Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Past Gov Docs


I am currently in possession of a workbook and several modules of an old INAC publication. The main book is titled “Aboriginal Awareness Workshop: Guide to Understanding Aboriginal Cultures in Canada”, QS-3608-001-EE-A1; Catalogue No. R-41/6/11-1999E. I also have the modules for Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, and NWT/Nunavut.

Does anybody, by chance, have copies of the other modules floating around that they don’t mind parting with? I’ve already contacted AANDC, and they don’t have this publication anymore.


According to the Government of Canada Publications website, the ones you have were the only ones that were distributed by the Depository Services Program back in 2002 <>

There are copies at Laurentian - check <> to see which ones are available. The University of Saskatchewan has the same documents that you have listed in your email.

There are other modules listed in the Canadian Research Index (CRI), so a library that has the Canadian Deposit Microlog collection may have the appropriate microfiche. U of S has the provincial microfiche collection and so does not have these documents mentioned in the CRI. York has the Atlantic, BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan modules as part of their microlog microfiche collection though, so they do exist.