Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Population density per square kilometre for 2001, 1996 at CT level


Does anyone know if Population density per square kilometre was produced and disseminated at the CT-level for 2001 and 1996 censuses? I’m finding 2006 and 2011 but not for these two earlier censuses in the Pop and Dwelling Counts files.


Subject matter has provided us with the following response:
“Population density is the number of persons per square kilometre. The calculation for population density is total population divided by land area. Land area is the area in square kilometres of the land-based portions of standard geographic areas. Land area data are unofficial and are provided for the sole purpose of calculating population density.

Land areas can be found here:





Friday, December 11, 2015

Longitudinal Immigration Database


The IMDB used to be available via the Metropolis project but since it's wound down, access is no longer available. Can someone confirm the database is available via the RDCs?


IMDB is not available in the RDCs. The Permanent Resident Landing File has just been added to our data collection. It is in a pilot phase but proposals to access the data can still be submitted.

Accessing the CIHI Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS) Database 2014-15

The tables for the following surveys are available. Do you know if it is possible to get PUMFs for 
CCRS Profile of Residents in Continuing Care Facilities 2014-15 (and other years).Residential Long-Term Care Financial Data Tables report (most recent online available is 2013).


We have received a reply back from CIHI regarding this request, and they have sent us the following link: https://www.cihi.ca/en/data-and-standards/access-data#_3. CCRS data (aggregate or record level) can be accessed through the data request process.

Availability of print data in CANSIM


A researcher has come across a print publication

National income and expenditure accounts annual estimates 1926-1986
(cat. no. 13-531, I think) that has data on three 5.25" diskettes. I found a series on Historical Statistics of Canada that covers 1926-1976, but we're not sure if it is the same data as on the diskettes. CANSIM I matrix numbers are given, but the concordance to CANSIM II tables numbers does not include all of them. I am looking for CANSIM I matrices in the range 06627-06700; the concordance only has

06661 - 06669

so I have the corresponding CANSIM table numbers, but even they are not complete. For example, Table 1 in the print version has data from 1926-1986, but the corresponding CANSIM table 3800039 only contains data to 1960.

Any ideas on where to find the rest of the data, should I not find a functioning diskette drive?


In regards to your question regarding the CANSIM tables, we have received the following response from subject matter:
Most of the tables from the 1926-1986 edition of the 13-531 print publication are available on CANSIM through tables 380-0039 to 380-0055 and tables with a 380-05 prefix (eg., 380-0515 corresponds to table 4 of that pub:Relation between gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices, gross national product (GNP) at market prices, net national income at factor cost and gross domestic product at factor cost).
Hopefully this answers your question, and please let me know if you require anything further.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Place of work location data


I'm looking for the place of work location data for Calgary, 1971 – 2006 at the DA or CT level.


If you are looking for place of work flows that show where the respondents live and then travel to for work then we do have tables such as these but only down to the CSD level of geography (lower levels of geography can be ordered custom):
Commuting Flow Census Subdivisions: Sex (3) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work of Census Subdivisions, Flows Greater than or Equal to 20, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data

If you are looking for basic place of work data then we do have these CT profiles:
Profile of Labour Market Activity, Industry, Occupation, Education, Language of Work, Place of Work and Mode of Transportation for Census Metropolitan Areas, Tracted Census Agglomerations and Census Tracts, 2006 Census

We do not have any standard product with DA level data. This data would only be available custom through the regions.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey


A few years ago DLI received Additional data tables from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey that support each of the five sections of the study “The Education and Employment Experience of First Nations People Living Off-Reserve, Inuit, Metis: Selected Findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey”.

Is there any chance that we can get similar data tables for the following 2012 APS studies?

· School Mobility and Educational Outcomes of Off-Reserve First Nations Students
· Labour Force Characteristics of the Metis: Findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey
· Inuit Health: Selected Findings from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey


I contacted the subject matter division responsible for these and they provided the following response:
“These were available as a supplement/background to that report. Regarding work on the other three reports, no other such ‘supplemental’ tables were produced. Although they may be useful, they would not be available unless they were part of a custom request.”
Subject matter is investigating further and should they become available to the DLI free of charge in future we will be sure to include them in our collection.

Institutional identifiers and the National Graduate Survey


Does the NGS data (e.g., master file) have institutional identifiers for Canadian post-secondary institutions from which respondents received their last degree? The questionnaire seems to indicate no. If not, are there any other StatCan surveys with post-secondary institutional identifiers?


Please see Cansim Table 477-00621, 2, 5 - National graduates survey, post-secondary graduates by province of study and level of study.

Also, the Post-secondary Student Information System (PSIS) is a national survey that enables Statistics Canada to provide detailed information on enrollments and graduates of Canadian public post-secondary institutions in order to meet policy and planning needs in the field of post-secondary education.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

PUMF and Share files for census data


Are the PUMF census files random rounded and if so, can non-rounded census data be accessed? Also, are Share files available for the census (similar to the CCHS) and how can these be accessed?


The PUMF is a microdata file, it is an anonymized sample of our dissemination database i.e. a collection of respondent records. It is a collection of non-aggregated, unrounded data.
The census program creates two different files and more information can be found about the files by following the links:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Average market value of mobile homes


I have a student looking for average market value of mobile homes in a specific city. I have found lots of statistics, which have helped her for her other statistical needs, but nothing specifically for mobile homes. The best I could do was to advise her to go to http://www.realtor.ca, search for listings, and then average the price of the resulting listings. (You can bring up just mobile homes by clicking on the blue More Options button and selecting Mobile Home.)

If anyone knows of anything that I've missed, please let me know!


I had a question about historical housing prices and had to go through the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) stats service:http://creastats.crea.ca/natl/index.htm.

Three quick notes about dealing with CREA:
1. They took a month to reply to my initial email but acted quite quickly once they got back to me.
2. They said the researcher would have to contact them directly to get access to the stats.
3. They said there's often a cost recovery charge but, as a first-time academic user, they wouldn't charge my researcher for his first request.

Monday, November 16, 2015



I've got a researcher with the following question:
Do you know if a table exists that maps Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes to National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes?
I somewhat suspect that there isn't but want to double-check.

I presume that the closest we're going to find is data on which CIP grads are working in which NOC fields. To this end, the most detailed table I've found is 99-012-X2011056 from the NHS. Are there any sources we might consider for this data?


Here is a response from our Education subject matter:

“There is no standard mapping/concordance between CIP and NOC. Standards Division has indicated in the past that they would not produce such a concordance, stating “as these are different variables, the most appropriate way to look at the relationship between them is to produce a cross tabulation.”

General Corporate Tax Rates by Province - time series

I'm having trouble finding general provincial corporate tax rates. I have found some but they don't go back very far and the researcher wants them back decades, as far back as possible. Any suggestions? Do you think they would have to be looked up individually?


This Agriculture Canada publication has provincial corporate tax rates going back to 1960:
Corporate Income Tax Rate Database : Canada and the Provinces, 1960-2005Research and Analysis Directorate Strategic Research Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Also, a law library will have tax guides going back in time that will include the information you seek. These publications are published by various publishers such as CCH, De Boo, Carswell, and Lexis.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Custom tab requests - online form vs email?


Does anyone know if the procedure for requesting custom requests has recently changed slightly to now only be possible through an online form? I am accustomed to sending requests to: infostats@statcan.gc.ca but this address rejected my request. Not certain if just the email server was donw?

I then found this page which has only an online form:  http://www.statcan.gc.ca/reference/refcentre-centreref/index-eng.htm.

I was hoping an email address w/out the necessity of using an online form was still possible as it is then possible to copy into the initial correspondence the researchers requesting data.


In future it would be easier to email dli-idd@statcan.gc.ca with what custom tabulation you would be interested in and we can put you in touch with the relevant subject matter division whom would take your request from there. Please be sure to provide as much information as possible in your request and if possible reference a similar existing STATCAN product if your are aware of one.

Questions about price definitions for joining two CANSIM tables


A researcher would like to join two CANSIM tables for a continuous provincial/territorial GDP time series

To this end, we are wondering if the prices for the two tables below can be harmonized as current market prices? Please see below for the specifics of the two tables.

Also, was GDP being tracked province by province (& territories) before 1961? If so, where would this have been published? I note that cat. no. 13-213 only goes back to 1961 – I couldn’t readily find anything before this. Cat. no. 13-001 (1953 - ) doesn’t seem to break the provinces down.
CANSIM table 384-0015

What prices …
Are these variables all available in current market prices?  We note that these variables are at market prices, but there is no metadata on whether these are current prices.  Are they?

CANSIM table 384-0038

What prices …
Are these variables, all in market prices?  We note that we can select Prices=Current prices.  There is no metadata on whether these are market prices.  Are they?

Variables of interest

Variables of interest


Both GDP estimations in CANSIM table 384-0015 and 384-0038 are at market prices (i.e. “Provincial gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices” and “Gross domestic product at market prices”, respectively). Here is a definition of market prices:
Amounts of money that willing buyers pay to acquire something from willing sellers; the exchanges are made between independent parties and on the basis of commercial considerations only, sometimes called “at arm's length.”
Current prices refer to the prices at a specific time period (i.e. year). Here is the definition :
Transactions, assets or liabilities are said to be expressed in current prices if the prices used in their valuation are the prices prevailing in the period of observation; that is both the quantity and the price components of the value series relate to the current period. Period-to-period changes in current price values may reflect changes in both quantities and prices.
The first year where there is data on GDP by province is 1961. The data in CANSIM table 384-0015 are based on SNA 1968 concepts; SNA 1997 has since been adopted and CANSIM table 384-0038 is currently based on SNA 2008 concepts. In addition to the change in concepts, a constant dollar estimate was not produced in 384-0015 and therefore it would not be possible to harmonize the prices.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Soda (soft drink) consumption


I am seeing a reference (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-003-x/2008004/article/10716/6500244-eng.htm) to the CCHS capturing soda (soft drink) consumption but even in the Masterfile codebooks am not able to find the variable.

Does anyone know if soft drink consumption is captured in the CCHS or another STC survey (either PUMF or Master)?

Is “soft drink” consumption at a national level measured through either a health or expenditure survey?


Take a look at CANSIM Table 203-0028<http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=2030028&pattern=&stByVal=1&p1=1&p2=49&tabMode=dataTable&csid=> - Survey of household spending (SHS), detailed food expenditures, Canada, regions and provinces - annual (dollars); this table lists data for 'Carbonated soft drinks' under 'Non-alcoholic beverages and other food products' at the National level.

Also the CCHS 2004 Nutrition(Focus content 2.2) survey did capture data on soft drink consumption (24 hour recall). This should be available through the RDCs, or as a custom tab.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions


In the illustrated census glossary (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/92-195-x/2011001/geo/csd-sdr/csd-sdr-eng.htm), Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions are listed as valid for census years going back to 1961, but I have noticed that the terms Census Division and Subdivison are used at least as far back as 1931, if not earlier.

Any clue as to why this disparity?


These years align with those of the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC), Statistics Canada's official classification for geographical areas in Canada and Statistics Canada's official classification of geographic areas which provides unique codes for three hierarchically-related geographic areas: provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions.

Established in the early 1960s, the Standard Geographical Classification was released as a working manual for 1964, 1966 and 1972. In 1974, the manual became an official publication of Statistics Canada and it was subsequently issued for 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001. This 2006 version is the eighth edition.

The classification consists of two volumes, each available separately. Volume I describes the classification and related standard areas and provides an alphabetical index of place names. It also explains the changes between the 2006 edition of the SGC and the 2001 edition that impact directly upon the SGC, such as changes in name, type, or code, and indicates how the new and old codes relate to one another. Volume II contains reference maps showing the locations and boundaries of the standard geographical areas in the classification. The maps are available for a fee in a paper version or can be downloaded for free in PDF format from our website.

Hysterectomies by ethnicity


An student is looking for any recent aggregated data on hysterectomies in Quebec broken down by ethnicity or visible minority status. We have been able to find many sources for Quebec stats, but never broken down by ethnicity. Using Nesstar we were able to find variables in the Canadian Community Health Survey 2011-12 for hysterectomies (Variable MAM_038) and visible minority status, but provincial data seems only to be available for Alberta, Ontario and Newfoundland. All other provinces show 0 for variable MAM_038, so I checked the documentation and Appendix B confirmed that Quebec (and most other provinces) had opted out of the Mammography (MAM) questions (and yes, the hysterectomy variable is that category).

I also checked the Institut de la Statistique du Québec and Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux but could not get a breakdown by ethnicity.

Can someone think of another data source?


The single year 2012 CCHS cycle should have that variable as mammography was a theme for just that year. L'Institut de la Statistique du Québec being one of our partners should have the single year 2012 for CCHS. When there is a theme, data is collected from all provinces.

Therefore, any provinces, should have data on that theme for that year regardless if they had opted out the prior year. Whoever is looking to get the data where a province had opted out in a prior year (in this example 2011 for Quebec), has to look on the single year release. In this case the person would have to look at the single year data file for CCHS 2012.

If someone tries to run it on the 2011-12 PUMF then they will only get results for the provinces that had opted in for 2011 even though mammography was a theme for 2012. The results for Canada are already low that trying to cross it by provinces and Ethnicity could prove to be a challenge in some areas.

Dataset: Canadian Community Health Survey, 2012: Annual Component

2012: Annual Component

Variable MAM_038: Had a hysterectomy

Friday, October 30, 2015

Data for High School Students


I have had a request from a high school librarian who is looking for databases for her students. I have copied out the relevant part of her emails.

Since the demise of Estat, I am not really sure where to direct her.

“The past few days I have been flooded with requests for help from grade 12 IB biology students who are working on their “Internal Assessment” assignments. The internal assessment consists of a scientific investigation for which the student must find, use, and analyze external datasets. Most are experiencing a great degree of difficulty in locating data that is suitable, that is, related to their research question and at a level that they can easily understand and manipulate. The subject areas in which most students hope to work are marine biology and environmental systems. As there is also a similar assignment in the chemistry, physics, and math studies courses, I need to figure out the best way to access this kind of data for students at a high school academic level. Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.”


Point them to the open data portals! The most comprehensive list can be found here http://datalibre.ca/links-resources/

I have found the Gateway to Research Data search particularly useful for students in the sciences.

For Science Data the teacher should have a look at http://Re3data.org. It is becoming the international registry for accessible data. Sites like Pangea, Bar Code of Life, as well as Geogratis, are all listed there.

Canadian Disaster Database: Historical information on disasters affecting Canadians over the past century.

CANSIM’s environmental tables

Drought Watch (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada): Drought Watch provides timely information (maps) of the impacts of climatic variability on water supply and agriculture.

GeoGratis: Gateway to millions of geospatial data products, including a search tool to discover geospatial data (maps, satellite images, publications and other geospatial data), organizations, and geospatial-related services.

National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) - Environment Canada: The National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Network is a cooperative program of the federal, provincial, territorial and some regional governments providing accurate and long-term air quality data.

National Climate Data and Information Archive: The National Climate Data and Information Archive contains official climate and weather observations for Canada.

National Energy Use Database (NEUD): NEUD is an initiative to help NRCan improve its knowledge of energy consumption and energy efficiency at the end-use level in Canada. The NEUD's most important role is to secure the development of a reliable, Canada-wide information base on energy consumption for all energy-consuming sectors.

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI): Publicly-accessible inventory of pollutants released, disposed of and recycled by facilities in Canada.

Water Survey of Canada: The Water Survey of Canada (WSC) is the national authority responsible for the collection, interpretation and dissemination of standardized water resource data and information in Canada. In partnership with the provinces, territories and other agencies, WSC operates over 2500 active hydrometric gauges across the country.

Climate Data Online (CDO) (NOAA): Climate Data Online (CDO) is the web access application for the National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) archive of weather and climate data.

UNEP Environmental Data Explorer: This online database holds more than 500 different variables, as national, sub-regional, regional and global statistics or as geospatial data sets (maps), covering themes like Freshwater, Population, Forests, Emissions, Climate, Disasters, Health and GDP. Display them on-the-fly as maps, graphs, data tables or download the data in different formats.

OECD.org Environment

World Bank, World Development Indicators: Filter series: Environment: Environment for Agricultural production | Biodiversity & protected areas | Density & urbanization | Emissions | Energy production & use | Freshwater | Land use | Natural resources contribution to GDP

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

PCCF and FSA comparison


A researcher is trying to identify FSAs by provincial health authorities--the first thing I thought of was the PCCF. Is this a good use of the PCCF / PCCF flavour? Is there an alternative?


I have a suggestion, which might work for your question, and doesn’t require using the PCCF!

Statistics Canada freely provides boundary files for census geography in popular formats such as ArcGIS, GML and MapInfo. The list of downloadable geographies does include Forward Sortation Areas.

Stat Can also provides Health region boundary files. In the user guide, they explain that the health regions are “defined by provincial ministries of health” and will change as the provinces draw up new lines. The files I’ve linked you to are from 2014, but it’s possible to go back in time if working with older data.

So you could download these boundary files in a format compatible with your favorite (?!) GIS software. Then, if you have the knowledge yourself or know a friendly GIS person at your institution that can help, it’s possible to do all kinds of magic – including generating a list of FSAs by health regions. If there’s no GIS people where you are, let us know… several people on this list have experience with GIS software and might be willing to help.

While looking at the boundary files in the software, it will be easier to see if there are problems integrating FSAs and health regions – my understanding is that the country is divided in FSAs by Canada Post for their own needs and the provinces are divided in health regions by the provinces for their own needs – they might not fit exactly with each other.

Following up on the suggestion about comparing boundary files:

I have experience comparing these in Ontario and can confirm that they don't necessarily overlap. In some cases you can make educated guesses about the health unit in which you'd find the bulk of the population for a given FSA, but for other cases this may be quite difficult. Also, the case may be different in BC.

CMHS Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 question


One of our co-investigators was told, about a year ago, that she could not bring the Cycle2 and Cycle3 data together in order to run comparisons. We were wondering if this had to do with methodological changes that happened between the 2 cycles – but have been unable to find any information to this effect. We are particularly interest in the Iron and Ferrin measures.


I consulted with the subject matter division and they provided the following response:

Ferritin is the only iron indicator that we study. Ferritin data
Ferritin data was obtained using an immunoassay on the Centraur XP in cycle 3 and on the Immulite 2000 in cycle 2. Results from these two different immunoassays can only be compared with caution and after applying a correction factor of 0.96319 to the cycle 2 data (i.e. adjusted cycle 3 ferritin = cycle 2 ferritin * 0.96319).

It is in the user guide for Cycle 3.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Locations and boundaries of electoral polling stations


I'm interested in georeferencing polling station results for federal elections and I'd like to know: has anyone managed to get their hands on data for the locations of polling stations (address or point file) and/or the boundaries of polling station catchment areas (boundary file or postal code/address range)? The closest I've found are the pollbypoll and pollsresults CSV files for the 41st election, which provide community names for the location of polling stations but nothing more granular than that.


What about this from geogratis:


In ArcMap it looks like there are some polling division boundaries (polygons) and stations (points) for 2011. Could be used as a basis for other years…

Also, just an FYI the polling station results are also available in odesi, back to 1997 here in case they aren’t readily available online

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cost of Commercial Properties


I'm looking for the following statistics (ideally for small businesses only):
-- current average value of commercial properties (per ft2 or m2)
-- rental value of same
-- selling prices of same

All of the above at the Canada level. I'm aware of the Commercial Rents Services Price Index, but I would like the actual rents, not just the index.


Subject matter provided the following response to your questions:
We collect net effective rent charged, percentage rent and occupied square feet to create an occupied price per square foot. The change in this ppsf is then indexed. We do not collect any value related information on the properties.As a rule, we do not publish micro-data, the actual rents. The CRSPI also strips out many variables (utility, maintenance and parking costs, etc) that would be included in general rent and impact the renter. A possible alternate data source would be CB Richard Ellis, Avison Young or Colliers. They produce industry reports, as well as the asking rents for many properties within their portfolios.
If you are interested in discussing the CRSPI further, you can contact a subject matter expert at 613-854-3071.

Food Waste Information


I'm looking for information on food-related waste in restaurants and households; things such as:

-spoiled or uneaten food that has to be discarded;

-excess packaging or containers that are non-recyclable


Try these:

Composting by households in Canada

Households and the Environment Survey
Detailed tables from CANSIM


And a few other possible areas to check (you would have to double check to see how recent these are):

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

List of government department changes in Alberta and Sask


Does anyone have a list of how ministries have changed their names in Alberta and Saskatchewan over time?


The provincial government archives have documented the changes to administration over time.

For Saskatchewan, try the link to "Ministries" here: http://www.saskarchives.com/services-government/seld

For Alberta, try: An administrative history of the government of Alberta, 1905-2005

We find the list under “Ministers” on the SELD page very helpful as well since it is an alphabetical listing by ministry or department and you are often able to trace both backwards and forwards in time. The list does start with the Presidents of the Executive Council (i.e. the Premiers) and then the rest of the ministries follow in alphabetical order. Another resource that we use here at the legislative library is our library catalogue as many of the records include ‘see’ and ‘see also’ references. You can search the catalogue here at, http://legislative.voyager.uregina.ca:7208/vwebv/searchBasic?sk-en_US .

I often use Canadiana Authorities to find this information. It can be found at: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/services/canadiana/canadiana-authorities/Pages/canadiana-authorities.aspx. It's a bit awkward to use, but, I have found it to be helpful.

Also, many provincial archives have very good descriptions and history of departments/ministries in their government fonds. Here's an example of the results when you do a search for Alberta Public Affairs -https://hermis.alberta.ca/paa/Details.aspx?CollectionID=1&st=public+affairs&ReturnUrl=%2fpaa%2fSearch.aspx%3fCollectionID%3d1%26st%3dpublic%2baffairs&dv=True&DeptID=1&ObjectID=GR0048.001SF

Friday, October 9, 2015

Population with a university degree in NB / Historic data


We are looking for the number of people with a university degree in New Brunswick, yearly, for the following periods:

• 1977 to 1980
• 1982 to 1985
• 1987 to 1989

We found the stats for 1976, 1981 and 1986 in Historical statistics of New Brunswick (Cat. # 11-X-526).

The researcher has the stats for 1990-2014 from CANSIM Table 2820004.


How about using the Labour Force Historical Review, which contains a file titled:
Labour force estimates by education (based on old definition), age group, sex, Canada, province, annual average.
This covers the years 1976 to 1989. I’ve attached the Beyond 20/20 file that includes these statistics. Just drag and drop the dimensions to get the view you want.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Data on intimidation of journalists


A student is researching incidents of intimidation of journalists. In the CANSIM table 252-0051, this data element has been aggregated to “Total assaults against a peace officer”.

Can journalists be identified in the GSS on victimization?


The information can be found in our Cansim Table 252-0051. The Offence category is “1621 - Intimidation of a justice system participant or a journalist”. In 2014, there were 647 violations in Canada for that category.

It is impossible for us to distinguish between “journalist” and “justice system participant” since we do not collect the profession (work title) of the victim. This violation definition can be found in article 423 of the Criminal Code.

Vital Statistics – Death database


Do we have access to the Vital Statistics – Death Database? I have a researcher who’s looking for historic mortality rates (1930’s – 1970’s).


I confirmed that the RDC’s have access to the Vital Statistics – Death database.

- ICD-3 used from 1921 to 1930
- ICD-4 used from 1931 to 1940
- ICD-5 used from 1941 to 1949
- ICD-6 used from 1950 to 1957
- ICD-7 used from 1958 to 1968
- ICDA-8 used from 1969 to 1978
- ICD-9 used from 1979 to 1999
- ICD-10 used from 2000 to present

Friday, October 2, 2015

“Native Peoples Files” from the 1981 Census


Does Statistics Canada have electronic versions of the “Native Peoples Files” from the 1981 Census? 


The files are loaded temporarily here (will prompt for download):

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Meaning of "not applicable" in 2006 census profile data


A student in an urban studies course pointed out to me that most of the data (everything from the long form, it seems) for census tract 5350033.00 was missing in the profile for 2006; the missing data were replaced by an 'N'. 

It took a bit of digging to discover that 'N' stood for 'not applicable'. Nowhere does it explain what this might mean, either in a general or specific sense. The CT in question had a population of 5528, so it wasn't a suppression due to low population. 

Are non-response rates for individual CTs available anywhere for 2006? Would there have been any other reason to suppress the long-form data?


It seems as though that one was suppressed:

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Social Identity relationship with the Ethnic Diversity Survey 2002


Are the General Social Survey (GSS) 27 and the Ethnic Diversity Survey related?

I checked the Users’ guide for GSS 27, and did not find an instances of “Ethnic diversity”. However, I just checked the Questionnaire http://www62.statcan.ca/dli-idd/metadata/gss-esg/gss-2013-c27/GSS27SI_questionnaire.pdf.

On page 132 / 352, the second last line indicates “Similar question was asked Ethnic Diversity Survey 2002 (AT_Q030)”.

On page 134 / 352, under the first variable and values, it states “Based on Ethnic Diversity Survey 2002 Statistics Canada (AT_Q020).”

That is all that comes up for “Ethnic diversity”, but there are 28 instances of “ethnic” so there is a fair amount of content on this topic in GSS 27.

I searched the Statistics Canada website a bit to see if I could find anything else linking these two surveys, but came up empty handed. I am wondering if you can confirm that these two questions are the extent of the relationship between these two surveys, or am I missing anything else?


I confirmed with the subject matter division regarding your question. Here is the response from the survey manager.

“The 2013 General Social Survey (GSS) on Social Identity (SI) (cycle 27) did indeed borrow some content questions from the 2003 Ethnic Diversity Survey, but there is no relation between surveys. It is true that the “ethnicity” dimension is present in both surveys, but the 2013 GSS on SI has a larger scope which includes Social networks, civic participation and engagement, knowledge of Canadian history, appreciation of national symbols, shared values, confidence in institutions and trust in people. Other differences include, the instrument design, sampling, methodology and reference period.“

Database of audit-related information


An accountancy faculty is looking for audit-related information in the form of a searchable database that would allow him to identify for instance who signed the audit report for company X or Y. Some audit information is available through SEDAR but the information there is only available as pdf files, not as a searchable database.

An example of the type of resource he is looking for is Audit analytics (http://www.auditanalytics.com/0002/ ) . Obviously the researcher is aware of such commercial databases, but we would like to double check that there is publicly available alternative to the likes of Audit Analytics.


Statistics Canada doesn't have this or any comparable audit-related information like this on the Statistics Canada website or in any of our other public products.

Metadata for National Household Survey 2011 master files


What is the most precise (smallest) level of geography in the National Household Survey 2011 master files? The metadata for these files is not in DLI Nesstar.

Is Dissemination Area (DA) allowed for inferential tests (just not descriptives) in the Research Data Centre (RDC)?


Nesstar is the Statistics Canada PUMF repository and the lowest level of geography in the National Household Survey PUMF is the CMA.

In regards to the RDC file, DA level geography is available and can be used for modelling and analysis but researchers are not allowed to disseminate at the DA level. In order to disseminate data, the geographies must meet a certain population threshold.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Updated Products: Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File

Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File

As per Bill C-37, An Act to change the names of certain electoral districts and to amend the Electoral Boundaries readjustment act, 31 Federal Electoral District (FED) name changes have been applied against the recently released PCFRF file.

The Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File (PCFRF) provides a link between the six-character postal code and Canada's federal electoral districts. A federal electoral district (FED) is any place or territorial area entitled to return a Member of Parliament (MP) to serve in the House of Commons and is commonly referred to as a federal riding.

A reference guide has been produced for this product. This guide describes the content of the product, as well as providing information on data quality, record layouts and methodology. There will be only an HTML release of the guide.


EFT: /MAD_DLI_PCCF/Root/2015/data/pcfrfNatFED2013_NOV14_fcpcefNatCEF2013

DLI Nesstar Access


Is it possible to request username/password access to DLI Nesstar for one or more faculty members at our Institution who are frequent PUMF users?

If so what is the process to acquire the username?

Does the DLI have a rough idea when end-user access will be available to DLI subscribing institutions?


At this time, to use the Nesstar system, users require a username and password. We would be happy to provide usernames and passwords for faculty and class groups to Nesstar and can do so immediately. We would just require you to email our dli-idd@statcan.gc.ca with the institution name, client’s full name and email as well as their desired username.

Nesstar Webview (http://www62.statcan.ca/webview/) is a web-based system for disseminating PUMFs in the DLI Collection. Data and metadata can be viewed without the need for specialized software. Using a standard web browser, users are able to access, search, locate, browse, analyse and download data and metadata. For more information, please consult Nesstar WebView user guide: http://www.nesstar.com/help/4.0/webview/index.html

Alumni access to DLI WDS and Nesstar


Can alumni request IP access to DLI WDS and Nesstar restricted platforms?


Unfortunately, the DLI License agreement for Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) currently stipulates that access to DLI data can be granted only to those individuals having a current standing (students, faculty, researchers, administrators) at participating institutions. Therefore in this and similar cases we are not extending access to alumni of DLI institutions and would recommend that the individual access our free public resources available on the Statistics Canada website. This is also noted in the FAQ on Licensing Questions and Decisions available at : http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/dli/caselaw/faq.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homelessness Statistics


I know that Statistics Canada doesn’t collect information specifically about homelessness, but can anyone direct me to any other sources?


National Homelessness Information System ​- http://hifis.hrsdc.gc.ca/index-eng.shtml
FCM Quality of Life Reporting System for 24 Cities, data provided by cities and shelters - http://www.municipaldata-donneesmunicipales.ca/Site/Collection/en/index.php (Follow the instructions and you can get access to city counts on a number of variables)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Recommended Informed Consent Language for Data Sharing


Does Statistics Canada have language for researchers using confidential (enclave) data in describing data curation/sharing/dissemination when preparing their grant applications?


The FAQ for the RDC Program largely addresses the question: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/rdc/faq

Also, colleagues recommended adopting some of the language from ICPSR's Recommended Informed Consent Language for Data Sharing: http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/content/datamanagement/confidentiality/conf-language.html.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Is there a more current enrolment dataset available from the Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)? The one on the DLI ftp site only goes to 2010/2011. There is some enrolment data on CANSIM which goes to 2012/2013 – tables 477-0019 and 477-0031.


What is available on CANSIM is what is most recent. There will be a PSIS release on November 30th 2015 for the 2013-2014 data.

Monday, September 14, 2015

2011 National Household Survey Income


A researcher is looking for the income for 2011 for the City of Waterloo, individuals 65 and over.

All I’m finding in NHS is the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge CMA data.

Is the data at the CSD level available or do we need to go through the custom tab?


Please find the link below:

Selected Demographic, Cultural, Educational, Labour Force and Income Characteristics (730), First Official Language Spoken (4), Age Groups (8D) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2011 National Household Survey

You can select the age group 65 years and over and scroll down for the Income variables. Then click on the geographic index to view other CSDs.

Friday, September 11, 2015

2015 LFS Users Guide


Do you know when we will be getting a 2015 LFS Users Guide?

I realize that it will be almost identical to the previous years, but our users do not understand that. So when they are using the LFS for the first time they think that they do not have the latest guide.


The guide is available for download from : http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/olc-cel/olc.action?lang=en&ObjId=71-543-G&ObjType=2 .

Statistics Canada Nesstar Data Portal & Subsets


I recently provided the complete CCHS PUMF (SPSS format) to a requestor which I obtained from the StatCan Nesstar Data Portal. While doing that I noticed that there appears to be an option to subset the datafile in the Nesstar interface but when I click that ‘button’ there are no available variables included. Am I correct in assuming that subsetting from Nesstar is not configured?


In Nesstar Web view, when you click the subset button, the variable list (box next to variable) is empty, because you have to choose which variables to subset. If the client were to open the Variable Description tab under the survey name on the left hand column, find the desired variables off the list, it will allow them to select the variable to subset. They can then choose the value for that variable, click add, hit more, and choose another variable, etc.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Federal electoral districts by 2013 CMA


A researcher is looking for a list of the 338 federal electoral ridings Revised (2013) grouped by census metropolitan area (CMA).


Here is a note that explains how the FEDs were formed for the Census and the NHS (this is valid for both the 2011 Census and the 2011 NHS):

The Constitution of Canada requires that the number of seats in the House of Commons be recalculated and the boundaries of federal electoral districts (FEDs) be reviewed after each 10-year census to reflect changes and movements in Canada's population. This process is known as the redistribution of federal electoral districts. A 2013 Representation Order was proclaimed with 338 federal electoral districts, and reported in the Canada Gazette on October 5, 2013.

Many of the 338 federal electoral districts (2013 Representation Order) do not fully align with the 2011 Census geographic structure. To tabulate the data from the 2011 National Household Survey, the 2011 dissemination block structure was used. In some cases, dissemination blocks were split between FEDs and had to be assigned to a single FED for the purpose of tabulating the data. For this reason, and also due to random rounding and weighting, the 2011 National Household Survey data for these FEDs may not match the population counts reported in the Canada Gazette. In addition, the 2011 National Household Survey is based on the population in private households rather than the total population.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Quarterly Tax Revenues data for Canada


A student who has been accessing CANSIM tables has an question regarding the basis of table 380-0080. We were able to find this table which fit his initial needs, but now he’s wondering whether it really is cash-based or accrual?


I believe our subject matter division already answered this question to the researcher in their previous response, please see below for the part relative to this most recent question.

“A large portion of the data in 380-0080 is cash based, however the GDP components, including taxes on products and taxes on factors of production, are measured on an accrual basis.”

2011 Symmetric Input Output Tables


A researcher here has requested the following:

- Provincial Symmetric Input-Output Tables: Aggregation Level S, 2011

- National Symmetric Input-Output Tables: Aggregation Level L, 2011

According to their corresponding webpages these two files were released in April 2015:



Would it be possible to have these files added to the DLI ftp site?


I have secured the requested files and placed them on the EFT.

English available at EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Input-Output-Tables

French available at TEF : /MAD_DLI/Root/autres-produits/Entrées-Sorties-Tableaux

Friday, September 4, 2015

Updated Products - Labour Force Survey (LFS) August

Labour Force Survey (LFS) – August 2015

LFS data for August 2015 is now available on the EFT site.

The Labour Force Survey estimates are based on a sample, and are therefore subject to sampling variability. Estimates for smaller geographic areas, industries, occupations or cross tabulations will have more variability. For an explanation of sampling variability of estimates, and how to use standard errors to assess this variability, consult the Data Quality section in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey.

The LFS guide:

/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2015/data/micro2015-08.zip

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Updated Products: Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File

Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File

Wednesday, 2015 September 2, 8:30 a.m. (Ottawa time), sees the official release, via the Internet, of the Postal Codes by Federal Ridings (2013 Representation Order) File (PCFRF). This file reflects postal codeOM data from the Canada Post Corporation up to and including November 2014, and the new, legal Federal Ridings (2013 Representation Order).

The Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File (PCFRF) provides a link between the six-character postal code and Canada's federal electoral districts. A federal electoral district (FED) is any place or territorial area entitled to return a Member of Parliament (MP) to serve in the House of Commons and is commonly referred to as a federal riding.

A reference guide has been produced for this product. This guide describes the content of the product, as well as providing information on data quality, record layouts and methodology. There will be only an HTML release of the guide.


EFT: /MAD_DLI_PCCF/Root/2015/data/pcfrfNatFED2013_NOV14_fcpcefNatCEF2013

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Updated Products: HES 2013 V2

Please note the updated products listed below and the path to access them via the EFT site.

Households and the Environment survey 2013

The file provides data for Canada, the provinces and census metropolitan areas and includes information on a wide range of topics, including water quality concerns; consumption and conservation of water; energy use and home heating and cooling; pesticide and fertilizer use on lawns and gardens; recycling, composting and waste disposal practices. It also provides information on the socio-demographic, income and labour force characteristics of the population.
An update to the 2013 Households and the Environment Survey Public Use Microdata File (PUMF) (catalogue number 16M0001XCD) was released on June 9th, 2013. The only change was the removal of the HW_Q10CC due to an inconsistency between the English and French versions of the corresponding response category in the questionnaire. As well, the variable HW_Q10CE was replaced with HWD10CE (“other”), which is based all responses of “yes” to the former HW_Q10CC and HW_Q10CE variables.

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/ Households and the Environment Survey-hes/2013

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

CCHS 2009-2010 and 2010 Respondents


A grad student here is working with the CCHS 2009-2010 and the CCHS 2010 files. The documentation appears to indicate that the respondents from CCHS 2010 make up about half of the respondents in the CCHS 2009-2010, i.e. that the same 2010 respondents are in both files and that these are not two totally distinct groups? However, the student has asked me to confirm this with Statistics Canada, as it is “critical” to his dissertation.


I consulted the subject matter division responsible and they provided the following response.

“The same respondent cases that appear in the annual CCHS (2010) will also appear in the biannual CCHS file (2009-2010)”

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

GSS 2014 - Victimization


A user is wondering when this will be available... "Am wondering if you knew when information from the 2014 GSS (Victimization) would be released. The Website shows a data release of 2015 - was wondering if it had been released yet?"


I confirmed with subject matter on your question and they don’t have a concrete date other than Fall of 2015.

Monday, August 17, 2015

After-tax Income, Quarterly


I have a student who is looking for after-tax income, per capita, quarterly. We found Cansim table 2002-0603 which gives him basically what he’s looking for but it annual. Is there something like this available quarterly?


I confirmed with the subject matter division responsible for this table and they confirmed they only have annual data and do not have monthly or quarterly data.

Updated Products: International Travel Survey (ITS), 2013

International Travel Survey (ITS), 2013

The ITS 2013 PUMF is now available on the EFT.

The International Travel Survey (ITS) provides statistics on travellers, to and from Canada. The Frontier Counts component provides a full range of statistics on the number of international travellers by selected category and by type of transportation as well as the number of automobiles, trucks and other vehicles (motorcycles, snowmobiles, bicycles) entering Canada.

For more information: Record number 5005

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/International Travel Survey - its/2013

Friday, August 14, 2015

Updated Products: Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (TSRC), 2014

Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (TSRC), 2014
The TSRC 2014 PUMF is now available on the EFT.

The Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (TSRC) is a major source of data used to measure the size and status of Canada's tourism industry. It was developed to measure the volume, the characteristics and the economic impact of domestic travel. Since the beginning of 2005 this survey replaces the Canadian Travel Survey (CTS).

For more information: Record number 3810

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Travel Survey of Residents of Canada - tsrc/2014

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) version 6B(V2)

An error in the pointer file for duplicate postal code records was identified which resulted in some postal codes being processed improperly. To correct this error, a new version of PCCF+ (version 6B V2) has been released. 

The following files have been updated:

- pointer file for duplicate postal codes (pccf.1411.pccf.pointdup.txt), along with the associated duplicate postal codes file (pccf.1411.pccf.dups.txt) 

- SAS code that reads the CSD type variable found in the geographic attributes file (input_georef.sas) 
- a small revision to better for residential flag (cpcref.egmres.v1411.txt)
- air stage delivery (cpcref.airstage.v1411.txt)

EFT : /MAD_DLI_PCCF/Root/Health-PCCF-plus-Sante-FCCP-plus

Monday, August 10, 2015

New files on Statistics Canada Nesstar

We are pleased to inform you that the following are now available on the Statistics Canada Nesstar Webview site (http://www62.statcan.ca/webview/ ).

Public Master Files (metadata only):
- Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS), Cycle 2013


- Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS), Cycle 2013 – Household File
- Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS), Cycle 2013 – Person File
- The General Social Survey (GSS), Cycle 26, 2012 - Caregiving and Care Receiving File

And more to come!...

Anyone can view the metadata for these files on the Statistics Canada Nesstar site. Only DLI Contacts however will be able to access the data files on the site (PUMFs). If you are a DLI Contact and would like to access and manipulate data files on the Statistics Canada Nesstar site, please send us an email at dli-idd@statcan.gc.ca to request a password. Please note that the PUMF data files available through Nesstar are subject to the PUMF Licence agreement.

To access the microdata housed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs), researchers must submit a project proposal to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Statistics Canada.

Onion Production

I have a request from a researcher looking for CCS-level stats for Quebec:

I am interested in data for dry onion production in Quebec. I am interested in finding out the following:

1. farm size, type, tenure, ownership, soil type, revenues, irrigation practices/technologies
2. farm operator age, education, years of experience

3. marketed production, yields, farm gate value, production area, production regions, exports and imports, % of provincial and national GDP

She’s extracted what she can from the Census of Agriculture, but she’d like to find stats that are more recent than 2011. If necessary, she’ll consider a custom tab.


I have confirmed with subject matter regarding your questions and they have provided the following information:

The Census of Agriculture would only have as a standard data product the number of farms reporting and the total area reported for onions by CCS and a custom request for data with Leon Laborde could address some of the additional data the researcher is asking for on a cost recovery basis, but there would likely be suppression even at the provincial level.

With respect to imports/exports, this information is available free through the Canadian International Trade Database (CIMT)


Below is the link to our Canadian International Trade Database (CIMT) to retrieve free HS06 trade data:


1) Retrieve your data with one of the following options:

· Option 1: Select trading partner - Select a trading partner and specific variables (e.g., country, province, state, year, month, or frequency). Click on the appropriate button to either "Retrieve" the data or "Save as spreadsheet (CSV)" .

· Option 2: Search by commodity or Harmonized System code" - Click on "Search" and then on "Domestic Exports", "Re-exports" or "Imports" next to the commodity of your choice.

Use the multiple drop-down menus to change variables.

In some instances, hyperlinks are available and enable you to drill down to lower levels of detail. For example, clicking I-Live Animals and Animal Products shows a breakdown of all the commodity chapters found in that section, offering access to more detailed information. Use the buttons "Retrieve" to retrieve a different variable selection from the drop down menus, "Save as spreadsheet (CSV)" to save in tabulation compatible document and/or "Start Over".

To obtain more information on international trade concepts, commodity classification, releases and revisions, please click on the related buttons in the left-hand side menu.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Updated Products - Labour Force Survey (LFS) July 2015

Labour Force Survey (LFS) – July 2015

LFS data for July 2015 are now available on the EFT site.

The Labour Force Survey estimates are based on a sample, and are therefore subject to sampling variability. Estimates for smaller geographic areas, industries, occupations or cross tabulations will have more variability. For an explanation of sampling variability of estimates, and how to use standard errors to assess this variability, consult the Data Quality section in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey.

The LFS guide:

/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Labour Force Survey - lfs/1976-2015/data/micro2015-07.zip

CANSIM Population Estimate Tables


A graduate student researcher wants to merge two CANSIM population estimate tables, 109-5335 (http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=1095335) and 109-5325 (http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/a26?lang=eng&id=1095325) together. His initial question was a little confusing but, after speaking with him, this is his clearer rephrasing of what he sees as a problem with the tables:

My thoughts in terms of accuracy are that the more recent 109-5335 table is more accurate than the 109-5325 in the estimates after 2006 (especially those further from that year) given that census data should have been available to benchmark the 2011 year in the former table, where the population estimates for those years would be extrapolated (with help from admin data) in the later table. In comparing the tables, it would seem that it is the post-censal estimates which show the greatest levels of disparity between the tables. Although intercensal populations are also estimates, I anticipate these will be more accurate vs projections given solid benchmarks as to where the true population values were and where they should lead to. Therefore, I see this as an accuracy concern and not a methodological concern.

If you could raise the question to Stats Canada, there may be issues of methodologies that provide a better understanding of the tables. I am also wondering why multiple census benchmarks have (seemingly) not been used in making the tables. I think these should have included 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2011. By the description of interensal periods, it looks like 109-5325 uses 1996 estimates (skipping 2001) and 109-5335 uses 2001 estimates (skipping 2006) but I might be wrong.

I do not think that merging these two tables is a good idea and that is what I told him. But if anyone had any additional information on the methodologies used for these two separate population estimate calculation, or the census benchmarks used in the two tables, other than what is provided on the CANSIM webpage, it would be much appreciated.


The subject matter division provided the following response:

First of all, the best recommendation would probably be to use CANSIM table 109-5345, which replaces CANSIM table 109-5335, as indicated in Footnote #1. This table has the most up to date and accurate population estimates for Health Regions over the 2001 to 2014 period.

Concerning the user’s concerns on accuracy, you can tell him that population estimates that are of intercensal level are generally more accurate (i.e. closer to reality) as opposed to postcensal level estimates. This is because intercensal estimates are based on the two censuses preceding and following the year in question, whereas postcensal estimates are based from the most recent available census (to which is added the estimated demographic growth, based on various administrative data sources). Contrary to the user assumptions, we are always using all census counts (adjusted for census net under coverage and incompletely enumerated Indian reserves) that are available at the moment of producing the data. I’m not sure what exactly led him to his assumptions; if he still has questions regarding methodology for producing population estimates, you could provide him my contact info and I’ll gladly help him.

Thursday, August 6, 2015



I have a researcher who wants CIHR funded data that is supposedly stored at the University of Toronto. Has anyone had experience with obtaining such data?


That sounds like it would be original research data that was funded by the CIHR. Could be one of many funded proposals. My guess is that either it will be within the control of a faculty member, research group or department (especially if the data are sensitive), or perhaps a deposit made to the UoT Libraries. While there, I didn’t receive any CIHR-funded deposits but you might try contacting the RDM Working Group, who might be able to put out a message to ask internally.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Error in Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) version 6B input file

An error in the pointer file for duplicate postal code records was discovered in version 6B of the Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+). This error will result in the improper processing of some postal codes. A replacement file will be made available soon. Until then, please refrain from using the PCCF+ 6B.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Coding urban / rural for FSA's from PCCF


A researcher is doing analysis on the FSA level. She is using the PCCF and wants to create a dummy variable for 0=rural and 1=urban.

Would these methods be accurate, and if so, which would be more accurate? If not, would you have any suggestions for her to recode this dummy variable?

(A) recode SACtype (6-8 = 0) and (1-5 = 1)

(B) recode POP_CNTR_RA_type (0=0) and (1-4, 6 = 1)

From the PCCF reference guide


1 Census subdivision within census metropolitan area
2 Census subdivision within census agglomeration with at least one census tract
3 Census subdivision within census agglomeration having no census tracts
4 Census subdivision outside of census metropolitan area and census agglomeration
having strong metropolitan influence
5 Census subdivision outside of census metropolitan area and census agglomeration
having moderate metropolitan influence
6 Census subdivision outside of census metropolitan area and census agglomeration
having weak metropolitan influence
7 Census subdivision outside of census metropolitan area and census agglomeration
having no metropolitan influence
8 Census subdivision within the territories, outside of census agglomeration


0 Rural area
1 Core
2 Fringe
4 Population centre outside CMAs and CAs
6 Secondary core


If you want to use the Canada Post definition:

For customers who have a rural address [e.g., Postal Code with a “0” (zero)] as the second character […] from <https://www.canadapost.ca/tools/pg/customerguides/Advance_CGbrm-e.pdf>

Read each character of the FSA as a single byte string (e.g.,Data list FSA1 to FSA3 1-3 (A) FSA 1-3 (A) … Value labels rururb 0 “Rural” 1 “Urban”. compute rururb=1. If (FSA2 = “0”) then rururb=0.)

The subject matter has also provided the following feedback:

It is somewhat challenging to provide meaningful feedback (deciding on A or B) without knowing and understanding the context and details for creating a binary urban-rural classification by re-classifying the SACType or POP_CNTR_RA_TYPE variables. However, I can provide some feedback in the form of a small set of cursory assumptions (or possible cautionary notes) that may help the DLI client further her choice/research/application(s).

Based on the logic provided, the DLI client is re-classifying some of the 2011 Census geography variables. The following points are my assumptions.

- The latest vintage of the PCCF is the source of the SACType and POP_CNTR_RA_type variables/data.

- Feedback has been (or will be) provided on the nature and limitations of the PCCF with regards to postal geographies (FSA and FSA-LDU). This would include details regarding the Canada Post functional urban/rural indicator expressed in the FSA itself.

For Option A:

- The client is not interested in distinguishing between POP_CNTRs inside CMAs and CAs and POP_CNTRs outside CMAs and CAs (where POP_CNTR_RA_type recoded (1-4, 6 = 1)). The residual area inside and outside CMAs and CAs is defined as “rural”.

For option B:

- Areas outside CMAs and CAs that are classified as strong and moderate metropolitan influence (MIZ) are aggregated/grouped with CMAs and CAs to form a single “urban” class (where SACType is recoded (1-5 = 1)).

Note: there is no concern that rural areas (StatCan’s rural) exist in most CMAs, CAs, and areas classified as strong and moderate MIZ.

- Areas classified within the Territories and weak and no metropolitan influence (MIZ) are aggregated/grouped to form a single “rural” class (where SACType is recoded (6-8 = 0)).

Note: there is no concern that the StatCan defined POP_CNTRs exist is most areas classified as moderate and no MIZ, and the Territories.

I can sense that option A may be more appropriate – again, without some context it is challenging to provide meaningful advice.

Please let me know if more information is needed or if there are any details regarding the context of the research/application that have not been shared with me.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Comparing income inequality by FSA's between 2006 and 2011QAAA


A researcher is having difficulties comparing income equality (for economic families or households) by FSA’s between 2006 and 2011. We would like to ask for help finding this information please.

1. Is it possible to get standard error measures for 2011, as there are for 2006 (as shown in purple below)? How would we go about getting this?

2. If that proves difficult, the researcher would like to calculate GINI coefficient, but she needs (by FSA) total income for all economic families &/or all households. The values highlighted in yellow seem too low to represent total income, what do they represent total numbers of economic families/households?

3. If so, how would we go about getting the sum total of all income (of all economic families/households) by FSA (used to calculate medians and averages)?


In 2006, the Census profile 94-581-XCB2006003 by FSA shows these measures :
Profile of Forward Sortation Areas
E.g. Canada (01)   20000
Family income in 2005 of economic families - 20% sample data
Median family income $
Average family income $
Standard error of average family income $
Household income in 2005 of private households - 20% sample data
Median household income $
Average household income $
Standard error of average household income $

a. Personal income (not wanted)

In 2011, the NHS Profile by FSA shows these measures - EO1976_ID579862

2011 NHS
Canada ( 26.1%)
Household total income in 2010 of private households
Household income in 2010 of private households
  Median household total income $
  Average household total income $
Family income in 2010 of economic families
  Median family income $
  Average family income $


I consulted the responsible subject matter division and they have advised on your questions in red below:

1) The voluntary 2011 NHS replaced the mandatory census long form. As with most voluntary surveys, there are more risks associated with non-response in the NHS. In order to limit the effects of non-response, the systems and methodology normally used for the census long form were changed to introduce new methods at the collection, sampling and estimation stages.

The NHS is now a two-phase sample design, compared to the single-phase sample design in the census. This makes the estimation methodology more complex for the 2011 NHS. A two-phase sample design involves selecting a first-phase sample with data mostly collected via Internet and mail returns. The second phase consists in selecting and following up on a sub-sample of the non‑respondents from the first phase via more effective modes, i.e., telephone and in-person interviews.

Standard errors (SE) released in previous censuses were derived assuming a simple random sample without replacement. The same assumption cannot be made for the 2011 NHS, because of its more complex design.

2) It is the number of economic families or the number of households depending which total line you are looking at. For definitions of Economic Families and Households, they can refer to the Census Dictionaries for the respective years:


3) We do not have this available via our standard products. Your best bet would be to contact the closest regional office for a possible custom data request.