Thursday, February 12, 2015

Public Links to DLI Updates


The "public" links to the DLI Update do not seem to work. I have checked the URLs and I get an "Access Forbidden" -- to cite one example, this link does not work: <>.

I've also checked the URL from the Stat Can Library catalogue and get the same result when I try to access the link found in the catalogue record at: <>


As part of a redesign of the DLI website, certain content was removed. In order to meet accessibility standards, documents that were not in an accessible format were removed, such as the PDF versions of the DLI update. These are now archived on the DLI EFT site. These changes were brought forth and discussed with the community over a two year period at DLI Regional Training Sessions. At this time, they are only available through the EFT site.

We can investigate alternative access modes, such as the new DLI Training Repository to host these documents.