I have a researcher inquiring about whether there is a PUMF for the Canadian Income Survey. Unless I have missed something, the appended message indicates that there were plans for a possible PUMF. However, I have checked the Tentative Release dates <> and I do not see this survey listed, which leads me to suspect that any PUMF plans may have been cancelled? On a quick look, I do not see this on the RDC list of data sets, <> so perhaps it is still being processed?
The subject matter has confirmed that - "There are no plans at present to release a PUMF for the Canadian Income Survey. This is a new survey and a PUMF is still sometime away. I would suggest that you get the client to read 'Note to Users of Data from the 2012 CIS' in the attached link.
It provides all the information regarding:
Methodology of CIS
Differences between CIS and SLID"
We would, however, need more detailed information about what the client needs.Would a custom tabulation be of interest? I can confirm with the RDCs when the file will be available.