We have a user looking for data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). It's release date is listed as October 8, 2013: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=4406&Item_Id=132267&lang=en. Is there/will there be a public use microdata file available?
The information is available in a publication, which was released on Oct 8th –Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Series http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/bsolc/olc-cel/olc-cel?catno=89-555-x&lang=eng
On the OECD website the first results of and key findings of PIAAC have been made available ; the report can be downloaded there. A PUMF has also been created and we are taking requests from the website.
That said, we were just informed that the PIAAC PUMF has been temporally suspended due to a couple of small problems. We hope to have it fixed in the very near future. http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/bsolc/olc-cel/olc-cel?lang=eng&catno=89-555-X2013002