The Agriculture Taxation Data Program underwent a redesign with reference year 2015 and no data have been loaded in the NDM yet. However, data files on Farm operating revenues and expenses for reference year 2015 (revised data) and 2016 (preliminary data) are available upon request. Data files on Total income of farm operators for reference year 2015 are also available.”
Friday, July 20, 2018
Census Rounding
A researcher is looking at 2016 Census Dissemination Area profile data for Vancouver. She has noticed that the data for DAUID 59153188 is a bit odd. The “Total – Visible minority for the population in private households” is 105, while the “Total visible minority population” is 110. So, if the researcher is converting to percent, the percent that are visible minority are over 100 % of the population.
I am guessing that this is a quirk of the random rounding process, but it would be nice to get a more official response to this oddity?
I love explaining random rounding to students. While you're waiting for a more official response, I know that Stat Can has a random rounding explanation for the 2016 census available here [].
It says (bolding mine): "To ensure confidentiality, the values, including totals, are randomly rounded either up or down to a multiple of '5' or '10.' To understand these data, you must be aware that each individual value is rounded. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the individual values since totals and sub-totals are independently rounded. Similarly, percentages, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%."
This page []
has a fun table about random rounding – to look at with caution, because it's for the 2011 NHS and I haven't seen an equivalent explanation for 2016. According to the table, if the total Chinese population for your dissemination area was 107, then it would be randomly rounded up to 110 2 times out of 5, or down to 105 3 times out of 5. It's explained that "the random rounding algorithm uses a random seed value to initiate the rounding pattern for tables. In these routines, the method used to seed the pattern can result in the same count in the same table being rounded up in one execution and rounded down in the next."
Answer from Subject Matter:
Yes, the reason for that is due to random rounding.
Please refer to Chapter 11 – Dissemination - Guide of the Census of population, 2016 Data Suppression [].
A researcher is looking at 2016 Census Dissemination Area profile data for Vancouver. She has noticed that the data for DAUID 59153188 is a bit odd. The “Total – Visible minority for the population in private households” is 105, while the “Total visible minority population” is 110. So, if the researcher is converting to percent, the percent that are visible minority are over 100 % of the population.
I am guessing that this is a quirk of the random rounding process, but it would be nice to get a more official response to this oddity?
I love explaining random rounding to students. While you're waiting for a more official response, I know that Stat Can has a random rounding explanation for the 2016 census available here [].
It says (bolding mine): "To ensure confidentiality, the values, including totals, are randomly rounded either up or down to a multiple of '5' or '10.' To understand these data, you must be aware that each individual value is rounded. As a result, when these data are summed or grouped, the total value may not match the individual values since totals and sub-totals are independently rounded. Similarly, percentages, which are calculated on rounded data, may not necessarily add up to 100%."
This page []
has a fun table about random rounding – to look at with caution, because it's for the 2011 NHS and I haven't seen an equivalent explanation for 2016. According to the table, if the total Chinese population for your dissemination area was 107, then it would be randomly rounded up to 110 2 times out of 5, or down to 105 3 times out of 5. It's explained that "the random rounding algorithm uses a random seed value to initiate the rounding pattern for tables. In these routines, the method used to seed the pattern can result in the same count in the same table being rounded up in one execution and rounded down in the next."
Answer from Subject Matter:
Yes, the reason for that is due to random rounding.
Please refer to Chapter 11 – Dissemination - Guide of the Census of population, 2016 Data Suppression [].
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Birth Data and Census
A group of researchers are looking for birth or births data by Census geography for Manitoba.
Statistics Canada does have a table or a CANSIM table that provides birth data for Census Divisions:
Statistics Canada. Table 17-10-0085-01 Components of population growth by census division, age group and sex, annual, based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2011
This table will give births by Census Divisions. 2012-2016 (CANSIM table 051-0063).
There was a question I found at DIGRS:
Birth and death rates for Sackville, N.S. indicates the 1996 Community Profiles had birth statistics:
However, I found the 2006 Community profiles and it no longer appears to include births:
There used to be a paper publication that provided births data for Census divisions and subdivisions:
Tully, Patricia and Brent Day (editors). 2004. General summary of vital statistics by local area, 2002 : shelf tables. Ottawa: Statistics Canada. (paper only)
This publication has vital statistics (including births) by Census Divisions and then by subdivisions.
It seems a bit odd that an older paper publication is more detailed than current online tables, so I am wondering if I am perhaps missing something or if Census Division is the best current births data available? I am checking provincial data as well, but have not seen anything more useful so far.
Subject matter has informed us that they release births data by Census Divisions (CDs), Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Economic Region (ER): These data covers July 1st to June 30.
If the researchers would like data on a calendar year (January to December) and other geographical areas, please let us know and we will enquire with the subject matter area responsible
A group of researchers are looking for birth or births data by Census geography for Manitoba.
Statistics Canada does have a table or a CANSIM table that provides birth data for Census Divisions:
Statistics Canada. Table 17-10-0085-01 Components of population growth by census division, age group and sex, annual, based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2011
This table will give births by Census Divisions. 2012-2016 (CANSIM table 051-0063).
There was a question I found at DIGRS:
Birth and death rates for Sackville, N.S. indicates the 1996 Community Profiles had birth statistics:
However, I found the 2006 Community profiles and it no longer appears to include births:
There used to be a paper publication that provided births data for Census divisions and subdivisions:
Tully, Patricia and Brent Day (editors). 2004. General summary of vital statistics by local area, 2002 : shelf tables. Ottawa: Statistics Canada. (paper only)
This publication has vital statistics (including births) by Census Divisions and then by subdivisions.
It seems a bit odd that an older paper publication is more detailed than current online tables, so I am wondering if I am perhaps missing something or if Census Division is the best current births data available? I am checking provincial data as well, but have not seen anything more useful so far.
Subject matter has informed us that they release births data by Census Divisions (CDs), Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) and Economic Region (ER): These data covers July 1st to June 30.
If the researchers would like data on a calendar year (January to December) and other geographical areas, please let us know and we will enquire with the subject matter area responsible
Friday, July 13, 2018
PUMF for Canadian Disability Survey
I know that there was a decision not to have a PUMF for the CSD 2012.
What is the decision for the CSD 2017? Is there any chance that there will be a PUMF for the CSD 2012 – will they be reconsidering this decision?
Also, do you know when we will be receiving CANSIM tables for the CSD 2017?
We have received the following response from subject matter regarding your inquiry:
“Unfortunately, there will be no PUMF for 2017 or 2012. There will be 8 or 9 CSD 2017 data tables (no longer called CANSIM tables) released on November 28, 2018 (CSD release day) and we are exploring other potential data tables for later release.”
We have made them aware that there is interest for a PUMF so we’ll keep pursuing that avenue.
I know that there was a decision not to have a PUMF for the CSD 2012.
What is the decision for the CSD 2017? Is there any chance that there will be a PUMF for the CSD 2012 – will they be reconsidering this decision?
Also, do you know when we will be receiving CANSIM tables for the CSD 2017?
We have received the following response from subject matter regarding your inquiry:
“Unfortunately, there will be no PUMF for 2017 or 2012. There will be 8 or 9 CSD 2017 data tables (no longer called CANSIM tables) released on November 28, 2018 (CSD release day) and we are exploring other potential data tables for later release.”
We have made them aware that there is interest for a PUMF so we’ll keep pursuing that avenue.
Income by dissemination areas or blocks
I am looking for data for income and DAs or DBs.
My user already has it by CT but would like the data at a finer scale.
Is there any way to obtain this data?
This is available via the Census Profiles complete download by DA:
Note that even though the DA-level profiles are broken up by province, the files are still HUGE (narrow format, so ~2200 rows per DA) so you'll likely need a stats package just to explore the data.
These tables are currently being added to EFT.
I am looking for data for income and DAs or DBs.
My user already has it by CT but would like the data at a finer scale.
Is there any way to obtain this data?
This is available via the Census Profiles complete download by DA:
Note that even though the DA-level profiles are broken up by province, the files are still HUGE (narrow format, so ~2200 rows per DA) so you'll likely need a stats package just to explore the data.
These tables are currently being added to EFT.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Company Data for Southwestern Ontario
I have a researcher looking for financial information about Southwestern Ontario companies more specifically income, output levels and capital values for each company. Or is this available at a broader level such as by NAIC and geography (Postal Code, CSD, etc) Any ideas where this data could be?
Statistics Canada does not publicly publish business confidential data at any level, all identifiers are suppressed prior to publishing. This type of data would only be accessible through the Business Register (formerly the Canadian Business Patterns), which is not publicly accessible.
Nonetheless, we did come across Dalhousie University’s Business Research Guide that outlined numerous resources for company financial statements.
I have a researcher looking for financial information about Southwestern Ontario companies more specifically income, output levels and capital values for each company. Or is this available at a broader level such as by NAIC and geography (Postal Code, CSD, etc) Any ideas where this data could be?
Statistics Canada does not publicly publish business confidential data at any level, all identifiers are suppressed prior to publishing. This type of data would only be accessible through the Business Register (formerly the Canadian Business Patterns), which is not publicly accessible.
Nonetheless, we did come across Dalhousie University’s Business Research Guide that outlined numerous resources for company financial statements.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces
A) Will there be a PUMF for Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces? I know that you can get data from the RDCs.
B) A related question – can DLI put together a list of surveys indicating whether or not there is a pumf for that particular survey, and if not, where can we access the data, if it is possible. This would save us and our clients a lot of time.
A)The subject matter area responsible has informed us that there are no plans to develop a PUMF for the Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (SSMCAF). It seems the data will only be made available through the RDCs. However, we have ensured that the team is aware of the level of interest.
B) Members of the DLI community have access to a listing of all DLI products. Also, on the EFT safe (MAD_PUMF_FMGD_DAM) there is a readme excel file that lists all PUMFs available in the DLI. All PUMFs have an associated master file. A listing of all master files available in the RDCs can be found at the data available in the RDCs page.
A) Will there be a PUMF for Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces? I know that you can get data from the RDCs.
B) A related question – can DLI put together a list of surveys indicating whether or not there is a pumf for that particular survey, and if not, where can we access the data, if it is possible. This would save us and our clients a lot of time.
A)The subject matter area responsible has informed us that there are no plans to develop a PUMF for the Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (SSMCAF). It seems the data will only be made available through the RDCs. However, we have ensured that the team is aware of the level of interest.
B) Members of the DLI community have access to a listing of all DLI products. Also, on the EFT safe (MAD_PUMF_FMGD_DAM) there is a readme excel file that lists all PUMFs available in the DLI. All PUMFs have an associated master file. A listing of all master files available in the RDCs can be found at the data available in the RDCs page.
Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces
I’ve just heard about a new survey that Statcan is conducting called the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (Survey 5256). Data collection is underway now.
In looking at the questionnaires, there seems to be some overlap with the General Social Survey on Victimization (Survey 4504), though only partial. Will the GSS Victimization – last done in 2014 -- also be conducted on its regular 5-cycle which I would expect to be in 2019?
Subject matter has confirmed that the General Social Survey (GSS) on Victimization survey is planned to continue being conducted on its regular 5-cycle. The Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS) is expected to be a one-time survey.
I’ve just heard about a new survey that Statcan is conducting called the Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (Survey 5256). Data collection is underway now.
In looking at the questionnaires, there seems to be some overlap with the General Social Survey on Victimization (Survey 4504), though only partial. Will the GSS Victimization – last done in 2014 -- also be conducted on its regular 5-cycle which I would expect to be in 2019?
Subject matter has confirmed that the General Social Survey (GSS) on Victimization survey is planned to continue being conducted on its regular 5-cycle. The Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces (SSPPS) is expected to be a one-time survey.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Canadian Forces Surveys
Do we have access to the following Statistics Canada surveys, and particularly the raw data-sets?
Do we have access to the following Statistics Canada surveys, and particularly the raw data-sets?
- Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey (CFMHS), released 2014
- Life After Service Survey (LASS), released 2017
- Canadian Armed Forces Transition and Well-being Survey (CAFTWS), released 2018
Unfortunately, there are no PUMFs available for any of these files.
As you’ve mentioned, all three are available via the RDC program. However, two of them are also available via RTRA.
- Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey (CFMHS)
- CFMHS 2013
- Life After Service Survey (LASS)
- LASS 2013
If you would like more information or have any questions about the RTRA application process and guidelines, please contact and we will be happy to assist.
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