Call for Participation in the Portage Dataverse North Working Group
The Portage network is committed to developing a community of practice devoted to strengthening the capacity of Canadian university libraries to provide expertise, services, and infrastructure for research data management.
As a part of this mandate, Portage is now establishing the Dataverse North Working Group. This group will develop a community of practice centered around the use of the Dataverse repository platform on Canadian campuses. In collaboration with regional infrastructure providers of Canadian Dataverse instances, the Working Group will support libraries using or interested in using Dataverse on their campuses by promoting services that enable its use, including training, infrastructure development, and user support. For further information, please see the Terms of Reference for the Dataverse North Working Group.
We are now seeking volunteers from the university library community to join this Working Group. If you would like to participate or to recommend a colleague, please contact Shahira Khair (Portage Training Officer) and Chuck Humphrey (Portage Director). We are asking that you respond by April 07 2017.