I have a researcher in the preliminary stages of a proposal. They are looking for more granular data for the ‘Job Permanency’ variable in the LFS. Specifically:
“The level of geography we are looking for is Census subdivision: Lunenburg, Municipal district. IF you can also get this data at the ‘Designated Places’ level, New Germany is one community that we will be working with. I was able to find a Census profile for NG but the job permanence variable isn’t included in this.”
I’ve let them know about the RDC, but could this specific data be available as a custom tabulation?
Although Statistics Canada can produce Labour Force Survey (LFS) estimates at the Census Division (CD) and Census Subdivision (CSD) levels, the LFS sample is not allocated specifically at these levels of geography. As a result, data level movements may be due to real change, or they may be due to data variability from changes in sample size.
Data quality is usually low at these levels and further decrease when intersected with additional indicators such as Job permanence, for example.
I do not recommend getting these data produced with the Labour Force Survey (LFS).