Wednesday, October 9, 2013

National Graduates Survey


Will there will be a new National Graduates Survey, one that will cover our “post- recession” era? The status of the IMDB record indicates that this is an active survey.


The last NGS was in 2007 (class of 2005), we had a PUMF, no FOG (follow up graduate class). The next NGS will be in 2013 (class of 2009/2010), no PUMF, no FOG. We are aiming for the end of March 2014. The NGS is a survey that looks to see what graduates are doing 2 years after graduation (i.e. class of 2000, surveyed in 2002). The Follow-up of graduates survey (FOG) is a survey that looks to see what NGS respondents are doing 5 years after graduation (i.e. class of 2000, surveyed in 2005)

We will have NGS 2013 (class of 2009/2010) but there will not be a FOG and the master will be in the RDC.