We have a researcher that is trying to find housing prices for the city of Toronto by type of unit/structure and by age of construction. Is there any resource that you can recommend?
This is non-Stats Can information, but here are some surveys of interest are:
Residential Property Values
The Property Values Program produces residential property value estimates by province and territory, as well as by Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs). This data series represents residential property values at current market price, by reference year. This includes all taxable and exempt properties
CANSIM table:
-026-0018 Residential property values, by province, territory and census metropolitan area (CMA)
-There’s also: <http://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=3508>. In reviewing the PUMF, the information is not available for Toronto, but only at the Province level.
Following CANSIM Tables may be of interest
-203-0019 Survey of household spending (SHS), dwelling characteristics at the time of interview, by province, territory and selected metropolitan areas
-203-0003 Survey of household spending (SHS), household spending on shelter, by province and territory
-For more specific tables, custom tabulations may be an option, which are cost recoverable.
-Have you considered the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)?
-From CANSIM you can download residential housing statistics on housing starts, completions, under construction and newly completed and unoccupied; vacancy rates; and mortgage information.<http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/COR-COR/COR-COR/objList?lang=eng&srcObjType=SDDS&srcObjId=7505&tgtObjType=ARRAY>
-Another source of housing prices is the Royal Lepage House Price Survey. We have a long run of these archived in our institutional repository at: <https://qspace.library.queensu.ca/jspui/handle/1974/8451/browse?type=title&submit_browse=Title>