Thursday, September 16, 2010

Provincial Economic Accounts


The Provincial Economic Accounts are .wk3 files which do not open in Excel 2007. Do you know if they will be converted to excel?


I will ask the author division for versions of these older files that can be opened with more recent versions of Excel.

As you may recall, we received the last issue of these products in 2008. They were replaced by web based tables that are available in both Excel and comma separated value (CSV) formats (

For example:

You can access the new Provincial Economic Accounts (PEA) products through the Links to related products section on the left side bar of the PEA program page in the Definitions, data sources and methods section of the StatCan website: or by searching for the catalogue numbers of the discontinued products in the StatCan Online Catalogue.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Additional Information

The author division has confirmed that the web based Data Tables products that replace the files that were discontinued in 2008 contain the current versions of the series in the discontinued products from start to current and that these data are also available on CANSIM. They have therefore decided that they will not be converting the discontinued .wk3 files to Excel.

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