Thursday, February 26, 2015

CANSIM Table 228-0034 (Domestic Exports)


A researcher is looking for earlier years, specifically for 1980-1989, equivalent to that found in CANSIM Table 228-0034 (now terminated and replaced by another table): Domestic exports, customs-based, by province of origin, monthly. She only needs data for Canada and Quebec and on an annual basis.

I have asked her to look at the various Merchandise Exports tables (90 of them in this theme!) to see if any of these might provide what she needs should her original request not be able to be fulfilled, but would appreciate confirmation.


The subject matter confirmed that:

"The CIMT database contains data from 1988 and on. Any data that was collected prior to 1988 is archived and, if it is available for dissemination, would be more costly to produce for a client."