Friday, October 2, 2009

Citing Department of Justice Data


I have a student trying to cite one of the Beyond 20/20 tables from the Department of Justice data that we get through the DLI (  I can’t find anything in GaĆ«tan’s guide that addresses aggregate statistics that we get directly from the DLI.  Might be something to add…

I am wondering if something like the following would do it:

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. 2007. All Police Services - (1977 - 2007), Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (table).  Statistics Canada (distributor). Beyond 20/20.

I (and the student) would appreciate feedback.


I will recommend that some examples are added to cover custom tables like these ones.  In the meantime, I will let you know my interpretation of the guidelines...

I noticed that every single author example uses either "Statistics Canada" or an individual's name.  None use names of individual divisions (such as the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics).  I also think it is important to note that you obtained it from the DLI web module. As for the date, the table title reflects it. So I came up with the following citation, based on the "Tables, graphs, figures or charts from the Statistics Canada website in HTML or PDF" format, and modified the end to reflect that it is actually a Beyond 20/20 table.

Statistics Canada. No date. Crime Statistics, All Police Services, 1977 - 2007 (table). Data Liberation Initiative. (accessed Xxxx xx, xxxx). Beyond 20/20.

Here are the examples I based it on:

Tables, graphs, figures or charts from the Statistics Canada website in HTML or PDF

Statistics Canada. No date. Gross Domestic Product, Income-based (table). Canadian Statistics. Last updated May 31, 2005. (accessed June 13, 2008).

Statistics Canada. No date. Average Days Lost for Personal Reasons per Full-Time Employee per Year by Age Group, Sex, Occupation, Canada, Provinces, Annual Average (table). Labour Force Historical Review 2003 (database). Using CREPUQ (distributor). Last updated January 28, 2005. (accessed June 13, 2008). Beyond 20/20.

I hope this helps.

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