Friday, November 28, 2008

CCHS 4.1 and patient satisfaction and utilzation questions by health region


My question: Will a user be able to obtain data on patient satisfaction and utilization questions by health region from CCHS 4.1?
We are hopeful because the sample size has grown to 65,000 (this was a problem two years ago).

See: Sampling This is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design.

To provide reliable estimates to the 121 health regions (HRs), a sample of 65,000 respondents is required on an annual basis. A multi-stage sample allocation strategy gives relatively equal importance to the HRs and the provinces. In the first step, the sample is allocated among the provinces according to the size of their respective populations and the number of HRs they contained. Each province's sample is then allocated among its HRs proportionally to the square root of the population in each HR. (excerpt from:

However, after looking at the questionnaire we are cautiously optimistic:
Optional Content section, specifically page 268, Appendix 2, the patient satisfaction topics are only covered off by a few jurisdictions (at least according to this table).

CCHS 3.1 provided patient satisfaction data by province, and every province participated which may be why there is confusion now.


Here is the response from the author division regarding your question on patient satisfaction and utilization questions by health region from CCHS 2007:

"Patient satisfaction (PAS): Was asked out of a sub-sample of respondents in the 10 provinces. Selected as optional by Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Therefore, only provincial/territorial estimates are possible. However, this module was also selected as optional module by Ontario and Saskatchewan. Health region (HR) level estimates are possible for these 2 provinces only, where sample size allows.

Utilisation: if you are referring to the Access to health care services module (ACC): this was also asked as a subsample to the 10 provinces only. Not asked and not selected by none of the Territories. Selected as optional module by New-Brunswick and Ontario. HR level estimates possible for these 2 provinces only, where sample size allows.

Utilisation: if you are referring to the Health Care Utilization module (HCU): This module is part of Core content and therefore asked of everybody. HR level estimates are then possible, of course where sample size allows."

I hope this answers your question. Please note that CCHS 2007 is effectively CCHS 4.1, but they have dropped the Cycle number from the name in favour of the year.

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