Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Saskatchewan Health Data


The researcher would like to be able to analyze who has had certain tests performed, such as pap tests specifically in Saskatchewan. I think she can likely obtain information on the number of tests which have been billed for by physicians. However, she would really like to further analyze the data. It would be ideal to know the relationship between having the tests performed and the patient's race/place of birth/ethnicity; income; education, etc.

I am not hopeful that these data exist and, if they do, I assume they would be in different places. If that is the case, I would not think you could link the data. However, any information or suggestions would be helpful.


The CCHS subject-matter explained that: "the researcher could have a look at the CCHS 2012 dataset. There look to be enough records where respondents indicated that they had had at least one PAP test in their lifetime, in SK, to do some analysis."

We realized that the synthetic files for the CCHS 2012 in the DLI collection were missing. We have requested them and uploaded them in a zip file ( in the below folder.

Part of the answer would be in the Data Dictionary (p. 249) and included in this zip file in the doc folder.

In English:

/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Canadian Community Health Survey-cchs/synthetic

En français:

/MAD_DLI/Root/autres-produits/Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités can-escc/synthetic