I am helping a graduate student who wants to use housing affordability in Vancouver and Montreal using the residual income approach. So he needs to use the Disposable income for Market Basket Measure (MBM) (variable MBINC46 in the 2010 PUMF file). The problem is that he needs data at the CMA level and the PUMF only provides data at the provincial level.
I tried to locate the documentation for the SLID Master File which is apparently available from the RDCs, but could not find it on Nesstar. Could I obtain the documentation for that file so that my student has enough information to decide if he wants to go through the application process to access the Master File. Is it possible to obtain the documentation for my researcher only (rather than posting it on Nesstar)? The more information he has, the better he will be able to make his decision on whether he needs to go through the application process.
We will not post the documentation of the Master Files through Nesstar as they would have confidential information in them.
I followed up with the RDC’s and here is the response they provided me: "If we have any non-confidential documentation we can usually provide it to them."
In this case the focal point got back to me with the following: ‘The main RDC website, on the data sets page and from clicking SLID, can take you to the following electronic data dictionary link: <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/75f0026x/75f0026x2013000-eng.htm>
In this case the focal point got back to me with the following: ‘The main RDC website, on the data sets page and from clicking SLID, can take you to the following electronic data dictionary link: <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/75f0026x/75f0026x2013000-eng.htm>