Monday, January 7, 2013

Remote Access to the NLSCY


Is remote access available for the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY)? I assume that the agreement for remote access would cover the conditions for the participation of Researchers outside of Canada?


The Author Division has confirmed that there are three ways to access data for NLSCY :

1) through the Research Data Centres (information about RDC is found at <http://www.stat>)

2) by requesting a custom tabulation at a rate of $70.26 per hour, or

3) using remote data access (you write the program, we run it against the master file and send you the table).You just need to email us.

Custom tabulations and remote data access are done on a cost recovery basis. The cost of a custom tabulation is based on the amount of time to run the table. Remote data access charge is $80 for 20 tables or less.