I have a researcher who is seeking access to the census tract conversion table mentioned on this page: <http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2011/ref/dict/geo013-eng.cfm>
It states: “A conversion table showing the relationship between the current and previous census tracts for each tracted centre is available upon request from the Geography Division, Statistics Canada.”
His request to StatCan was forwarded to me as DLI contact. I cannot locate this file, but perhaps someone could steer me in the right direction? He is looking at 1996-2011.
These files are available on the gate census site: <http://ivt.crepuq.qc.ca/recensements/recensement2011/recensPop2011.html>
For each edition census, there is a page for the geographic products, which includes a link "Documentation" that provides access to all correspondence files of a specific issue:
R-2011: http://ivt.crepuq.qc.ca/recensements/recensement2011/fichiersGeo2011documentation.html
R-2006 : http://ivt.crepuq.qc.ca/recensements/recensement2006/fichiersGeo2006documentation.html
R-2001 : http://ivt.crepuq.qc.ca/recensements/recensement2001/fichiersGeo2001documentation.html
The Geography Division also confirmed that there is not a single conversion table from 1996-2011 but three conversion tables. There is one correspondence file for each Census year: 2011-2006, 2006-2001 and 2001-1996. Each file is accompanied by a data quality statement (DQS).
Please note that the conversion tables are available on the EFT site: