The Council of Canadian Academies has announced the release of a 260 page report on health data: Accessing Health and Health-Related Data in Canada <http://www.scienceadvice .ca/e n/assessments /completed/health-data.aspx>.
This report, requested by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), represents the work of a 14-member expert panel, chaired by Dr. Andrew K. Bjerring, Former President and CEO of CANARIE Inc. In its report, the Panel assesses the current state of knowledge surrounding timely access to health and health-related data — key for both health research and health system innovation.
The Panel’s report provides a foundation of knowledge that will support policy-makers, administrators, clinicians, and researchers in health-related fields who seek to improve the delivery of health and social services to the public.
The full report is available for download, free of charge, on the Council’s website <>.