Any suggestions about data on this topic? I think the person is looking for articles discussing discrimination between police and new immigrants noting that there could be both a language and a cultural barrier.
I've been poking around looking for questions whether people have felt they were discriminated against due to culture or language but seem to be spinning my wheels.
The Immigrants and Victimization, 2004 issue of the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics Profile Series, 2008 (85F0033MWE2008018) includes a section on Immigrants’ perceptions of the criminal justice system which may be of interest to your client (
The author draws on the General Social Survey (GSS) cycle 18 (2004) on victimization o your client may also be interested in the GSS cycle 18 and 23 PUMFs that are available through the DLI and which include variables on topics such as language of respondent, contact with police, discrimination and perception.
I hope that this suggestion is helpful.
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