I’ve received a request for the “Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces, 2016 (SSMCAF)”? This is listed on the Statistics Canada website:
Can we obtain access to these data through DLI?
I received a response from subject matter in regards to the SSMCAF: “There is no PUMF, however the data is available in the RDCs”
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Correspondence of "Other place names" to CSD
I'm looking for a correspondence file of "Other places names" (as they appear in Census Profiles on the StatCan website) to CSDs. I notice that this information is embedded in the Census Profile results page but I'd lofve to see the underlying data.
For example, I get two results when I look up Acadia Valley, AB in the 2016 Census Profile: one under "Designated places" and the other under "Other place names." The latter result also shows the corresponding CSD. What I'm looking for is the data for that correspondence. Unless I'm mistaken, that's not available in any of the Census geography products.
Subject matter provided this resource:
I'm looking for a correspondence file of "Other places names" (as they appear in Census Profiles on the StatCan website) to CSDs. I notice that this information is embedded in the Census Profile results page but I'd lofve to see the underlying data.
For example, I get two results when I look up Acadia Valley, AB in the 2016 Census Profile: one under "Designated places" and the other under "Other place names." The latter result also shows the corresponding CSD. What I'm looking for is the data for that correspondence. Unless I'm mistaken, that's not available in any of the Census geography products.
Subject matter provided this resource:
Dataset for Savings Planning Time
A student here is looking for a dataset which, ideally, would look at savings planning time horizons for immigrants and non-immigrants (to whichever country/ies the study might happen to pertain).
Failing that, she could use a dataset which contains savings information and perceptions of time (e.g., long-term planner, short-term planner, in the moment, etc.): we have found a potentially promising dataset at ICPSR (Center for Research on Social Reality [Spain] Survey, March 1996: Savings, Family, and Aging (ICPSR 6973)). Similar datasets would be wonderful.
In the absence of anything else, even datasets that focused on or explored people’s planning horizons generally would be welcomed.
I’m not sure if StatCan has anything appropriate: I’ve suggested that she look at the various assets/debts files to see if they might be used as proxy for attitudes.
Anyone else with suggestions (for Canada or other countries)?
AnswerI did come across the following statcan survey:
The Canadian Financial Capability Survey (CFCS) will shed light on Canadians' knowledge, abilities and behaviour concerning financial decision-making. In other words, how Canadians understand their financial situation, the financial services available to them and their plans for the future. The survey is designed to collect information surrounding respondents' approaches to day-to-day money management and budgeting, longer term money management and general financial planning.
The data even seems to have immigration status:
From a Daily entry:
Recent immigrants (those who arrived in Canada during the period 10 years prior to the survey) were less likely to be preparing for retirement (65%) compared with established immigrants (75%) and the Canadian-born (79%). They were also less likely to know how much to save. Other groups that were more likely to be preparing for retirement included couples with dependent children (82%) and couples without dependent children (81%) compared with unattached individuals (74%), lone parents (69%) and individuals belonging to “other” family types (57%); paid employees (81%) compared with the self-employed (72%) and the unemployed (63%); and homeowners without a mortgage (86%) compared with owners with a mortgage (81%) and renters (67%). Residents of the Prairies were also more likely than other Canadians to be preparing for retirement.
A student here is looking for a dataset which, ideally, would look at savings planning time horizons for immigrants and non-immigrants (to whichever country/ies the study might happen to pertain).
Failing that, she could use a dataset which contains savings information and perceptions of time (e.g., long-term planner, short-term planner, in the moment, etc.): we have found a potentially promising dataset at ICPSR (Center for Research on Social Reality [Spain] Survey, March 1996: Savings, Family, and Aging (ICPSR 6973)). Similar datasets would be wonderful.
In the absence of anything else, even datasets that focused on or explored people’s planning horizons generally would be welcomed.
I’m not sure if StatCan has anything appropriate: I’ve suggested that she look at the various assets/debts files to see if they might be used as proxy for attitudes.
Anyone else with suggestions (for Canada or other countries)?
AnswerI did come across the following statcan survey:
The Canadian Financial Capability Survey (CFCS) will shed light on Canadians' knowledge, abilities and behaviour concerning financial decision-making. In other words, how Canadians understand their financial situation, the financial services available to them and their plans for the future. The survey is designed to collect information surrounding respondents' approaches to day-to-day money management and budgeting, longer term money management and general financial planning.
The data even seems to have immigration status:
From a Daily entry:
Recent immigrants (those who arrived in Canada during the period 10 years prior to the survey) were less likely to be preparing for retirement (65%) compared with established immigrants (75%) and the Canadian-born (79%). They were also less likely to know how much to save. Other groups that were more likely to be preparing for retirement included couples with dependent children (82%) and couples without dependent children (81%) compared with unattached individuals (74%), lone parents (69%) and individuals belonging to “other” family types (57%); paid employees (81%) compared with the self-employed (72%) and the unemployed (63%); and homeowners without a mortgage (86%) compared with owners with a mortgage (81%) and renters (67%). Residents of the Prairies were also more likely than other Canadians to be preparing for retirement.
PUMF in nesstar:
Canadian Financial Capability Survey - PUMF
Information for analysts and researchers
81-004-X201100111432 Competing Priorities - Education and Retirement Saving Behaviours of Canadian Families
11-008-X201100111430 Debt and family type in Canada
75-006-X201600114360 Financial literacy and retirement planning
75-006-X201600114464 Gender differences in the financial knowledge of Canadians
75-001-X201200211636 Household debt in Canada
11-624-M2010026 Retirement-Related Highlights from the 2009 Canadian Financial Capability Survey
75-001-X201100211428 Retiring with debt
11-008-X201100111413 The financial knowledge of Canadians
75-001-X201100411535 The financial well-being of the self-employed
75-001-X201100311529 The wealth and finances of employed low-income families
Canadian Financial Capability Survey - PUMF
Information for analysts and researchers
81-004-X201100111432 Competing Priorities - Education and Retirement Saving Behaviours of Canadian Families
11-008-X201100111430 Debt and family type in Canada
75-006-X201600114360 Financial literacy and retirement planning
75-006-X201600114464 Gender differences in the financial knowledge of Canadians
75-001-X201200211636 Household debt in Canada
11-624-M2010026 Retirement-Related Highlights from the 2009 Canadian Financial Capability Survey
75-001-X201100211428 Retiring with debt
11-008-X201100111413 The financial knowledge of Canadians
75-001-X201100411535 The financial well-being of the self-employed
75-001-X201100311529 The wealth and finances of employed low-income families
Monday, March 27, 2017
HBSC data sets
I know the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children survey isn’t a StatCan product, but is there any way to get access to the data from it?
I believe this is the data for which you are referring to:
Have you consulted the site from the University of Bergen? The HBSC Data Management Center is based at the University of Bergen in Norway
I know the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children survey isn’t a StatCan product, but is there any way to get access to the data from it?
I believe this is the data for which you are referring to:
Have you consulted the site from the University of Bergen? The HBSC Data Management Center is based at the University of Bergen in Norway
International reports:
Access the Canadian Community Health Survey 2015
An undergraduate student noticed that the 2015 CCHS has been officially released (last Wednesday: Will there be a single-year release of the mental health data, and if so, when should we expect to get it? I see that the 2015-2016 file is due sometime this fall
The Daily notice is not for CCHS mental health but rather the single year component for CCHS Annual.
Here is the response from subject matter:
I presume that you mean CCHS annual because the CCHS Mental health is for 2014 and has a PUMF already [CCHS Mental Health cycle 2012, released April 3, 2014]. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but there will probably be the 2 year PUMF only to be released in 2018 (but no date yet). Sorry we cannot be more specific.
Here is the response from subject matter:
I presume that you mean CCHS annual because the CCHS Mental health is for 2014 and has a PUMF already [CCHS Mental Health cycle 2012, released April 3, 2014]. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but there will probably be the 2 year PUMF only to be released in 2018 (but no date yet). Sorry we cannot be more specific.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Supply and Use Tables - Electricity
QuestionAccording to the Supply and Use Tables available through DLI and CANSIM, I am not able to help this researcher get a finer breakdown of the electricity sector to reflect:
221111 - Hydro-electric power generationUS
221112 - Fossil-fuel electric power generationUS
221113 - Nuclear electric power generationUS
221119 - Other electric power generationUS
22112 - Electric power transmission, control and distributionUS
221121 - Electric bulk power transmission and controlUS
221122 - Electric power distributionUS
Is it possible to get this level of detail – publicly or through a custom tabulation?
Also, is it possible to get the following level of detail for different forms of electricity as per NAPCS-2017:
221111 - Hydro-electric power generationUS
221112 - Fossil-fuel electric power generationUS
221113 - Nuclear electric power generationUS
221119 - Other electric power generationUS
22112 - Electric power transmission, control and distributionUS
221121 - Electric bulk power transmission and controlUS
221122 - Electric power distributionUS
Is it possible to get this level of detail – publicly or through a custom tabulation?
Also, is it possible to get the following level of detail for different forms of electricity as per NAPCS-2017:
146111 - Electricity
1461111 - Thermal generation electricity (except nuclear and geothermal)
1461112 - Nuclear electricity
1461113 - Hydro-electricity
1461114 - Tidal electricity
1461115 - Wind electricity
1461116 - Solar electricity
1461117 - Wave electricity
1461118 - Geothermal electricity
1461119 - Other forms of electricity
“According to the subject-matter analyst, the only data available are those in CANSIM Tables 127-0002 and 127-0003 for monthly supply and disposition, and those in CANSIM Tables 127-0004 through 127-0008 for annual supply and disposition and fuel consumption. In all cases, these data are available at the provincial level.”
1461111 - Thermal generation electricity (except nuclear and geothermal)
1461112 - Nuclear electricity
1461113 - Hydro-electricity
1461114 - Tidal electricity
1461115 - Wind electricity
1461116 - Solar electricity
1461117 - Wave electricity
1461118 - Geothermal electricity
1461119 - Other forms of electricity
“According to the subject-matter analyst, the only data available are those in CANSIM Tables 127-0002 and 127-0003 for monthly supply and disposition, and those in CANSIM Tables 127-0004 through 127-0008 for annual supply and disposition and fuel consumption. In all cases, these data are available at the provincial level.”
2006 census data issues for DAs in Quebec
QuestionIs there someone in the Census division that could help with a bit of an anomaly for the 2006 Census? We are finding DAs from 2006 that show higher counts for certain variables that the population totals for that DA. We’ve confirmed this exists for both StatCan Beyond 20/20 files as well as the data ingested into CHASS Census Analyzer at UofT.
This is STC Beyond 20/20:
25=Total Population 25-64 years by highest certificate, diploma or degree
30=Certificate, diploma or degree

Same thing for this DA in Census Analyzer:

Thanks for any answers to this puzzle.
I'm interested in seeing an answer from Stats Can, but I'm wondering if this might be a quirk of the random rounding that happens with the census, made more apparent by the small population numbers? This page says that "totals and sub-totals are independently rounded". And the random rounding frequency on this page gives us the odds of a number being rounded up or down.
So I guess that technically, there could be 29 people aged 25-64 in that DA, and 1 times out of 5, the population total will be rounded to "5" giving us 25. And then, let's say that 26 of these have "Certificate, diploma or degree", 1 times out of 5 that gets randomly rounded to 30. Unless I'm misunderstanding how random rounding is applied, which is very possible!
Answer(2)Here is the response we’ve received from subject matter:
“This anomaly can be chalked up to random rounding. As per the following:
This is STC Beyond 20/20:
25=Total Population 25-64 years by highest certificate, diploma or degree
30=Certificate, diploma or degree
Same thing for this DA in Census Analyzer:
Thanks for any answers to this puzzle.
I'm interested in seeing an answer from Stats Can, but I'm wondering if this might be a quirk of the random rounding that happens with the census, made more apparent by the small population numbers? This page says that "totals and sub-totals are independently rounded". And the random rounding frequency on this page gives us the odds of a number being rounded up or down.
So I guess that technically, there could be 29 people aged 25-64 in that DA, and 1 times out of 5, the population total will be rounded to "5" giving us 25. And then, let's say that 26 of these have "Certificate, diploma or degree", 1 times out of 5 that gets randomly rounded to 30. Unless I'm misunderstanding how random rounding is applied, which is very possible!
Answer(2)Here is the response we’ve received from subject matter:
“This anomaly can be chalked up to random rounding. As per the following:
Random rounding
All counts in census tabulations are subjected to random rounding. Random rounding transforms all raw counts to random rounded counts. This reduces the possibility of identifying individuals within the tabulations.
All counts are rounded to a base of 5, meaning they will end in either 0 or 5. The random rounding algorithm employed controls the results and rounds the unit value of the count according to a predetermined frequency. Table below shows those frequencies. Note that counts ending in 0 or 5 are not changed and remain as 0 or 5.
The random rounding algorithm uses a random seed value to initiate the rounding pattern for tables. In these routines, the method used to seed the pattern can result in the same count in the same table being rounded up in one execution and rounded down in the next.”
All counts in census tabulations are subjected to random rounding. Random rounding transforms all raw counts to random rounded counts. This reduces the possibility of identifying individuals within the tabulations.
All counts are rounded to a base of 5, meaning they will end in either 0 or 5. The random rounding algorithm employed controls the results and rounds the unit value of the count according to a predetermined frequency. Table below shows those frequencies. Note that counts ending in 0 or 5 are not changed and remain as 0 or 5.
Random rounding frequency
| ||
Unit values of
Will round to count ending in 0
Will round to count ending in 5
4 times out of 5
1 time out of 5
3 times out of 5
2 times out of 5
2 times out of 5
3 times out of 5
1 time out of 5
4 times out of 5
1 time out of 5
4 times out of 5
2 times out of 5
3 times out of 5
3 times out of 5
2 times out of 5
4 times out of 5
1 time out of 5
The random rounding algorithm uses a random seed value to initiate the rounding pattern for tables. In these routines, the method used to seed the pattern can result in the same count in the same table being rounded up in one execution and rounded down in the next.”
2006 Census
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Call for participation in the Portage Dataverse North Working Group
Call for Participation in the Portage Dataverse North Working Group
The Portage network is committed to developing a community of practice devoted to strengthening the capacity of Canadian university libraries to provide expertise, services, and infrastructure for research data management.
As a part of this mandate, Portage is now establishing the Dataverse North Working Group. This group will develop a community of practice centered around the use of the Dataverse repository platform on Canadian campuses. In collaboration with regional infrastructure providers of Canadian Dataverse instances, the Working Group will support libraries using or interested in using Dataverse on their campuses by promoting services that enable its use, including training, infrastructure development, and user support. For further information, please see the Terms of Reference for the Dataverse North Working Group.
We are now seeking volunteers from the university library community to join this Working Group. If you would like to participate or to recommend a colleague, please contact Shahira Khair (Portage Training Officer) and Chuck Humphrey (Portage Director). We are asking that you respond by April 07 2017.
The Portage network is committed to developing a community of practice devoted to strengthening the capacity of Canadian university libraries to provide expertise, services, and infrastructure for research data management.
As a part of this mandate, Portage is now establishing the Dataverse North Working Group. This group will develop a community of practice centered around the use of the Dataverse repository platform on Canadian campuses. In collaboration with regional infrastructure providers of Canadian Dataverse instances, the Working Group will support libraries using or interested in using Dataverse on their campuses by promoting services that enable its use, including training, infrastructure development, and user support. For further information, please see the Terms of Reference for the Dataverse North Working Group.
We are now seeking volunteers from the university library community to join this Working Group. If you would like to participate or to recommend a colleague, please contact Shahira Khair (Portage Training Officer) and Chuck Humphrey (Portage Director). We are asking that you respond by April 07 2017.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Bootstrap weights for CCHS 2013-2014 PUMF?
A faculty member is looking to teach the use of bootstrap weights with the Canadian Community Health Survey 2013-2014 file, and is having a not-so-minor difficulty: the bootstrap weights aren’t present on the file.
Were they created, and can they be released?
The CCHS team has confirmed that the CCHS 2013-2014 PUMF does not contain bootstrap weights. The masterfile does contain bootstrap weights.
Answer (2)
“Here is the response from methodology:
‘The standard type of bootstrap weights used for household surveys are the Rao-Wu-Yue bootstrap weights. These are what are on the master file. The issue is that when we do the “resampling” required in producing bootstrap weights it has to be done within a group of units. With how the CCHS is designed this group has to be a geographic grouping for much of the sample. As a result, the bootstrap weights have some imbedded geographical information within them. For that reason, Statistics Canada does not allow these type of bootstrap weights on the PUMFs. It is not a CCHS issue, this is policy to maintain confidentiality of respondents on publicly available data. Research has been conducted into using a different type of bootstrap weight as new methodologies are being created. And it may be that in the future that will be available to users.’
The CCHS team had a good suggestion. We could give the faculty member access to the dummy file, which is a full set of microdata and documentation with bootstrap weights. It isn’t real survey data, but would be very useful for teaching a class on how to use bootstrap weights.”
A faculty member is looking to teach the use of bootstrap weights with the Canadian Community Health Survey 2013-2014 file, and is having a not-so-minor difficulty: the bootstrap weights aren’t present on the file.
Were they created, and can they be released?
The CCHS team has confirmed that the CCHS 2013-2014 PUMF does not contain bootstrap weights. The masterfile does contain bootstrap weights.
Answer (2)
“Here is the response from methodology:
‘The standard type of bootstrap weights used for household surveys are the Rao-Wu-Yue bootstrap weights. These are what are on the master file. The issue is that when we do the “resampling” required in producing bootstrap weights it has to be done within a group of units. With how the CCHS is designed this group has to be a geographic grouping for much of the sample. As a result, the bootstrap weights have some imbedded geographical information within them. For that reason, Statistics Canada does not allow these type of bootstrap weights on the PUMFs. It is not a CCHS issue, this is policy to maintain confidentiality of respondents on publicly available data. Research has been conducted into using a different type of bootstrap weight as new methodologies are being created. And it may be that in the future that will be available to users.’
The CCHS team had a good suggestion. We could give the faculty member access to the dummy file, which is a full set of microdata and documentation with bootstrap weights. It isn’t real survey data, but would be very useful for teaching a class on how to use bootstrap weights.”
bootstrap files
Monday, March 20, 2017
Statistics Canada is happy to report that the CANSIM application is back online. For the time being, the option to download a CANSIM table as displayed will not return data in some browsers; to view your data, please choose the SAVE file option. We thank you for your patience while we continue to work on hyperlinks in other sections of the website
please note, however, that some clients have still reported issues with accessing CANSIM and that they are investigating.
please note, however, that some clients have still reported issues with accessing CANSIM and that they are investigating.
Survey of Household Spending (SHS)
I have a researcher asking about Survey of Household Spending data. I see that there are 2015 tables for this survey, some released just in January. Yet a look at Nesstar and the EFT site shows that latest PUMF is 2009.
Am I missing something ? Is there a later PUMF than 2009 ? Any plans for a 2015 PUMF?
Am I missing something ? Is there a later PUMF than 2009 ? Any plans for a 2015 PUMF?
The last PUMF produced for SHS was in 2009, as SHS underwent a major redesign in 2010. A new methodology which combined the questionnaire and a diary to collect the household expenditures was introduced for the 2010 survey. There are substantial differences between pre-2010 data and those from 2010 onward due to changes in data collection, processing and estimation methods
The dlilist was notified on several occasions that subject matter did not have the resources to create a PUMF after 2009. This decision has yet to be revisited.
The dlilist was notified on several occasions that subject matter did not have the resources to create a PUMF after 2009. This decision has yet to be revisited.
Education Statistics
I have a graduate student looking for statistics on ethnicity/immigrant status/visible minority students in the k-12 sector – preferably elementary/secondary school students in Saskatchewan. The student is also interested in ethnic background/immigrant status breakdown for university students in Saskatchewan.
I’ve been able to find a handful of PSIS/ESIS tables on CANSIM now that it’s sort of functioning, but I expect she’s going to want more detail than these provide.
I’ve contacted the province’s Ministry of Education and several of the nearby school divisions to see if they collect such information, but have yet to get a response. Any other places I might look?
would think that she should be able to do this with the 2011 NHS PUMF? Depends on whether she needs more than “Regina-Saskatoon” vs “rest of province”, probably. If she needs more geographic detail, she could work with the master file in a RDC – I think it goes down to CSD/CT? Failing that, the 2016 PUMF is due out 2019 L
Answer 2
“Unfortunately, regarding the students in elementary/secondary school the Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (ESES) does not collect any data on ethnicity/immigrant status/visible minority. However regarding university students Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) collects data regarding the immigration status and Country of Citizenship (Country, Region and continent).
Immigration status categories
Permanent resident, formerly called landed immigrant
Student Visa: a permit obtained by a student to enter Canada for the sole purpose of attending an educational postsecondary institution
Other visa, including students who are in Canada on diplomatic, trade or other missions
Non-Canadian, status unknown (refugees and other foreign students in Canada whose status is unknown)
Non-Canadian, no visa status as student is studying outside Canada; e.g., by Internet
Not reported
Canadian students
International Students
TOTAL: Immigration Status of Student Level 03
Please find below two CANSIM table which contains the country of citizenship.
477-0031 Postsecondary enrolments, by student status, country of citizenship and sex
1999/2000 – 2014/2015
477-0032 Postsecondary graduates, by student status, country of citizenship and sex
1999 – 2014
If the client is interested in a more details tables, we can produce a custom table at a cost.”
I’ve been able to find a handful of PSIS/ESIS tables on CANSIM now that it’s sort of functioning, but I expect she’s going to want more detail than these provide.
I’ve contacted the province’s Ministry of Education and several of the nearby school divisions to see if they collect such information, but have yet to get a response. Any other places I might look?
would think that she should be able to do this with the 2011 NHS PUMF? Depends on whether she needs more than “Regina-Saskatoon” vs “rest of province”, probably. If she needs more geographic detail, she could work with the master file in a RDC – I think it goes down to CSD/CT? Failing that, the 2016 PUMF is due out 2019 L
Answer 2
“Unfortunately, regarding the students in elementary/secondary school the Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (ESES) does not collect any data on ethnicity/immigrant status/visible minority. However regarding university students Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) collects data regarding the immigration status and Country of Citizenship (Country, Region and continent).
Immigration status categories
Permanent resident, formerly called landed immigrant
Student Visa: a permit obtained by a student to enter Canada for the sole purpose of attending an educational postsecondary institution
Other visa, including students who are in Canada on diplomatic, trade or other missions
Non-Canadian, status unknown (refugees and other foreign students in Canada whose status is unknown)
Non-Canadian, no visa status as student is studying outside Canada; e.g., by Internet
Not reported
Canadian students
International Students
TOTAL: Immigration Status of Student Level 03
Please find below two CANSIM table which contains the country of citizenship.
477-0031 Postsecondary enrolments, by student status, country of citizenship and sex
1999/2000 – 2014/2015
477-0032 Postsecondary graduates, by student status, country of citizenship and sex
1999 – 2014
If the client is interested in a more details tables, we can produce a custom table at a cost.”
Friday, March 17, 2017
New files on Statistics Canada Nesstar
We are pleased to inform you that the following are now available on the Statistics Canada Nesstar WebView site (
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS), 2011
Households and the Environment Survey (HES), 2015
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2017 – January
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2017 – February
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2011 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2012 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2013 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Public Master Files (metadata only)
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS), 2014
And more to come!
To access the microdata housed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs), researchers must submit a project proposal to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Statistics Canada.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS), 2011
Households and the Environment Survey (HES), 2015
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2017 – January
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2017 – February
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2011 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2012 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2013 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Public Master Files (metadata only)
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS), 2014
And more to come!
To access the microdata housed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs), researchers must submit a project proposal to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Statistics Canada.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Labour Force Survey (LFS)
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Downloading from EFT during times of strife
QuestionWhat are people doing re: licence when you are downloading data that would normally be freely available through the STC website? Are you just giving it to researchers without having them sign a licence (assuming it's not a PUMF or one of the other files that have its own DLI licence)?
I've got a researcher who wants the TLAC and I think I should just be able to give it to her, right? It feels weird not to have her sign a licence because I'm grabbing the files from the EFT and in the olden' days we used to have users authenticate for everything.
With respect to the TLAC aggregate data, this would fall under the Open data licence agreement. The DLI licence stipulates that:
6. Authorized users shall be made aware, by my educational institution, of the conditions of use of the data by being provided with the appropriate licence as outlined in a, b, c and e below:
a) With a few exceptions, those governed under separate licence agreements as appendices,; the majority of our standard and custom products will be disseminated under the terms and conditions of the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement (see:
I've got a researcher who wants the TLAC and I think I should just be able to give it to her, right? It feels weird not to have her sign a licence because I'm grabbing the files from the EFT and in the olden' days we used to have users authenticate for everything.
With respect to the TLAC aggregate data, this would fall under the Open data licence agreement. The DLI licence stipulates that:
6. Authorized users shall be made aware, by my educational institution, of the conditions of use of the data by being provided with the appropriate licence as outlined in a, b, c and e below:
a) With a few exceptions, those governed under separate licence agreements as appendices,; the majority of our standard and custom products will be disseminated under the terms and conditions of the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement (see:
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Update on the CANSIM web application
Given the unavailability of our CANSIM web application, the full table download formats (CSV, Beyond 20/20 and SDMX) are available on the Statistics Canada website in the event that a user requires access to data electronically.
Users can access the full table download formats for a particular table simply by changing the CANSIM table number in the following url addresses:
English: / Français:
SDMX(ML) (bilingual output)
Beyond 20/20 (bilingual output)
Users can access the full table download formats for a particular table simply by changing the CANSIM table number in the following url addresses:
English: / Français:
SDMX(ML) (bilingual output)
Beyond 20/20 (bilingual output)
March 15, 2017: Release and concepts overview – 2016 Census of Population: Age & sex and Type of dwelling release
The Census Program Dissemination Project is pleased to announce the release of the:
Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population: Age and sex release
Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population: Type of dwelling release
The links to these products are located under the ‘Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population’ heading on the ‘Reference materials’ landing page within the census web module.
Census of Population release topics will be accompanied by their own Release and concepts overview and will be available from Statistics Canada’s website in advance of each release.
The purpose of the Release and concepts overview series is to provide an overview of:
the concepts, definitions and key indicators used by each of the 2016 Census of Population releases; the products that will be available on each release day and later.
The Release and concepts overview series will help partners, stakeholders and other data users to better understand the information being released.
Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population: Age and sex release
Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population: Type of dwelling release
The links to these products are located under the ‘Release and Concepts Overview, 2016 Census of Population’ heading on the ‘Reference materials’ landing page within the census web module.
Census of Population release topics will be accompanied by their own Release and concepts overview and will be available from Statistics Canada’s website in advance of each release.
The purpose of the Release and concepts overview series is to provide an overview of:
the concepts, definitions and key indicators used by each of the 2016 Census of Population releases; the products that will be available on each release day and later.
The Release and concepts overview series will help partners, stakeholders and other data users to better understand the information being released.
2016 Census
Today's Release - CIS 2014, 2013, 2012
Canadian Income Survey (CIS) – 2014, 2013, 2012
CIS data for 2014, 2013, 2012 are now available on the EFT site.
The public use microdata file for the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) provides information on the income and income sources of Canadians, along with their individual and household characteristics. This file includes many safeguards to prevent the identification of any one person.
CIS data for 2014, 2013, 2012 are now available on the EFT site.
The public use microdata file for the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) provides information on the income and income sources of Canadians, along with their individual and household characteristics. This file includes many safeguards to prevent the identification of any one person.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Population Density Saskatchewan
A graduate student is wanting data and/or shapefiles to show population density in Saskatchewan for 2011 or, even better, 2016. He has this information from 2001, but it is now too old. How might he acquire what he needs? I've tried but have not been helpful to him.
I’ve found the following resources that may be assistance while we wait for a response back from subject matter. The 2016 Census of Population released the Population and dwelling counts on February 8, 2017. You can select specific provinces under the Key indicators section.
This page specifically displays the population density per square kilometre for Saskatchewan in 2016.
Here is a link to related data from that table. It contains 6 additional tables regarding population and dwelling counts for Saskatchewan.
Followup Question
I have seen that, too. He is looking for population density by populated place, e.g., population density in Regina is higher than in Rouleau.
Followup Answer 1
This link looks promising for population density by population centres in Saskatchewan:
Also maybe try this tool which is called CensusMapper, it is kind of fun!
Saskatoon, population density 2016:
Even has Rouleau pop density, 2016:
Looks like it has population density for dissemination blocks, does that make sense?
Followup Answer 2
We have received the following response from subject matter:
“The client could start by using either the GeoSuite 2016 (two versions available: web or downloadable) or the GeoSearch 2016 applications. GeoSuite 2016 provides both the area of a given POPCTR as well as its counts (therefore pop density can be calculated as an additional step).
Here is the link to the GeoSuite 2016 web application:
Here is the link to the GeoSuite application (for 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016) for the downloadable version:
Here is the link to the variable descriptions used in GeoSuite 2016:
For GeoSearch, the user can zoom down to a specific geographic area and hover over; The pop density for that area will appear in the pop-up.”
A graduate student is wanting data and/or shapefiles to show population density in Saskatchewan for 2011 or, even better, 2016. He has this information from 2001, but it is now too old. How might he acquire what he needs? I've tried but have not been helpful to him.
I’ve found the following resources that may be assistance while we wait for a response back from subject matter. The 2016 Census of Population released the Population and dwelling counts on February 8, 2017. You can select specific provinces under the Key indicators section.
This page specifically displays the population density per square kilometre for Saskatchewan in 2016.
Here is a link to related data from that table. It contains 6 additional tables regarding population and dwelling counts for Saskatchewan.
Followup Question
I have seen that, too. He is looking for population density by populated place, e.g., population density in Regina is higher than in Rouleau.
Followup Answer 1
This link looks promising for population density by population centres in Saskatchewan:
Also maybe try this tool which is called CensusMapper, it is kind of fun!
Saskatoon, population density 2016:
Even has Rouleau pop density, 2016:
Looks like it has population density for dissemination blocks, does that make sense?
Followup Answer 2
We have received the following response from subject matter:
“The client could start by using either the GeoSuite 2016 (two versions available: web or downloadable) or the GeoSearch 2016 applications. GeoSuite 2016 provides both the area of a given POPCTR as well as its counts (therefore pop density can be calculated as an additional step).
Here is the link to the GeoSuite 2016 web application:
Here is the link to the GeoSuite application (for 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016) for the downloadable version:
Here is the link to the variable descriptions used in GeoSuite 2016:
For GeoSearch, the user can zoom down to a specific geographic area and hover over; The pop density for that area will appear in the pop-up.”
Survey of aboriginal peoples living on reserve
I have a student looking for information about aboriginal people living on reserve in Canada. According to the description, the Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) only surveys those living off-reserve. Is there a similar survey of those living on reserve?
We have received the following response from subject matter:
“The only source we are aware of at Statistics Canada for on reserve data would be the Census.
FNIGC – First Nation Information Governance Centre(an outside organization) does go on reserve and may have information.”
“The only source we are aware of at Statistics Canada for on reserve data would be the Census.
FNIGC – First Nation Information Governance Centre(an outside organization) does go on reserve and may have information.”
Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS)
Monday, March 13, 2017
2016 Census - Population Question
I’m looking for the population of the Village of New Minas (Nova Scotia) from the 2016 census. I’ve traipsed through every possible avenue I could think of to find this number, but the geography for the 2016 census (at least that I could see) includes every possible iteration of the area, except for the actual village alone.
“The village of New Minas is included in the Population Centre (POPCTR) of Kentville. The Census Subdivision falls under Kings, Subdivision C, and the Census Division is Kings. This is unchanged from 2011.
Without going on a hunt I could not tell you why New Minas falls under Kentville as a POPCTR as they seem to be separate towns. If the client wishes I could try to find that out.
Here is Geosuite highlighting the POPCTR of Kentville which encompasses New Minas, the portion along Highway 101.
The bottom line is they will not be able to find the population of New Minas on its own through standard products.”
Without going on a hunt I could not tell you why New Minas falls under Kentville as a POPCTR as they seem to be separate towns. If the client wishes I could try to find that out.
Here is Geosuite highlighting the POPCTR of Kentville which encompasses New Minas, the portion along Highway 101.
The bottom line is they will not be able to find the population of New Minas on its own through standard products.”
2016 Census
Friday, March 10, 2017
Today's Release - LFS February 2017
Labour Force Survey (LFS) – February 2017
LFS data for February 2017 are now available on the EFT site.
This public use microdata file contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on the labour market activities of Canada's working age population. This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products
The Labour Force Survey estimates are based on a sample, and are therefore subject to sampling variability. Estimates for smaller geographic areas, industries, occupations or cross tabulations will have more variability. For an explanation of sampling variability of estimates, and how to use standard errors to assess this variability, consult the Data Quality section in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey.
Eft: /MAD_PUMF_FMDG_DAM/Root/3107_LFS_EPA/1976-2017/data/
LFS data for February 2017 are now available on the EFT site.
This public use microdata file contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on the labour market activities of Canada's working age population. This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products
The Labour Force Survey estimates are based on a sample, and are therefore subject to sampling variability. Estimates for smaller geographic areas, industries, occupations or cross tabulations will have more variability. For an explanation of sampling variability of estimates, and how to use standard errors to assess this variability, consult the Data Quality section in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey.
Eft: /MAD_PUMF_FMDG_DAM/Root/3107_LFS_EPA/1976-2017/data/
Thursday, March 9, 2017
CCHS 2015 Nutrition release
I have a researcher wondering about the CCHS 2015 Nutrition study. Will a PUMF be released for this product? If so, when?
Furthermore, the researcher would like to look at the following variables:
I am looking for various factors including family structure ,household size, rent payment as percentage of income, health indicator profile, various demographics variables, income and educational level and the level of household food insecurity with specific emphasis on geographical location(Northern and Southern Ontario) specifically London Ontario and the City of Greater Sudbury.
If a PUMF is being released, would those variables covering those factors appear in it? If not (or if there is no PUMF), should I recommend a custom tab or the 400km trek to the closest RDC?
I have a researcher wondering about the CCHS 2015 Nutrition study. Will a PUMF be released for this product? If so, when?
Furthermore, the researcher would like to look at the following variables:
I am looking for various factors including family structure ,household size, rent payment as percentage of income, health indicator profile, various demographics variables, income and educational level and the level of household food insecurity with specific emphasis on geographical location(Northern and Southern Ontario) specifically London Ontario and the City of Greater Sudbury.
If a PUMF is being released, would those variables covering those factors appear in it? If not (or if there is no PUMF), should I recommend a custom tab or the 400km trek to the closest RDC?
Here is the response we’ve received from subject matter concerning your request:
“The CCHS- Nutrition is a separate survey from the CCHS 2015-15 Annual survey, and they plan to do a PUMF for nutrition, however they do not have a date for its release possibly early 2018. It is too early for details on what will be included in the PUMF. Please check in later in the year.”
“Usually costing for custom tabs would be available to start following the release of the data. Delivery time would depend on the complexity of the request. No custom tabs are considered or worked on in advance of release day.”
Regarding your question on RDC access, there are various factors involve based on the size of the data files, urgency of the data, documentation, vetting rules availability, translation turnaround time, ….etc. This being said, the average time could be between 2 days to 2 weeks for a survey that has all factors mentioned above. I hope this helps."
“The CCHS- Nutrition is a separate survey from the CCHS 2015-15 Annual survey, and they plan to do a PUMF for nutrition, however they do not have a date for its release possibly early 2018. It is too early for details on what will be included in the PUMF. Please check in later in the year.”
“Usually costing for custom tabs would be available to start following the release of the data. Delivery time would depend on the complexity of the request. No custom tabs are considered or worked on in advance of release day.”
Regarding your question on RDC access, there are various factors involve based on the size of the data files, urgency of the data, documentation, vetting rules availability, translation turnaround time, ….etc. This being said, the average time could be between 2 days to 2 weeks for a survey that has all factors mentioned above. I hope this helps."
Forward Sortation Area boundary files 2016
A researcher is looking for the Forward Sortation Area (FSA) boundary file (shapefile) for 2016. These are available on the StatsCan website for 2011, but do not appear for 2016.
Is there someone who knows how I could get a hold of these data for this reference request?
Is there someone who knows how I could get a hold of these data for this reference request?
If your institution has a subscription to DMTI Spatial data, the v2016.3 CanMap Postal Code Suite has FSA boundaries.
Subject matter confirm that the FSA boundary file is not yet available. The date for its release is still pending.
Subject matter confirm that the FSA boundary file is not yet available. The date for its release is still pending.
Forward Sortation Area (FSA)
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
PCCF+ version 6D official release
Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus version 6D (internal release)
This is the official release of the Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) version 6D based on the 2011 Census. This file reflects postal code data from the Canada Post Corporation up to and including August 2015.
The Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) is a SAS© control program and set of associated datasets derived from the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF), a postal code population weight file, the Geographic Attribute File, Health Region boundary files, and other supplementary data. PCCF+ automatically assigns a range of Statistics Canada’s standard geographic areas and other geographic identifiers based on postal codes. The PCCF+ differs from the PCCF in that it uses population-weighted random allocation for postal codes that link to more than one geographic area.
What’s new?
The Postal CodeOM reference date for the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF) and the Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) is still August 2015.
This release has been updated to include the 2013 Representation Order of the Federal Electoral Districts (FED16uid) and the January 2017 air stage offices.
Although version 6D of the PCCF+ is still based on 2011 census geography, the output includes the 2016 dissemination area (DA) based on a released intercensal correspondence file (DA16uid).
EFT: /MAD_PCCF_FCCP_DAM/root/2011/pccf-fccp-plus/pccf6D-fccp6D/
This is the official release of the Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) version 6D based on the 2011 Census. This file reflects postal code data from the Canada Post Corporation up to and including August 2015.
The Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) is a SAS© control program and set of associated datasets derived from the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF), a postal code population weight file, the Geographic Attribute File, Health Region boundary files, and other supplementary data. PCCF+ automatically assigns a range of Statistics Canada’s standard geographic areas and other geographic identifiers based on postal codes. The PCCF+ differs from the PCCF in that it uses population-weighted random allocation for postal codes that link to more than one geographic area.
What’s new?
The Postal CodeOM reference date for the Postal CodeOM Conversion File (PCCF) and the Postal CodeOM Conversion File Plus (PCCF+) is still August 2015.
This release has been updated to include the 2013 Representation Order of the Federal Electoral Districts (FED16uid) and the January 2017 air stage offices.
Although version 6D of the PCCF+ is still based on 2011 census geography, the output includes the 2016 dissemination area (DA) based on a released intercensal correspondence file (DA16uid).
EFT: /MAD_PCCF_FCCP_DAM/root/2011/pccf-fccp-plus/pccf6D-fccp6D/
Friday, March 3, 2017
Down Syndrome Statistics
I’m trying to find information about the prevalence of Downs Syndrome, average age of mother, pre-natal screening and number terminated in Canada. She’s been able to find American stats and needs Canadian figure for comparison.
I did find the following resource that may be of assistance:
Health at a Glance - Deaths from congenital anomalies in Canada, 1974 to 2012
We have received the following response from subject matter concerning your question.
“We do not have anything except from Vital (Deaths) below:
PHAC and CIHI have a bit of information so that might be the best place to recommend to the client.
CSD may be able to give estimates of people with Downs Syndrome (which is dependent on whether subject matter is able to provide that estimate) but it would not be able to produce the other components.”
Answer 2
CIHI - has number of abortions by age group, but not by reason for the abortion.
Looking at the ICD-10-CA (, there is coding for this … see page 214. However, there is some interesting phrasing in two of the examples – ”A medical abortion was performed and the reason for the medical abortion was documented” – I wonder if that implies that this is not always the case?
The stillborn’s Discharge Database Abstract would record:
Code DAD NACRS Code Title
P96.4 (M) MP Termination of Pregnancy
Q90.9 (3) OP Down’s syndrome, unspecified
Health at a Glance - Deaths from congenital anomalies in Canada, 1974 to 2012
We have received the following response from subject matter concerning your question.
“We do not have anything except from Vital (Deaths) below:
PHAC and CIHI have a bit of information so that might be the best place to recommend to the client.
CSD may be able to give estimates of people with Downs Syndrome (which is dependent on whether subject matter is able to provide that estimate) but it would not be able to produce the other components.”
Answer 2
CIHI - has number of abortions by age group, but not by reason for the abortion.
Looking at the ICD-10-CA (, there is coding for this … see page 214. However, there is some interesting phrasing in two of the examples – ”A medical abortion was performed and the reason for the medical abortion was documented” – I wonder if that implies that this is not always the case?
The stillborn’s Discharge Database Abstract would record:
Code DAD NACRS Code Title
P96.4 (M) MP Termination of Pregnancy
Q90.9 (3) OP Down’s syndrome, unspecified
Ontario tuition fees for the past 20 years
QuestionI can find them in CANSIM, in a number of tables, but they all only go back to 2006/2007, yet TLAC goes back to 2000/2001. Any clues as to where the earlier data might be? And are there any sources prior to 2000?
We have TLAC data back to 1993-1994 -
I found older tables in from TLAC for tuition on the DLI WDS:
Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs - Tables
And the EFT site:
I found older tables in from TLAC for tuition on the DLI WDS:
Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs - Tables
And the EFT site:
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
B2020 and MAC
RE: Beyond 20/20 --
Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:14:09 -0500 (EST)
It is possible to turn the Windows B2020 app into a pseudo-native mac app using Wineskin, which is the way UBC distributes the Mac version of Beyond 20/20:
Answer 2
This has the advantage of not requiring drive partitioning or a full installation of a target OS. Using a similar technique, you can get B2020 to run on linux OSs.
You also don't technically need wineskin; you can just have a local installation of WINE and run it that way.
I have a student with a Mac trying to access data in B2020 format.
Does anyone know if there is a work around for this student?
Does anyone know if there is a work around for this student?
Re: Beyond 20/20 -- Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:33:59 -0500 (EST)line 1:
I am using VMware Fusion ( on my Mac, which allows me to run an incidence of Windows. Hence, I am able to run Beyond 20/20, GeoSuite, and other Windows-based software. Works well.
RE: Beyond 20/20 --
Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:14:09 -0500 (EST)
It is possible to turn the Windows B2020 app into a pseudo-native mac app using Wineskin, which is the way UBC distributes the Mac version of Beyond 20/20:
Answer 2
This has the advantage of not requiring drive partitioning or a full installation of a target OS. Using a similar technique, you can get B2020 to run on linux OSs.
You also don't technically need wineskin; you can just have a local installation of WINE and run it that way.
Beyond 20/20
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