I have a researcher interested in accessing the last iteration of the NPHS (Cycle 9). I'm looking for confirmation that in order to do so, she needs to apply for access via the Research Data Centres since it appears that PUMFs ceased distribution after 1999 (Cycle 3)?
That is correct, a researcher would need to access the files via the RDCs. We also have synthetic files available on the EFT site so that researchers can test their files. HD offers remote access to NPHS:
"Remote access
In some instances where access to Research Data Centres is not feasible and the public use microdata files do not provide enough information for their project, researchers can apply for remote access to the CCHS and the NPHS. Once their project is approved, researchers are provided with synthetic data from which they develop and test their computer programs (in SAS or SPSS), and then transmit them to the Health Statistics Division Client Services Unit via a dedicated e-mail address. The programs are run on the secure data servers by Client Services staff, who also vet the outputs for disclosure issues and return the vetted outputs to the user via e-mail. Remote access to the data is offered free of charge, but is restricted to projects with demonstrated needs. For more information on remote access, contact the Health Statistics Division Client Services Unit."
Synthetic files on EFT site:
/MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/National Population Health Survey – nphs/Synthetic_Files-Dummy_files
Data available in the RDCs: <>