Wednesday, July 15, 2015

T1 Family File for census tracts


1) A researcher here is interested in the “T1 Family File”, which appears to be Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals:

2) As indicated in an earlier DLI posting (October 28, 2010) there are a group of tables on this in CANSIM: which is great if you are looking for Canada, provinces, or CMA-CA and non CMA-CA.

3) However, there seems to be some indication that this data might be available for Census Tracts: on page 12 / 61, for example, the first paragraph mentions “census tracts”.

4) Can you please confirm if T1FF data is available to researchers at the Census tract level, via the RDC, custom tabulations, … ?


I contacted subject matter regarding your questions and the responded with the following:

“comments are made on each question separately:

1) This link provides information on TIFF data, annual release, most current year is 2013. The researcher can read the details as required.

2)  The file enclosed provides a list of all our standard tables with their corresponding CANSIM number. Which year each table started being available and a description of each etc. Canada, provinces and CMA geography is available from reference year 2000, CA geography is available from 2008.

3) Census tract data is not available on CANSIM, however, can be purchased for all the standard products described in the enclosed file for a cost-recoverable fee. Cost depends on the number of tables and years requested. Census Tracts can be obtained via custom extraction. I won’t go into a lot of detail here, custom requests are much more complex and more costly than standard products.”

4) If the researcher would like to have an estimate for the custom tabulations please have them provide the specific tables and years. Alternatively I believe this would be possible for the researcher to obtain Census Tracts through the RDC however the process to get access is quite extensive and may not meet the tire requirements of the researchers.