I got the following question from a student –
I was looking for confirmation that the tuition costs in Table 8E - "Tuition Fees for Canadian Students, 1972-2016" were per semester, but I couldn't confirm that in the metadata provided in the excel file, or elsewhere on the Revised Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs webpage. Do you know if I am correct in my assumption?
Connected to that point, I believe that the Graduate tuition is per semester, but averaged over 2 semesters rather than 3. This seems to be a common practice, but again I could not confirm this anywhere.
I found the Respondent Guide which states that tuition is reported by semester and then multiplied by 2 to calculate tuition for the academic year (8 months). So does that mean that the amount reported in the table is for the academic year?
I was not able to find anything about the second question – graduate tuition being per semester and averaged over 2 semesters rather than 3. Is there any information about this?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Table entries for tuition are for a full academic year (8 months) regardless of student status. In the Respondents Guide, tuition is defined as “Tuition that is charged to a full-time student (with a full load of 30 credits per year.” However, in order to allow for varying situations, on the questionnaire tuition amounts can be entered as per Academic year (8 months), Semester (4 months), Per credit, or Other.”
Friday, November 30, 2018
Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), 2017
A researcher asked if the recent cycle (2017) of the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), announced yesterday in the Daily will be added to the RTRA collection?
If there are plans to add it to RTRA, are you able to indicate when that would be available?
The CSD 2017 will be released in the RTRA in late winter 2019 (end of January/February).
A researcher asked if the recent cycle (2017) of the Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), announced yesterday in the Daily will be added to the RTRA collection?
If there are plans to add it to RTRA, are you able to indicate when that would be available?
The CSD 2017 will be released in the RTRA in late winter 2019 (end of January/February).
Canadian Survey on Disability,
DLI Access
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Food Availability
I have a researcher who is looking to find the type of data available in CANSIM table 32-10-0054-01 (food available per person per year), but at lower levels of geography (Provincial or even smaller). Specifically for the different types of pork listed in the table.
Is there any source that would do that?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Food available in Canada releases only Canada level.
Because it covers about 200 commodities together, all the commodities do not have the provincial level data. Especially, we do not have the lower level data for Pork. The data source is Market and Industry Service Branch (CFIA).”
I have a researcher who is looking to find the type of data available in CANSIM table 32-10-0054-01 (food available per person per year), but at lower levels of geography (Provincial or even smaller). Specifically for the different types of pork listed in the table.
Is there any source that would do that?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Food available in Canada releases only Canada level.
Because it covers about 200 commodities together, all the commodities do not have the provincial level data. Especially, we do not have the lower level data for Pork. The data source is Market and Industry Service Branch (CFIA).”
Friday, November 23, 2018
Agriculture Census Restricted Microdata
I have a researcher who is wondering if it is possible to get access to restricted data from the AgCensus e.g, restricted-level geographies below CCS right to individual responses, likely through something akin to an RDC. Is there a means to do this, or is the researcher dependent on custom tabulations? I know that RDC’s don’t have AgCensus data, but I don’t know if there is another mechanism for this specialized product.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Subject matter has responded letting us know that the only option they would be able to provide would be in the way of a custom tab. They would need more information in order to give you a quote so please let me know if this is something your researcher would be interested in pursuing, otherwise the RDC’s might be the next best option.
Answer from DLI Members:
I see that the Canadian Centre for Data Development and Economic Research (CDER) has access to a microdata file called “Census of Agriculture Longitudinal File”:
Census of Agriculture Longitudinal File
CDER operates on a cost-recovery basis. Projects must be approved, and access to the files is only available on-site in Ottawa.
The CDER is the repository for business and economic microdata files. The microdata that it provides are detailed enough for complex analyses. For business microdata files, the CDER ensures to maintain the confidentiality of the business respondents.
Answer from Subject Matter:
I find the Annual Crop Inventory to be really valuable since it’s a spatial product available over somewhat of a time series (interesting accompaniment to the Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) which is pretty dated at this point).
I have a researcher who is wondering if it is possible to get access to restricted data from the AgCensus e.g, restricted-level geographies below CCS right to individual responses, likely through something akin to an RDC. Is there a means to do this, or is the researcher dependent on custom tabulations? I know that RDC’s don’t have AgCensus data, but I don’t know if there is another mechanism for this specialized product.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Subject matter has responded letting us know that the only option they would be able to provide would be in the way of a custom tab. They would need more information in order to give you a quote so please let me know if this is something your researcher would be interested in pursuing, otherwise the RDC’s might be the next best option.
Answer from DLI Members:
I see that the Canadian Centre for Data Development and Economic Research (CDER) has access to a microdata file called “Census of Agriculture Longitudinal File”:
Census of Agriculture Longitudinal File
- Nature: Longitudinal administrative database of farms.
- Usage: The database can be used to analyze the changes that occur on farms over time.
- Content: Unlike the traditional Census of Agriculture data set, which only covers a single year, the linked file connects multiple censuses (1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011). Variables of interest include farm type, farm size, inputs, technology, products as well as economic indicators.
- Coverage period: 1986 to 2011.
- For more documentation on each of the databases, or documentation on other databases, please contact CDER at
CDER operates on a cost-recovery basis. Projects must be approved, and access to the files is only available on-site in Ottawa.
The CDER is the repository for business and economic microdata files. The microdata that it provides are detailed enough for complex analyses. For business microdata files, the CDER ensures to maintain the confidentiality of the business respondents.
Answer from Subject Matter:
I find the Annual Crop Inventory to be really valuable since it’s a spatial product available over somewhat of a time series (interesting accompaniment to the Forest Resource Inventory (FRI) which is pretty dated at this point).
2014 CFCS question from Memorial
I have a researcher her at Memorial who is reporting that they are using data from the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey (CFCS), however they noticed that some of the questions in the 2014 CFCS survey are reported differently in the 2014 CFCS dataset. They are using Nesstar.
They are hoping to access the raw values for IN_Q02 and IN_Q04 in the questionnaire so that they can categorize them according to the income categories specified on the survey.
Do I need to send them to the RDC for that?
The SPSS file is downloadable through Nesstar, and you would be able to see the PUMF raw values through there.
I have a researcher her at Memorial who is reporting that they are using data from the 2014 Canadian Financial Capability Survey (CFCS), however they noticed that some of the questions in the 2014 CFCS survey are reported differently in the 2014 CFCS dataset. They are using Nesstar.
They are hoping to access the raw values for IN_Q02 and IN_Q04 in the questionnaire so that they can categorize them according to the income categories specified on the survey.
Do I need to send them to the RDC for that?
The SPSS file is downloadable through Nesstar, and you would be able to see the PUMF raw values through there.
DLI Access,
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Fertility Rates by Province 1965-2015
I have had a researcher asking for annual fertility rate by province from 1965-2015. They have fertility rates from 2000-2015 from Table 13-10-0418-01. We also have number of births by province in Table 17-10-0008-01 going back to 1971. We can find national fertility rates in the OECD numbers going back to 1970, but they need provincial.
I think historical data is likely available in print documents and we are able to get fertility rates from 1986-1996 in the Vital Statistics Compendium. I am emailing to ask if I am missing anything. Is there one source where I can get provincial fertility rates going back to 1965 or will we need to use multiple sources including print to get these numbers. Any recommendations are welcome.
Subject Matter sent an excel file containing some the requested information.
I have had a researcher asking for annual fertility rate by province from 1965-2015. They have fertility rates from 2000-2015 from Table 13-10-0418-01. We also have number of births by province in Table 17-10-0008-01 going back to 1971. We can find national fertility rates in the OECD numbers going back to 1970, but they need provincial.
I think historical data is likely available in print documents and we are able to get fertility rates from 1986-1996 in the Vital Statistics Compendium. I am emailing to ask if I am missing anything. Is there one source where I can get provincial fertility rates going back to 1965 or will we need to use multiple sources including print to get these numbers. Any recommendations are welcome.
Subject Matter sent an excel file containing some the requested information.
CCHS - Sedentary Behaviour Availability
Re: CCHS release coming in December. Does it include the sedentary behaviour (compulsory?) module?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“The Sedentary Activities module (SAC) will be available on the CCHS PUMF for the release in December. This module was selected by 3 provinces for 2015-2016.”
Re: CCHS release coming in December. Does it include the sedentary behaviour (compulsory?) module?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“The Sedentary Activities module (SAC) will be available on the CCHS PUMF for the release in December. This module was selected by 3 provinces for 2015-2016.”
DLI Administrative
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Company E-commerce Data
Can anyone suggest where a student might find information about WalMart CANADA ecommerce and retail data. Is it possible to know which company in Canada is first in ecommerce? I know Stats Can does provide company names. Google searches come up with Statista which looks pretty good but we don't subscribe. Any or all ideas are welcome.
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Due to confidentiality, we cannot comment on specific companies.
That said, we do have a Partial list of Retail Chain Stores from our website and in relation to our Annual Retail Trade Survey table 20-10-0066-01.
He may also want to have a look at our tables on e-commerce 20-10-0065-01 (Annual) and 20-10-0072-01 (Monthly), maybe could be of use to him.
Also, from our website, you can suggest that he does a search by keyword(s) ‘’Annual Retail’’, ‘’Monthly Retail’’ and a lot more tables will show up.”
Can anyone suggest where a student might find information about WalMart CANADA ecommerce and retail data. Is it possible to know which company in Canada is first in ecommerce? I know Stats Can does provide company names. Google searches come up with Statista which looks pretty good but we don't subscribe. Any or all ideas are welcome.
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Due to confidentiality, we cannot comment on specific companies.
That said, we do have a Partial list of Retail Chain Stores from our website and in relation to our Annual Retail Trade Survey table 20-10-0066-01.
He may also want to have a look at our tables on e-commerce 20-10-0065-01 (Annual) and 20-10-0072-01 (Monthly), maybe could be of use to him.
Also, from our website, you can suggest that he does a search by keyword(s) ‘’Annual Retail’’, ‘’Monthly Retail’’ and a lot more tables will show up.”
Historical Real Estate Data
A student is looking for historical prices for real estate prices in a neighbourhood in Montreal (Plateau Mont-Royal) from 1951 to this day. I do not believe this data is readily available, but I wanted to double check with the community. As far as I know, the best sources are:
MLS data (HPI tool: Monthly data from 2005 to 2018)
Residential Property Values (yearly data from 2005 to 2015, by provinces and census metropolitan areas)
Is there anything that goes further back than 2005 and that drills down to boroughs/neighbourhoods level (or at least CSD level) ?
If not I may contact the people at CREA ( who are in charge of the MLS data, but I wonder how far back their database goes.
Answer from DLI:
Have you tried the Royal Lepage Historical Database? It has prices for the Montreal Area (so I don’t think it goes down to neighborhood) back to the early 1970s.
If you don’t mind the approximation: “Value of dwelling (If you were to sell this dwelling now, for how much would you expect to sell it?)” and the five year jumps, you might consider Census Tract level Profile tables.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Here is our response from subject matter:
“There is nothing else available than the links below. There is certainly no data before 2005, however there may be more details available in the future in terms of neighbourhoods in Montreal, in a few years.”
A student is looking for historical prices for real estate prices in a neighbourhood in Montreal (Plateau Mont-Royal) from 1951 to this day. I do not believe this data is readily available, but I wanted to double check with the community. As far as I know, the best sources are:
MLS data (HPI tool: Monthly data from 2005 to 2018)
Residential Property Values (yearly data from 2005 to 2015, by provinces and census metropolitan areas)
Is there anything that goes further back than 2005 and that drills down to boroughs/neighbourhoods level (or at least CSD level) ?
If not I may contact the people at CREA ( who are in charge of the MLS data, but I wonder how far back their database goes.
Answer from DLI:
Have you tried the Royal Lepage Historical Database? It has prices for the Montreal Area (so I don’t think it goes down to neighborhood) back to the early 1970s.
If you don’t mind the approximation: “Value of dwelling (If you were to sell this dwelling now, for how much would you expect to sell it?)” and the five year jumps, you might consider Census Tract level Profile tables.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Here is our response from subject matter:
“There is nothing else available than the links below. There is certainly no data before 2005, however there may be more details available in the future in terms of neighbourhoods in Montreal, in a few years.”
Economic Accounts
Monday, November 19, 2018
Historical Capital Gains Data
I have a researcher who is looking for historical statistics on capital gains reported by individual taxpayers. Table 11-10-0048-01 (formerly CANSIM 111-0042) contains exactly the information needed, but only goes back to 2000:
Is there any way of gaining access to this same data going back to 1972? I have looked in the older print catalogues and cannot find anything similar. We have located capital gains data that was published directly by CRA/Revenue Canada for the period he is looking for, however the method of representing the data is different. Statistics Canada publishes the actual amount of capital gains reported, while CRA figures show the taxable amounts of capital gains after the inclusion rate has been applied.
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Capital Gains only begins with reference year 1998, therefore I enclosed 1998 and 1999, English version. Please advise if you need these tables in French also.
There is no data prior to 1998.”
I have a researcher who is looking for historical statistics on capital gains reported by individual taxpayers. Table 11-10-0048-01 (formerly CANSIM 111-0042) contains exactly the information needed, but only goes back to 2000:
Is there any way of gaining access to this same data going back to 1972? I have looked in the older print catalogues and cannot find anything similar. We have located capital gains data that was published directly by CRA/Revenue Canada for the period he is looking for, however the method of representing the data is different. Statistics Canada publishes the actual amount of capital gains reported, while CRA figures show the taxable amounts of capital gains after the inclusion rate has been applied.
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Capital Gains only begins with reference year 1998, therefore I enclosed 1998 and 1999, English version. Please advise if you need these tables in French also.
There is no data prior to 1998.”
Information on Factory Openings
I have a researcher that regularly uses the NPRI database, but the database doesn’t have information about when a factory opened, only the date for when they were registered in the database (can’t assume this is the opening date – a given factory could have only reached pollutant thresholds for registration after x number of years of operating, for example). He’s interested in when a number of factories in Ontario were opened, and was curious if there was a product or database that would provide this information. Any ideas where this info might be in one place?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“The Business Register would have a birth date for every business location on our database however this is not data that we would normally be able to share and would require a discretionary order to proceed. It would be available at a fee to federal government divisions who are using this information for research and analysis purposes. If the client does meet these requirements, we can reached at our mailbox: BRD-Information / DRE-Information (STATCAN) for further information.”
I have a researcher that regularly uses the NPRI database, but the database doesn’t have information about when a factory opened, only the date for when they were registered in the database (can’t assume this is the opening date – a given factory could have only reached pollutant thresholds for registration after x number of years of operating, for example). He’s interested in when a number of factories in Ontario were opened, and was curious if there was a product or database that would provide this information. Any ideas where this info might be in one place?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“The Business Register would have a birth date for every business location on our database however this is not data that we would normally be able to share and would require a discretionary order to proceed. It would be available at a fee to federal government divisions who are using this information for research and analysis purposes. If the client does meet these requirements, we can reached at our mailbox: BRD-Information / DRE-Information (STATCAN) for further information.”
DLI Access,
Friday, November 16, 2018
Research and Development in Canadian Industry Statistics
I have a student interested in “Research and Development in Cdn Industry Statistics”.
Information on this data says that data is available on a cost recovery basis. Do you know if there are any data tables that have the same information in them? Or if there is another option to the cost recovery option?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Statistics Canada no longer has the capacity to produce custom tables for R&D related statistics due to the move to a new production system.”
I have a student interested in “Research and Development in Cdn Industry Statistics”.
Information on this data says that data is available on a cost recovery basis. Do you know if there are any data tables that have the same information in them? Or if there is another option to the cost recovery option?
Here is the response from subject matter:
“Statistics Canada no longer has the capacity to produce custom tables for R&D related statistics due to the move to a new production system.”
DLI Access,
industry-based statistics
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Inquiry into 2016 APS Release Date
Is there supposed to be release of the 2016 Aboriginal Peoples Survey this month?
Subject matter has let us know that there is not a release date scheduled for the 2016 APS, however there will be releases USING the data very shortly.
Is there supposed to be release of the 2016 Aboriginal Peoples Survey this month?
Subject matter has let us know that there is not a release date scheduled for the 2016 APS, however there will be releases USING the data very shortly.
Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH)
I have a researcher wishing to access the ‘Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours’. She is particularly interested in data for the territories.
I looked in the RDCs and did not see anything for it there.
Do you know where we can get access to it?
I’ve received the following response from subject matter:
The data is available on the Statistics Canada website, see the NDM link below:
I have a researcher wishing to access the ‘Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours’. She is particularly interested in data for the territories.
I looked in the RDCs and did not see anything for it there.
Do you know where we can get access to it?
I’ve received the following response from subject matter:
The data is available on the Statistics Canada website, see the NDM link below:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Terrorism Datasets
I have a graduate student interested in terrorism datasets, particularly DOTS (Data on Terrorist Subjects) and ITERATE (International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events), which are both commercial datasets, as well as Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre.
The student is most interested in ITERATE. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of these datasets at their institution, particularly ITERATE. I haven’t found much information on any Canadian schools that subscribe to these datasets, but some US universities have subscriptions. Looking for any feedback or information you might be willing to share on or off list.
In relation to terrorism datasets, is anyone familiar with the TWEED (Terrorism in Western Europe: Event Data) dataset? All links to this dataset seem to be broken. Any leads to locating this would be appreciated.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Unfortunately, as we had expected, StatCan does not have access to this, or any similar datasets. Hopefully you are able to get responses from others on the list!
Answer from DLI Members:
I have been buying the ITERATE/DOTS databases. Although these have gotten outdated, here is what I have . Please let me know if you want more information about the vendor, price, and/ or to take a look at the content?
Answer from DLI Members:
ITERATE is at ICPSR; found a more recent one here: LibGuides: Terrorism:
I have a graduate student interested in terrorism datasets, particularly DOTS (Data on Terrorist Subjects) and ITERATE (International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events), which are both commercial datasets, as well as Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre.
The student is most interested in ITERATE. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of these datasets at their institution, particularly ITERATE. I haven’t found much information on any Canadian schools that subscribe to these datasets, but some US universities have subscriptions. Looking for any feedback or information you might be willing to share on or off list.
In relation to terrorism datasets, is anyone familiar with the TWEED (Terrorism in Western Europe: Event Data) dataset? All links to this dataset seem to be broken. Any leads to locating this would be appreciated.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Unfortunately, as we had expected, StatCan does not have access to this, or any similar datasets. Hopefully you are able to get responses from others on the list!
Answer from DLI Members:
I have been buying the ITERATE/DOTS databases. Although these have gotten outdated, here is what I have . Please let me know if you want more information about the vendor, price, and/ or to take a look at the content?
Answer from DLI Members:
ITERATE is at ICPSR; found a more recent one here: LibGuides: Terrorism:
Society and Community
Agegr10 - GSS 28: Victimization
I received the following question from a researcher below about Aboriginal identify in the General Social Survey, Cycle 28: Victimization.
I have a question regarding their measure of Aboriginal identity. In the answering category, there are 6884 valid skip. My understanding is that the contrast is between Aboriginal v. Non-Aboriginal. I am reviewing a paper which claims that it is a contrast between Aboriginal and White Canadians.
Question: Am I right that it is a contrast between Aboriginals v. NonAboriginals?
Question: NonAboriginals includes all other Canadians, both visible minorities and non-visible minorities, right?
What is the category of “valid skip”?
We’ve received the following response from subject matter:
“For questions AMB_Q01 – Are you an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)? First Nations includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
This question was asked of respondents who were born in Canada (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 11124), the United States (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11840), Germany (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 21276) or Greenland (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11304) , if they did not meet this criteria they are not asked this question and are therefore a valid skip (they wouldn’t get asked this question)
For AMB_Q002
This question was asked of respondents who were born in Canada (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 11124), the United States (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11840), Germany (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 21276) or Greenland (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11304) and who responded "yes" to
the question ""Are you and Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
(AMB_Q01 = 1).
if they did not meet this criteria they are not asked this question and are therefore a valid skip (they wouldn’t get asked this question).
I hope this helps answer what ‘valid skips’ mean.”
Follow-up Questions:
I have a follow up question for the same survey, GSS, Cycle 28: Victimization:
“When I used age (agegr10) subtract age mean, and then square the results (see the following equation), there are suddenly a lot of missing data for the new variable.
Compute agesquare = sqrt (agegr10 – 4.04).
How do I avoid this?”
Follow-up Answer:
Subject matter has replied with the following:
“Agegr10 is an age group variable with categories 1 through 7. Use age instead.”
Follow-up Question:
Can we get further clarification and explanation from subject matter? It appears there is no other variable age. Agegr10 is the only variable for age.
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“If this is the PUMF, the client will not be able to use Age as only age groups are available due to confidentiality.
They would need access to the analytical dataset to have access to the Age variable. Or they would need a custom request which would be done on a cost recovery basis.”
I received the following question from a researcher below about Aboriginal identify in the General Social Survey, Cycle 28: Victimization.
I have a question regarding their measure of Aboriginal identity. In the answering category, there are 6884 valid skip. My understanding is that the contrast is between Aboriginal v. Non-Aboriginal. I am reviewing a paper which claims that it is a contrast between Aboriginal and White Canadians.
Question: Am I right that it is a contrast between Aboriginals v. NonAboriginals?
Question: NonAboriginals includes all other Canadians, both visible minorities and non-visible minorities, right?
What is the category of “valid skip”?
We’ve received the following response from subject matter:
“For questions AMB_Q01 – Are you an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)? First Nations includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
This question was asked of respondents who were born in Canada (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 11124), the United States (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11840), Germany (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 21276) or Greenland (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11304) , if they did not meet this criteria they are not asked this question and are therefore a valid skip (they wouldn’t get asked this question)
For AMB_Q002
This question was asked of respondents who were born in Canada (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 11124), the United States (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11840), Germany (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01
= 21276) or Greenland (DV_CNTRYCODE_B01 = 11304) and who responded "yes" to
the question ""Are you and Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?
(AMB_Q01 = 1).
if they did not meet this criteria they are not asked this question and are therefore a valid skip (they wouldn’t get asked this question).
I hope this helps answer what ‘valid skips’ mean.”
Follow-up Questions:
I have a follow up question for the same survey, GSS, Cycle 28: Victimization:
“When I used age (agegr10) subtract age mean, and then square the results (see the following equation), there are suddenly a lot of missing data for the new variable.
Compute agesquare = sqrt (agegr10 – 4.04).
How do I avoid this?”
Follow-up Answer:
Subject matter has replied with the following:
“Agegr10 is an age group variable with categories 1 through 7. Use age instead.”
Follow-up Question:
Can we get further clarification and explanation from subject matter? It appears there is no other variable age. Agegr10 is the only variable for age.
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“If this is the PUMF, the client will not be able to use Age as only age groups are available due to confidentiality.
They would need access to the analytical dataset to have access to the Age variable. Or they would need a custom request which would be done on a cost recovery basis.”
General Social Survey (GSS)
Data on Approval Ratings of Federal and Provincial Governments
I’m pretty sure this isn’t a Statistics Canada question, but hoping someone can help anyway…
A political science graduate student is looking for data on approval ratings of federal and provincial governments over time, hopefully going back to the 1970’s. I’ve found some sources for Federal ratings (this CORA page is good, and ODESI now has plenty of polls to use to supplement that) but am drawing a blank on provincial data. Searching newspaper archives gives us occasional scattered data points, but I don’t see any straightforward way to build any sort of reliable time series.
Perhaps this will save some digging (no promises though). These annual reviews always provide a synopsis of provincial elections, whether any of them consistently, or if ever, bring in polling data is a question.

Available via ScholarsPortal e.g., 1972:

From page 200 of the 1972 review:

Answer from Subject Matter:I’ve sent an email to the subject matter area responsible for the Social Identity survey and it asks the following question:
I’m pretty sure this isn’t a Statistics Canada question, but hoping someone can help anyway…
A political science graduate student is looking for data on approval ratings of federal and provincial governments over time, hopefully going back to the 1970’s. I’ve found some sources for Federal ratings (this CORA page is good, and ODESI now has plenty of polls to use to supplement that) but am drawing a blank on provincial data. Searching newspaper archives gives us occasional scattered data points, but I don’t see any straightforward way to build any sort of reliable time series.
Perhaps this will save some digging (no promises though). These annual reviews always provide a synopsis of provincial elections, whether any of them consistently, or if ever, bring in polling data is a question.
Available via ScholarsPortal e.g., 1972:
From page 200 of the 1972 review:
Answer from Subject Matter:I’ve sent an email to the subject matter area responsible for the Social Identity survey and it asks the following question:
CII_Q40: How much confidence do you have in Federal Parliament?
Outside of this however there is nothing for “approval ratings”.
Outside of this however there is nothing for “approval ratings”.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Latest PCCF syntax (aug 2018 postal codes)
Would anyone possibly have an updated SPSS syntax file to share for the newly released PCCF that is based on Aug 2018 postal codes? We have a copy of the .sps for the June 2017 release but thought I would inquire in case someone’s updated the syntax for the new release?
Yes, we are publishing these under “Other documentation” on Odesi. See for August 2018 …
Would anyone possibly have an updated SPSS syntax file to share for the newly released PCCF that is based on Aug 2018 postal codes? We have a copy of the .sps for the June 2017 release but thought I would inquire in case someone’s updated the syntax for the new release?
Yes, we are publishing these under “Other documentation” on Odesi. See for August 2018 …
Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF)
CCHS-2018 -- Question about modules selected by particular provinces
A researcher has asked a question about the CCHS-2018. Apparently there are modules in this survey from which provinces can choose to opt out. She would like to know if there is a way to determine which provinces are and are not participating in these optional modules. Is there a way to find out? Perhaps this question might be one for an RDC analyst instead of the DLI program?
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“The RDC webpage has been updated to provide more information to researchers about the 2015 CCHS Redesign and the impact of comparability between past cycle since the Redesign.
We have also add a section about the Content differences over cycles (
Researchers should be aware that optional modules are not available for each CCHS cycle and are only selected by some provinces and territories. To obtain a copy of the provincial and territorial selection of the Canadian Community Health Survey – Annual Component, contact Client Services (613-951-1746 or
You will find attached the CCHS Content Selection_ESCC sélection du contenu 2000-2018 that can be provided to the researcher.”
A researcher has asked a question about the CCHS-2018. Apparently there are modules in this survey from which provinces can choose to opt out. She would like to know if there is a way to determine which provinces are and are not participating in these optional modules. Is there a way to find out? Perhaps this question might be one for an RDC analyst instead of the DLI program?
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“The RDC webpage has been updated to provide more information to researchers about the 2015 CCHS Redesign and the impact of comparability between past cycle since the Redesign.
We have also add a section about the Content differences over cycles (
Researchers should be aware that optional modules are not available for each CCHS cycle and are only selected by some provinces and territories. To obtain a copy of the provincial and territorial selection of the Canadian Community Health Survey – Annual Component, contact Client Services (613-951-1746 or
You will find attached the CCHS Content Selection_ESCC sélection du contenu 2000-2018 that can be provided to the researcher.”
Average Daily Inmate Cost: Food
I’m looking for more detailed information on the ‘Average daily inmate cost’ variable in “Operating expenditures for adult correctional services” (Table 35-10-0013-01), specifically the average daily cost of food for inmates in Nova Scotia.
It’s for a nutrition student who is interested in food data about inmates in NS youth correctional facilities. There’s not a lot of youth data out there, and since it’s for a school assignment, I’m sure adult data will suit her needs.
Does this data exist?
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“Unfortunately that level of detail is not something we are able to provide. Our subject matter expert did suggest that the client contact the NS department of Justice directly, as they may have that data available.”
I’m looking for more detailed information on the ‘Average daily inmate cost’ variable in “Operating expenditures for adult correctional services” (Table 35-10-0013-01), specifically the average daily cost of food for inmates in Nova Scotia.
It’s for a nutrition student who is interested in food data about inmates in NS youth correctional facilities. There’s not a lot of youth data out there, and since it’s for a school assignment, I’m sure adult data will suit her needs.
Does this data exist?
Subject matter has responded with the following:
“Unfortunately that level of detail is not something we are able to provide. Our subject matter expert did suggest that the client contact the NS department of Justice directly, as they may have that data available.”
Crime and Justice
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Annual Return of Health Care Facilities—Hospitals
I’m looking for historical information regarding hospital staffing/expenditures by province and the Annual Return of Health Care Facilities—Hospitals seems to fit the bill. This survey was run by Statistics Canada from 1932 to the mid 1990s when CIHI took over but I can’t find it. I see only the summary stub here:
Any ideas as to where I can access the historical data (which CIHI doesn’t have) or if there’s anything else that might fit the bill?
It appears this may be a print publication. Publications Canada only has one digitized although they have several iterations of the instructions available.
Does Statistics Canada have the print run of this available—hopefully in electronic format? Was this part of the StatsCan Library collection that was digitized?
The Library has been able to provide us with the following:
PDFs of Annual return of hospitals, hospital indicators (82-233) from 1976-1983 can be found here:
Regarding Annual Return of Health Care Facilities, I could only find Selected tables from annual return of special care facilities within our catalogue. The digitized versions are available here:
However, an earlier version of this publication is Mental health statistics. Volume III, Institutional facilities, services and finances:
Later publications (into the 1990s), under the name Residential care facilities can be found here:
In the catalogue records for these publications, “Continued by” and “Continues” can be useful in determining how the publications have changed names over time. Also, there is not always a direct link in the StatCan Library catalogue to the PDF, so it is worth it to search for the digital version.
I’m looking for historical information regarding hospital staffing/expenditures by province and the Annual Return of Health Care Facilities—Hospitals seems to fit the bill. This survey was run by Statistics Canada from 1932 to the mid 1990s when CIHI took over but I can’t find it. I see only the summary stub here:
Any ideas as to where I can access the historical data (which CIHI doesn’t have) or if there’s anything else that might fit the bill?
It appears this may be a print publication. Publications Canada only has one digitized although they have several iterations of the instructions available.
Does Statistics Canada have the print run of this available—hopefully in electronic format? Was this part of the StatsCan Library collection that was digitized?
The Library has been able to provide us with the following:
PDFs of Annual return of hospitals, hospital indicators (82-233) from 1976-1983 can be found here:
Regarding Annual Return of Health Care Facilities, I could only find Selected tables from annual return of special care facilities within our catalogue. The digitized versions are available here:
However, an earlier version of this publication is Mental health statistics. Volume III, Institutional facilities, services and finances:
Later publications (into the 1990s), under the name Residential care facilities can be found here:
In the catalogue records for these publications, “Continued by” and “Continues” can be useful in determining how the publications have changed names over time. Also, there is not always a direct link in the StatCan Library catalogue to the PDF, so it is worth it to search for the digital version.
2016 Census Master File
Has a synthetic file been created for the 2016 Census master file? If not, is there a date for it?
I can't access the DLI Nesstar right now but I don't recall seeing it there last week. However, I don't see anything for the 2016 Census through the variable search at either.
Unfortunately Census does not create synthetic files, however the PUMF will be available this winter!
Has a synthetic file been created for the 2016 Census master file? If not, is there a date for it?
I can't access the DLI Nesstar right now but I don't recall seeing it there last week. However, I don't see anything for the 2016 Census through the variable search at either.
Unfortunately Census does not create synthetic files, however the PUMF will be available this winter!
Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
Uniform Crime Reporting Survey PUMF
I’ve been asked if there is a PUMF for the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. I don’t think so, as I’ve been through the EFT and Nesstar and don’t see anything, but figured I should double-check with the experts.
You are correct – unfortunately a PUMF has not been created for the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
I’ve been asked if there is a PUMF for the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. I don’t think so, as I’ve been through the EFT and Nesstar and don’t see anything, but figured I should double-check with the experts.
You are correct – unfortunately a PUMF has not been created for the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR)
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Can anyone help me with this request?
“I initially wanted to find some data sets pertaining to the housing situation of adults who are disabled, particularly for those who have developmental disabilities, but have yet to find any relevant literature or surveys. If there were to be any code books or other resources that you could suggest, that would be greatly appreciated.”
Answer from DLI List:
CMHC published a Research Insight: Housing Conditions of Persons with Disabilities [] which references the Canadian Survey on Disability and provides some summary statistics. The associated data tables I was able to find are from 2012 and don’t reference housing specifically. This is a survey run on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada—not sure if that means anything regarding access.
Answer from Subject Matter:
“CSD 2012 does have some housing variables included:
DDIS_FL (disability status) and DDEV_FL (Developmental disability indicator); type of in-residence aids used or needed and reasons for unmet needs (such as walk-in bath/shower, access ramp, widened doorways/hallways, lowered counters, etc. (AAD variables series); and Census linked housing variables (BEDRM-number of bedrooms; BUILT-period of construction of dwelling; GROSRT-gross rent; OMP-owner’s major payment; RCOND-tenure-condominium; Rooms-number of rooms; RPAIR-condition of dwelling; SUBSIDY-subsidized housing; TENUR-Tenure (owned or rented).)
CSD 2017 will be released at the end of the month and will include many more housing indicators. Including core housing needs and shelter-cost-to-income ratio. Codebooks will be available in the new year.
I found one Statistics Canada study on our website that may be of interest:
82-003 - Health reports
Needs for mobility devices, home modifications and personal assistance among Canadians with disabilities
by Edward M. Giesbrecht, Emma M. Smith, W. Ben Mortenson and William C. Miller”
Can anyone help me with this request?
“I initially wanted to find some data sets pertaining to the housing situation of adults who are disabled, particularly for those who have developmental disabilities, but have yet to find any relevant literature or surveys. If there were to be any code books or other resources that you could suggest, that would be greatly appreciated.”
Answer from DLI List:
CMHC published a Research Insight: Housing Conditions of Persons with Disabilities [] which references the Canadian Survey on Disability and provides some summary statistics. The associated data tables I was able to find are from 2012 and don’t reference housing specifically. This is a survey run on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada—not sure if that means anything regarding access.
Answer from Subject Matter:
“CSD 2012 does have some housing variables included:
DDIS_FL (disability status) and DDEV_FL (Developmental disability indicator); type of in-residence aids used or needed and reasons for unmet needs (such as walk-in bath/shower, access ramp, widened doorways/hallways, lowered counters, etc. (AAD variables series); and Census linked housing variables (BEDRM-number of bedrooms; BUILT-period of construction of dwelling; GROSRT-gross rent; OMP-owner’s major payment; RCOND-tenure-condominium; Rooms-number of rooms; RPAIR-condition of dwelling; SUBSIDY-subsidized housing; TENUR-Tenure (owned or rented).)
CSD 2017 will be released at the end of the month and will include many more housing indicators. Including core housing needs and shelter-cost-to-income ratio. Codebooks will be available in the new year.
I found one Statistics Canada study on our website that may be of interest:
82-003 - Health reports
Needs for mobility devices, home modifications and personal assistance among Canadians with disabilities
by Edward M. Giesbrecht, Emma M. Smith, W. Ben Mortenson and William C. Miller”
Monday, November 5, 2018
Census Microdata
I notice that Census of Populations PUMFs are no longer being produced and that the DLI Nesstar site has no metadata for Census of Population Master Files since 2006.
For 2011 and 2016 are there any Census products available to the DLI that aren't also available through the public-facing StatCan site? In other words, are paid, custom tabs the only way for DLI members to access Census data that isn't on the StatCan site?
Answer from DLI:
If I’m understanding your question correctly, I think you got caught as I did – the 2011 Census variables are with the NHS PUMF. In, you’ll the NHS under Social Surveys. I learned my lesson a couple of years ago!
PUMFs for 2016 are forthcoming in 2019 (see
Can’t speak to the Master File documentation, though.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Unfortunately the Census 2011 and 2016 Masterfiles are unavailable at the moment, however we are evaluating how to make them accessible.
I notice that Census of Populations PUMFs are no longer being produced and that the DLI Nesstar site has no metadata for Census of Population Master Files since 2006.
For 2011 and 2016 are there any Census products available to the DLI that aren't also available through the public-facing StatCan site? In other words, are paid, custom tabs the only way for DLI members to access Census data that isn't on the StatCan site?
Answer from DLI:
If I’m understanding your question correctly, I think you got caught as I did – the 2011 Census variables are with the NHS PUMF. In
PUMFs for 2016 are forthcoming in 2019 (see
Can’t speak to the Master File documentation, though.
Answer from Subject Matter:
Unfortunately the Census 2011 and 2016 Masterfiles are unavailable at the moment, however we are evaluating how to make them accessible.
Public Use Microdata File (PUMF)
Friday, November 2, 2018
Location of Work Question + Journey to Work Question
One of our researchers would like the number of jobs (including for workers who work at home) by census tract by location of work for all of Canada. They were told that they might be able to get this through the DLI. Because the researcher needs the location of work and not the location of the residence of the worker, the publicly available census data is no help.
I remember that a subject matter division shared a spreadsheet containing jobs by NAICS for DAs with us (and we were all very happy and grateful). But I can't seem to find a count of jobs by census tract by location of work. Am I missing something?
The same researcher would also love to have a table of distance from work to home by Census Tract, with extra bonus points if the "mode of commuting" variable is in there. Essentially, something like the default view of this data table (with no need for the "commuting duration", "time leaving for work", "age", or "sex" variables), but by CT instead of by CMA.
I don't suppose there's a table out there that I've missed that the researcher could use? The "Distance from home to work" variable isn't available in the census profiles.
Answer from DLI List:
Looks like there are some Census, Place of Work custom tabs available through the Map and Data Library, UofT:
Not sure if that covers what you need though.
And, in ODESI there are commuting flows for 2006 CTs here:
Recently, I think someone in the community asked about this data for 2016 because it was heavily written about in the media. It would be great to get a hold of the custom data if it exists or could be made.
Answer from Subject Matter:
I’ve spoken with subject matter and unfortunately information at the CT level is not publicly available (in standard products) for many variables, including journey to work given its precision. Because of this, the information will only be obtainable through a custom tabulation.
One of our researchers would like the number of jobs (including for workers who work at home) by census tract by location of work for all of Canada. They were told that they might be able to get this through the DLI. Because the researcher needs the location of work and not the location of the residence of the worker, the publicly available census data is no help.
I remember that a subject matter division shared a spreadsheet containing jobs by NAICS for DAs with us (and we were all very happy and grateful). But I can't seem to find a count of jobs by census tract by location of work. Am I missing something?
The same researcher would also love to have a table of distance from work to home by Census Tract, with extra bonus points if the "mode of commuting" variable is in there. Essentially, something like the default view of this data table (with no need for the "commuting duration", "time leaving for work", "age", or "sex" variables), but by CT instead of by CMA.
I don't suppose there's a table out there that I've missed that the researcher could use? The "Distance from home to work" variable isn't available in the census profiles.
Answer from DLI List:
Looks like there are some Census, Place of Work custom tabs available through the Map and Data Library, UofT:
Not sure if that covers what you need though.
And, in ODESI there are commuting flows for 2006 CTs here:
Recently, I think someone in the community asked about this data for 2016 because it was heavily written about in the media. It would be great to get a hold of the custom data if it exists or could be made.
Answer from Subject Matter:
I’ve spoken with subject matter and unfortunately information at the CT level is not publicly available (in standard products) for many variables, including journey to work given its precision. Because of this, the information will only be obtainable through a custom tabulation.
Historical Cause of Death Stats for NS and ON
I recently received this from a faculty member:
"I am looking for aggregated cause of death statistics for Nova Scotia
and Ontario. I am interested in the number of homicides (each year) for
both Nova Scotia and Ontario, which is recorded as a type of cause of
death (among other causes). I am trying to collect the data on an annual
basis for every available year (i.e. likely sometime in the early 1900s
until the most recent year available).
For Nova Scotia, I was given data collected by a local historian for
1749-1908. I was told by him that the data should be available beginning
in 1909. I have found the following site, which suggests that data are
available for select Canadian provinces beginning in 1920
However, I don’t know how/where to access these data, and I still
require data from 1909-1919.
Although my current focus is Nova Scotia, I will eventually also collect
the same data for Ontario."
Would an extracts from the Vital Statistics - Death database he refers
to be a custom tab? if so, could you give me the necessary contact
information so that he can negotiate the order?
Here is the response we've received from subject matter:
"I can say for certain we don't have anything in our databases that go back that far. I'm attaching a PDF [] that has a table on homicide charges and dispositions (not incidents that way we count them nowadays), though I don't know if it will be of much utility since the counts don't break down by Province. That said, if the DLI could use with Canada level data, please consult page 33 of this document."
I recently received this from a faculty member:
"I am looking for aggregated cause of death statistics for Nova Scotia
and Ontario. I am interested in the number of homicides (each year) for
both Nova Scotia and Ontario, which is recorded as a type of cause of
death (among other causes). I am trying to collect the data on an annual
basis for every available year (i.e. likely sometime in the early 1900s
until the most recent year available).
For Nova Scotia, I was given data collected by a local historian for
1749-1908. I was told by him that the data should be available beginning
in 1909. I have found the following site, which suggests that data are
available for select Canadian provinces beginning in 1920
However, I don’t know how/where to access these data, and I still
require data from 1909-1919.
Although my current focus is Nova Scotia, I will eventually also collect
the same data for Ontario."
Would an extracts from the Vital Statistics - Death database he refers
to be a custom tab? if so, could you give me the necessary contact
information so that he can negotiate the order?
Here is the response we've received from subject matter:
"I can say for certain we don't have anything in our databases that go back that far. I'm attaching a PDF [] that has a table on homicide charges and dispositions (not incidents that way we count them nowadays), though I don't know if it will be of much utility since the counts don't break down by Province. That said, if the DLI could use with Canada level data, please consult page 33 of this document."
Crime and Justice
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