A graduate student is wanting data and/or shapefiles to show population density in Saskatchewan for 2011 or, even better, 2016. He has this information from 2001, but it is now too old. How might he acquire what he needs? I've tried but have not been helpful to him.
I’ve found the following resources that may be assistance while we wait for a response back from subject matter. The 2016 Census of Population released the Population and dwelling counts on February 8, 2017. You can select specific provinces under the Key indicators section.
This page specifically displays the population density per square kilometre for Saskatchewan in 2016.
Here is a link to related data from that table. It contains 6 additional tables regarding population and dwelling counts for Saskatchewan.
Followup Question
I have seen that, too. He is looking for population density by populated place, e.g., population density in Regina is higher than in Rouleau.
Followup Answer 1
This link looks promising for population density by population centres in Saskatchewan: http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/dp-pd/hlt-fst/pd-pl/Table.cfm?Lang=Eng&T=801&SR=1&S=47&O=A&RPP=25
Also maybe try this tool which is called CensusMapper, it is kind of fun!
Saskatoon, population density 2016: https://censusmapper.ca/maps/591#10/52.1356/-106.6065
Even has Rouleau pop density, 2016: https://censusmapper.ca/maps/591#14/50.1879/-104.9064
Looks like it has population density for dissemination blocks, does that make sense?
Followup Answer 2
We have received the following response from subject matter:
“The client could start by using either the GeoSuite 2016 (two versions available: web or downloadable) or the GeoSearch 2016 applications. GeoSuite 2016 provides both the area of a given POPCTR as well as its counts (therefore pop density can be calculated as an additional step).
Here is the link to the GeoSuite 2016 web application:
Here is the link to the GeoSuite application (for 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016) for the downloadable version:
Here is the link to the variable descriptions used in GeoSuite 2016:
For GeoSearch, the user can zoom down to a specific geographic area and hover over; The pop density for that area will appear in the pop-up.”