Friday, October 2, 2009

Inconsistency in Questionnaires for 1991 Health and Activities Limitation Study


A sharp-eyed work study student (who I’m sadly losing to a job at Université d’Ottawa) noticed a discrepancy between the French and English questionnaires for variable H13 (page 51) in the 1991 HALS.

In the French version of the questionnaire, the interviewer instructions are “Lisez la liste”, while the English instructions are “Do not read list”.

Which is correct? If both were, should a note be put on the file to indicate this discrepancy in collection instructions for this variable?


Unfortunately, the Division has confirmed that what you did find in the English and French instruction for HALS 1991 was what was done and we will add a note on the file to made the uses aware of this of this discrepency.

Thanks for pointing this out to us.

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