I will be providing this survey data to a researcher at my institution, but first I have a few questions about the information itself.
1. Table 3 in the xls file entitled Tables 1-8 2009-2010 Prelim.xls contains the information about tuition fees for foreign students that I am looking for. However, I notice that the questionnaire itself asks respondents to indicate whether they are reporting tuition fees at their institution per academic year, semester, per credit or other. It appears as if the $ values reported in the spreadsheet represent tuition fees per academic year, but I would like to confirm whether this is correct.
2. Based on the title of this excel spreadsheet, I am assuming that this is preliminary data and that a final report will be available at some point? When will this be available? Also, when will the data for 2010-2011 be available?
3. This is just a comment: Being a new DLI rep, I have much to learn. I was not expecting to find the results of this survey in an excel spreadsheet. (I assumed that the survey data was usually made available for SPSS).
Thank you for your questions about TLAC. We couldn't locate a file titled Tables 1-8 2009-2010 Prelim.xls. but suspect that you were referring to the file Tables 1-7 2009-2010Prelim.xls.
I spoke with our contacts for TLAC and they confirmed that:
1) The reference period for the data in the TLAC tables is the academic year. (After speaking with our contact I noticed that additional explanatory notes which may be of interest are available in the Footnotes tab of the spreadsheet.)
2) The DLI should be receiving final 2009-2010 and preliminary 2010-2011 TLAC data at the beginning of October. I will be sending out an announcement as soon as they are available on our FTP and website. Some final 2009-2010 and preliminary 2010-2011 TLAC data are scheduled to be released on Sept. 16 (there will be an announcement in The Daily) but we won't be receiving our tables until a few weeks later as we receive a wider set of tables that won't all be ready until the beginning of October.
3) You are correct that many of the data files in the DLI collection need to be consulted with statistical analysis applications such as SPSS. This applies to the public use microdata files (PUMFs) in our collection. The DLI collection also includes a large number of aggregate data files, many of which are in the areas of justice and education. Most of these aggregate data products are available in Excel format or Beyond 20/20 format. For additional information on aggregate data and microdata, you may be interested in the following section of the DLI Survival Guide which discusses different types of data (
I hope that this information is helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dairy Quotas
Is there a public source indicating the value of dairy quotas - amount needed to purchase, value of current quotas, etc.?
The student is most interested in Ontario, if this information differs by province.
Thanks in advance.
Data on quotas are also available through the Canadian Farm Financial Database and E-Stat. Detailed instructions from our agriculture contacts on how to locate these follow:
1. Canadian Farm Financial Database at
Click Taxation Data Program (left menu)
In the box Data Type, select Revenues and Expenses of Farms, select year(s), geographical area(s), farm type (Dairy cattle and milk production) and revenue class. On the resulting table, the variable 'R458 Quota sale income - dollars' gives total amount, averages, farms reporting etc.
2. E-Stat
The student can access E-Stat for free at
In 'Search CANSIM in E-Stat', enter 'quota' in the search field. In the 3 tables, you will find variables like 'Quota, long-term assets', 'Current asset - quota', 'Quota -investment' and 'Quota - sales', by year and province. However, it is not broken down by farm type and does not precise what type of quota it refers to.
Additional data can also be extracted on a cost-recovery basis.
I hope that that these suggestions are helpful.
Additional Advice
This document may help it is the DFO MILK PRICING REGULATION 11/10 MILK ACT, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER M-12, AS AMENDED that went into force on Sept. 1, 2010.
It gets a bit more complicated when determining the cost of milk see
There is more information pertaining to the Ontario Dairy Farmers at
Is there a public source indicating the value of dairy quotas - amount needed to purchase, value of current quotas, etc.?
The student is most interested in Ontario, if this information differs by province.
Thanks in advance.
Data on quotas are also available through the Canadian Farm Financial Database and E-Stat. Detailed instructions from our agriculture contacts on how to locate these follow:
1. Canadian Farm Financial Database at
Click Taxation Data Program (left menu)
In the box Data Type, select Revenues and Expenses of Farms, select year(s), geographical area(s), farm type (Dairy cattle and milk production) and revenue class. On the resulting table, the variable 'R458 Quota sale income - dollars' gives total amount, averages, farms reporting etc.
2. E-Stat
The student can access E-Stat for free at
In 'Search CANSIM in E-Stat', enter 'quota' in the search field. In the 3 tables, you will find variables like 'Quota, long-term assets', 'Current asset - quota', 'Quota -investment' and 'Quota - sales', by year and province. However, it is not broken down by farm type and does not precise what type of quota it refers to.
Additional data can also be extracted on a cost-recovery basis.
I hope that that these suggestions are helpful.
Additional Advice
This document may help it is the DFO MILK PRICING REGULATION 11/10 MILK ACT, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER M-12, AS AMENDED that went into force on Sept. 1, 2010.
It gets a bit more complicated when determining the cost of milk see
There is more information pertaining to the Ontario Dairy Farmers at
Credit Counselling Information
Hello all. Not sure if anyone here can help, but if there is an answer, I'm sure I won't find a more-knowledgeable group to ask. Cheers and thanks.
Here’s the situation: from the mid-1960s until March 31, 1992, the province subsidized the operating expenses of non-profit credit counselling agencies in Ontario. Ideally, I’d like to know how much each agency received from the province in each year over this period. The annual Report of the Minister of Community and Social Services usually had a paragraph saying how many credit counselling agencies received funding; our library has these reports for 1973-1975 and 1978-82. The publication called Expenditures by Municipality shows how much each municipality received for credit counselling and we have the volumes for the three fiscal years ending in March 1975- March 1977. However, it’s not clear that there was only one credit counselling agency in each municipality (though this seems likely).
So one question is whether the other volumes of these two publications are available elsewhere (I assume the answer is ...yes.). The more difficult question is whether there is a list somewhere of which agency got how much money as opposed to which municipality got how much money.
A further question is how much money each agency got from the United Way over this period since the United Way was another major source of funds.
The Annual Report of the Minister of Community and Social Services appears to be available at the University of Windsor and Wilfrid Laurier University libraries:
AMICUS No. 19637618 2 Location(s) Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES.
OWA 1972/1973-1983/1984 CA2ON SM.... ..A56 ENG (University of Windsor, Leddy Library)
OWTL PAPER: 1982/1983-1983/1984 : MICROFICHE: 1972/1973 -1981/1982 CA2ON SM A56 (Wilfrid Laurier University, Library)
The University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University seem to have a number of volumes of Expenditures by municipalities in their collection:
AMICUS No. 30018419 1 Location(s) Expenditures by municipality, Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. -- 1990
OWTL PAPER: 1975/1976-1977/1978; 1979/1980; 1981/1982; 1983 /1984 : MICROFICHE: 1974/1975; 1978/1979; 1980/1981; 1982/1983 CA2ON SM E85 (Wilfrid Laurier University, Library)
OWTU 1969/70-1983/84 CA2ONSF E85 (Waterloo)
Lists of groups/organizations that have received United Way funding and grants and in some case the amount they received are included in some current local United Way publications. The researcher may wish to contact the United Way of Canada ( to see if they have a national historical database with funding information. If they don't, the researcher could consider contacting the local United Ways directly to confirm what historical information they could provide.
This may be a bit of a long shot but the Archives of Ontario (; may have sources that detail how much money each non-profit credit counselling agency received from the government of Ontario during the period that interests the researcher. One could contact them as well to see what sources they would recommend.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful.
Hello all. Not sure if anyone here can help, but if there is an answer, I'm sure I won't find a more-knowledgeable group to ask. Cheers and thanks.
Here’s the situation: from the mid-1960s until March 31, 1992, the province subsidized the operating expenses of non-profit credit counselling agencies in Ontario. Ideally, I’d like to know how much each agency received from the province in each year over this period. The annual Report of the Minister of Community and Social Services usually had a paragraph saying how many credit counselling agencies received funding; our library has these reports for 1973-1975 and 1978-82. The publication called Expenditures by Municipality shows how much each municipality received for credit counselling and we have the volumes for the three fiscal years ending in March 1975- March 1977. However, it’s not clear that there was only one credit counselling agency in each municipality (though this seems likely).
So one question is whether the other volumes of these two publications are available elsewhere (I assume the answer is ...yes.). The more difficult question is whether there is a list somewhere of which agency got how much money as opposed to which municipality got how much money.
A further question is how much money each agency got from the United Way over this period since the United Way was another major source of funds.
The Annual Report of the Minister of Community and Social Services appears to be available at the University of Windsor and Wilfrid Laurier University libraries:
AMICUS No. 19637618 2 Location(s) Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES.
OWA 1972/1973-1983/1984 CA2ON SM.... ..A56 ENG (University of Windsor, Leddy Library)
OWTL PAPER: 1982/1983-1983/1984 : MICROFICHE: 1972/1973 -1981/1982 CA2ON SM A56 (Wilfrid Laurier University, Library)
The University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University seem to have a number of volumes of Expenditures by municipalities in their collection:
AMICUS No. 30018419 1 Location(s) Expenditures by municipality, Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services. -- 1990
OWTL PAPER: 1975/1976-1977/1978; 1979/1980; 1981/1982; 1983 /1984 : MICROFICHE: 1974/1975; 1978/1979; 1980/1981; 1982/1983 CA2ON SM E85 (Wilfrid Laurier University, Library)
OWTU 1969/70-1983/84 CA2ONSF E85 (Waterloo)
Lists of groups/organizations that have received United Way funding and grants and in some case the amount they received are included in some current local United Way publications. The researcher may wish to contact the United Way of Canada ( to see if they have a national historical database with funding information. If they don't, the researcher could consider contacting the local United Ways directly to confirm what historical information they could provide.
This may be a bit of a long shot but the Archives of Ontario (; may have sources that detail how much money each non-profit credit counselling agency received from the government of Ontario during the period that interests the researcher. One could contact them as well to see what sources they would recommend.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful.
Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
I have a researcher asking for Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File). Statistics Canada web site indicates that the file supposed to be released on June 17, 2010. If it has been released, would you please let us know where we can locate it?
Products based on the Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) are available through CANSIM (see the CANSIM tables listed under Links to related products at, through the DLI collection (see; these tables are at the Canada and province-level) and as custom products. The division that publishes these products creates them using data from administrative files from the T1 tax form they receive from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) once a year. They have indicated that a microdata file with these data unfortunately isn't available.
The division expects to release 2008 data for the Small Area and Administrative Data Families spreadsheet that is in the DLI collection in late September (
I hope that this information is helpful. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
I have a researcher asking for Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File). Statistics Canada web site indicates that the file supposed to be released on June 17, 2010. If it has been released, would you please let us know where we can locate it?
Products based on the Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) are available through CANSIM (see the CANSIM tables listed under Links to related products at, through the DLI collection (see; these tables are at the Canada and province-level) and as custom products. The division that publishes these products creates them using data from administrative files from the T1 tax form they receive from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) once a year. They have indicated that a microdata file with these data unfortunately isn't available.
The division expects to release 2008 data for the Small Area and Administrative Data Families spreadsheet that is in the DLI collection in late September (
I hope that this information is helpful. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations
A professor has asked about a raw data file for the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (2003).
This survey is not listed as being in the DLI collection. I mentioned that the surveys for which pumfs end up in the DLI collection tend to be household surveys and not surveys of institutions or businesses. I would appreciate a definitive answer to his request though.
A public use microdata file (PUMF) could not be produced for the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (2003) due to confidentiality related requirements. The DLI will therefore not be receiving a microdata file for this survey.
The following publication is based on this survey and may be of interest to the professor:
Cornerstones of Community: Highlights from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (61-533-XWE)
"This publication provides the first national portrait of the many thousands of nonprofit and voluntary organizations found in every Canadian community. The data, from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations, reveal a set of organizations that are widely diverse in nature, touching virtually every aspect of Canadians' lives." (
A professor has asked about a raw data file for the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (2003).
This survey is not listed as being in the DLI collection. I mentioned that the surveys for which pumfs end up in the DLI collection tend to be household surveys and not surveys of institutions or businesses. I would appreciate a definitive answer to his request though.
A public use microdata file (PUMF) could not be produced for the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (2003) due to confidentiality related requirements. The DLI will therefore not be receiving a microdata file for this survey.
The following publication is based on this survey and may be of interest to the professor:
Cornerstones of Community: Highlights from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (61-533-XWE)
"This publication provides the first national portrait of the many thousands of nonprofit and voluntary organizations found in every Canadian community. The data, from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations, reveal a set of organizations that are widely diverse in nature, touching virtually every aspect of Canadians' lives." (
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Labour Market Activity Among Seniors
An article entitled Labour market activity among seniors is being released today. This article uses census data to study labour market activity among senior men and women. Trends in seniors’ employment rates and occupational and industrial profiles are outlined. In addition, 2006 data are used to study factors associated with employment and work intensity.
Enclosed is the link to the Spotlight on the Census web page
Enclosed is the link to the Spotlight on the Census web page
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Data on Aboriginal Graduates and Aboriginal Faculty
I was wondering whether any one has suggestions on possible sources for the following:
1. Number of Aboriginal Graduates by year [2005 - 2010] across universities in Canada. At the minimum, looking for figures for Medical/ Doctoral universities.
2. Number of faculty who identified themselves as Aboriginal by university. Would like to have the most recent data. At the minimum, looking for figures for Medical/ Doctoral universities.
I have looked at the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) tables but these do not contain the desired breakdowns. I suspect that nothing beyond the information recorded in the Aboriginal Peoples Survey (2006) is likely to be available.
Our education contacts have indicated that, as you suspected, their surveys unfortunately wouldn't answer these questions. They have suggested that we look into what data are available through the Census.
You may wish to have a look at the following 2006 Census topic based tabulations some of which include data on Aboriginal Identity and Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (but not annually, nor by institution or type of institution unfortunately).,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=738&Temporal=2006&THEME=73&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=
The 2006 Census Individuals File PUMF includes an Aboriginal identity variable and an Occupation variable based on the 2006 National Occupational Classification for Statistics [NOC-S 2006] but the occupation breakdown is quite general (ex. Teachers and professors (E1)).
More detailed occupation related Census data by Aboriginal identity may be available as custom tables. If your client wishes to look into what tables could be produced on a custom basis, I would be happy to refer you to an Account Executive who could confirm what tables could be produced and at what cost.
The Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2006 ( appears to have collected education related data including the year in which the most recent certificate, diploma or degree was obtained and year when post-secondary education was last taken but not by institution however.
I was wondering whether any one has suggestions on possible sources for the following:
1. Number of Aboriginal Graduates by year [2005 - 2010] across universities in Canada. At the minimum, looking for figures for Medical/ Doctoral universities.
2. Number of faculty who identified themselves as Aboriginal by university. Would like to have the most recent data. At the minimum, looking for figures for Medical/ Doctoral universities.
I have looked at the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) tables but these do not contain the desired breakdowns. I suspect that nothing beyond the information recorded in the Aboriginal Peoples Survey (2006) is likely to be available.
Our education contacts have indicated that, as you suspected, their surveys unfortunately wouldn't answer these questions. They have suggested that we look into what data are available through the Census.
You may wish to have a look at the following 2006 Census topic based tabulations some of which include data on Aboriginal Identity and Highest Certificate, Diploma or Degree (but not annually, nor by institution or type of institution unfortunately).,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=738&Temporal=2006&THEME=73&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=
The 2006 Census Individuals File PUMF includes an Aboriginal identity variable and an Occupation variable based on the 2006 National Occupational Classification for Statistics [NOC-S 2006] but the occupation breakdown is quite general (ex. Teachers and professors (E1)).
More detailed occupation related Census data by Aboriginal identity may be available as custom tables. If your client wishes to look into what tables could be produced on a custom basis, I would be happy to refer you to an Account Executive who could confirm what tables could be produced and at what cost.
The Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2006 ( appears to have collected education related data including the year in which the most recent certificate, diploma or degree was obtained and year when post-secondary education was last taken but not by institution however.
Generate Map (or Stats) on Students' Transit Access Using Postal Codes
A Student Association is trying to determine how many students do not have convenient access to transit, which it defines as being more than a 15-minute walk from a transit station or bus stop. It is in negotiations with the local transit company about a proposed student transit pass. I have a couple of questions:
Would the Student Association be eligible to use DLI resources for this purpose (assuming they will be of help)? I suspect not since it is a separate organization from the university. This issue is of interest to the university’s planning office as well, however, and it has provided the Student Association with a list of the number of students living in each 6-digit postal code.
Could any of you with GIS experience suggest how to best approach this, with or without DLI resources? Unfortunately, our Library does not subscribe to DMTI Spatial’s Platinum Postal Suite (or any DMTI products), nor do we have PCensus. We do have ArcGIS installed on some workstations.
I’m afraid that I have very little experience – aside from some excellent DLI training sessions and the National Summer Institute last year – on using mapping software. I have spent a bit of time thinking about various approaches I might recommend to the Student Association with the limited resources we have available, and could probably spend all day bumbling around trying them out. I actually wouldn’t mind this, in order to get some experience using the tools, but the Student Association needs the info fairly urgently.
The transit company provides PDF route maps on its website and has also made route data available in Google Transit Feed Specification (GTSF) format. The Student Association has generated a PDF map showing its rough boundaries of ‘convenient access.’
Any help will be appreciated.
Here is how I would basically approach this request.
The first step would be to geocode the student list using their postal codes. Using the PCCF (if use allowed) you would assign each student latitude and longitude coordinates based on the postal code they live at. You would then add these students as x/y points to the map.
The second step would be to obtain a point shapefile of all the bus stops and SkyTrain stations. I had a quick look at the Google Transit Feed Specification and I think this could probably be created from one of the files if you don't have access to the actual shapefile from TransLink.
The third step would be to create buffers around each bus stop and SkyTrain station using some distance that would approximate a 15-minute walk (500-1000 meters).
The fourth step would be to select by location all the students that fall outside those buffers. This would give you the number of students without convenient access to transit.
Additional information
We consulted the DLI Executive and they confirmed that the Student Association and/or the university's planning office would be allowed to use DLI products (such as the PCCF) for this specific project. As students and staff, they are authorised users and this project can be considered academic planning and is therefore allowed according to the DLI licence. The students would of course need to be made aware of the licence and its restrictions (e.g. the DLI products can't be used by the transit company).
I hope that this is helpful. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.
A Student Association is trying to determine how many students do not have convenient access to transit, which it defines as being more than a 15-minute walk from a transit station or bus stop. It is in negotiations with the local transit company about a proposed student transit pass. I have a couple of questions:
Would the Student Association be eligible to use DLI resources for this purpose (assuming they will be of help)? I suspect not since it is a separate organization from the university. This issue is of interest to the university’s planning office as well, however, and it has provided the Student Association with a list of the number of students living in each 6-digit postal code.
Could any of you with GIS experience suggest how to best approach this, with or without DLI resources? Unfortunately, our Library does not subscribe to DMTI Spatial’s Platinum Postal Suite (or any DMTI products), nor do we have PCensus. We do have ArcGIS installed on some workstations.
I’m afraid that I have very little experience – aside from some excellent DLI training sessions and the National Summer Institute last year – on using mapping software. I have spent a bit of time thinking about various approaches I might recommend to the Student Association with the limited resources we have available, and could probably spend all day bumbling around trying them out. I actually wouldn’t mind this, in order to get some experience using the tools, but the Student Association needs the info fairly urgently.
The transit company provides PDF route maps on its website and has also made route data available in Google Transit Feed Specification (GTSF) format. The Student Association has generated a PDF map showing its rough boundaries of ‘convenient access.’
Any help will be appreciated.
Here is how I would basically approach this request.
The first step would be to geocode the student list using their postal codes. Using the PCCF (if use allowed) you would assign each student latitude and longitude coordinates based on the postal code they live at. You would then add these students as x/y points to the map.
The second step would be to obtain a point shapefile of all the bus stops and SkyTrain stations. I had a quick look at the Google Transit Feed Specification and I think this could probably be created from one of the files if you don't have access to the actual shapefile from TransLink.
The third step would be to create buffers around each bus stop and SkyTrain station using some distance that would approximate a 15-minute walk (500-1000 meters).
The fourth step would be to select by location all the students that fall outside those buffers. This would give you the number of students without convenient access to transit.
Additional information
We consulted the DLI Executive and they confirmed that the Student Association and/or the university's planning office would be allowed to use DLI products (such as the PCCF) for this specific project. As students and staff, they are authorised users and this project can be considered academic planning and is therefore allowed according to the DLI licence. The students would of course need to be made aware of the licence and its restrictions (e.g. the DLI products can't be used by the transit company).
I hope that this is helpful. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Immigration Canada Facts and Figures
I have a researcher asking for historical immigration data. Is the historical data available for inclusion in the DLI Collection?
Immigration Canada Facts and Figures publication.
I am looking for historical time series for:
Preferably starting from 1980.
The historical series are not available on the Citizenship and Immigration website or from Stats Can...
We have a copy of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2006 Facts and Figures Digital Library on the DLI mirror site at the University of Alberta (please see: I had a quick look at this product and while some of the tables go back to 1980, others only back into the '90s. The researcher may wish to approach CIC ( directly to see if they can provide additional historical data if the Digital Library product doesn't contain all of the data he/she needs. They can also provide the 2008 edition of the Facts and Figures Digital Library on request.
Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library
The Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library is a bilingual collection of statistical tables describing Canada’s permanent and temporary residents. The tables are available in Excel and are easily accessible through a built-in search engine.
The collection includes annual statistics for both permanent and temporary residents for calendar years 1984 to 2008 along with a series of tables describing additional selected characteristics for the ten-year period from 1999 to 2008. Tables are provided for Canada, the provinces and territories, and selected urban areas. The temporary resident section includes information for foreign workers, foreign students, refugee claimants and other humanitarian cases.
Annual statistics are provided for new permanent residents, total entries of temporary residents and temporary residents present on December 1st as well as for transitions from one temporary resident status to another and from temporary resident to permanent resident status. Please contact to request copies of the Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library." (
StatCan has a Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB, that covers 1980 to 2007. This database isn't available through the DLI but custom data extractions from this database are available for a fee. If this would be of interest to your researcher, I can consult the division that oversees the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) to confirm if the tables your researcher requires could be produced on a custom basis.
The researcher may also wish to look into the files held by the Metropolis project in BC ( Their data holdings are described at:
The following Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) table only goes back to 1992/1993 but may still be of interest to the researcher: University enrolments, by province of study and immigration status, annual (number), 1992/1993 to 2007/2008 (xls) at
I hope that this is helpful.
I have a researcher asking for historical immigration data. Is the historical data available for inclusion in the DLI Collection?
Immigration Canada Facts and Figures publication.
I am looking for historical time series for:
- Canada – Transition of temporary residents to permanent resident status
- Canada – Transition of temporary residents by previous yearly status
- Canada – Total entries of foreign students by province or territory and urban are
- Canada – Foreign students present on December 1st by province or territory and urban area
Preferably starting from 1980.
The historical series are not available on the Citizenship and Immigration website or from Stats Can...
We have a copy of the Citizenship and Immigration Canada 2006 Facts and Figures Digital Library on the DLI mirror site at the University of Alberta (please see: I had a quick look at this product and while some of the tables go back to 1980, others only back into the '90s. The researcher may wish to approach CIC ( directly to see if they can provide additional historical data if the Digital Library product doesn't contain all of the data he/she needs. They can also provide the 2008 edition of the Facts and Figures Digital Library on request.
Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library
The Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library is a bilingual collection of statistical tables describing Canada’s permanent and temporary residents. The tables are available in Excel and are easily accessible through a built-in search engine.
The collection includes annual statistics for both permanent and temporary residents for calendar years 1984 to 2008 along with a series of tables describing additional selected characteristics for the ten-year period from 1999 to 2008. Tables are provided for Canada, the provinces and territories, and selected urban areas. The temporary resident section includes information for foreign workers, foreign students, refugee claimants and other humanitarian cases.
Annual statistics are provided for new permanent residents, total entries of temporary residents and temporary residents present on December 1st as well as for transitions from one temporary resident status to another and from temporary resident to permanent resident status. Please contact to request copies of the Facts and Figures 2008 Digital Library." (
StatCan has a Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB, that covers 1980 to 2007. This database isn't available through the DLI but custom data extractions from this database are available for a fee. If this would be of interest to your researcher, I can consult the division that oversees the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB) to confirm if the tables your researcher requires could be produced on a custom basis.
The researcher may also wish to look into the files held by the Metropolis project in BC ( Their data holdings are described at:
The following Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS) table only goes back to 1992/1993 but may still be of interest to the researcher: University enrolments, by province of study and immigration status, annual (number), 1992/1993 to 2007/2008 (xls) at
I hope that this is helpful.
Levels of Access to Data
Could someone please remind me of the levels of access to data on the STC website? I know (or think I know) there are essentially three (open and unrestricted, DLI, and STC only) but I forget how to tell, while on campus, which tables will not be accessible from off-campus if not logged in to our proxy server. I think it's the level of geographic detail that is the deciding factor, but I can never remember what that is (nor can I find such an explanation anywhere on the STC website). Could someone please enlighten me?
If you go to the 2006 topic-based tabulations (ex.,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=73&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=) and click on Detailed results link, the access level for each table on the page will appear.
I hope that this answers your question. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need further clarification.
Could someone please remind me of the levels of access to data on the STC website? I know (or think I know) there are essentially three (open and unrestricted, DLI, and STC only) but I forget how to tell, while on campus, which tables will not be accessible from off-campus if not logged in to our proxy server. I think it's the level of geographic detail that is the deciding factor, but I can never remember what that is (nor can I find such an explanation anywhere on the STC website). Could someone please enlighten me?
If you go to the 2006 topic-based tabulations (ex.,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=73&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=) and click on Detailed results link, the access level for each table on the page will appear.
- Tables labelled Level=Public are freely accessible to everyone on the StatCan website
- Tables labelled Level=Partner are available through the DSP and the DLI via the StatCan website (IP recognition is used to grant access)
- Tables labelled Level=Restricted are available through the DLI and stored on our FTP site (these include Dissemination Area level tables and Commutting flow tables)
I hope that this answers your question. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need further clarification.
Information About Second-Generation Canadians
A researcher is trying to find information on the amount of first-generation Canadians and their composition percentage of Canadian population as first generation immigrants. If possible, she would also like to see if we can find a percentage for Alberta and Edmonton (i.e. percentage of people in Alberta who are 1st generation Canadian and percentage of people in Edmonton who are first generation Canadian).
In the 2006 Canadian census, she found there were 24% of Canada's population is 15+ years of age.
Are there any resources or any places that would be able to shed some light on this question?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The following 2006 Census topic based tabulation may be of interest to the researcher. The first can provide statistics on generation status for Canada and the provinces and the second one includes statistics for Edmonton.
Generation Status (4), Age Groups (9) and Sex (3) for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1971, 2001 and 2006 Censuses - 20% Sample Data (97-557-XCB2006010),97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=&D1=0&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0&D5=0&D6=0
Place of Birth of Father (35), Place of Birth of Mother (35) and Generation Status (4) for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data (97-557-XCB2006009),97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=&D1=0&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0&D5=0&D6=0
I located them through the following steps: --> clicked on Census on top right--> clicked on Data products on left --> clicked on Topic-based tabulations --> clicked on Immigration and citizenship --> clicked on Generation status
Additional 2006 Census tables on generation status are available at,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=
I hope that this is helpful.
A researcher is trying to find information on the amount of first-generation Canadians and their composition percentage of Canadian population as first generation immigrants. If possible, she would also like to see if we can find a percentage for Alberta and Edmonton (i.e. percentage of people in Alberta who are 1st generation Canadian and percentage of people in Edmonton who are first generation Canadian).
In the 2006 Canadian census, she found there were 24% of Canada's population is 15+ years of age.
Are there any resources or any places that would be able to shed some light on this question?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The following 2006 Census topic based tabulation may be of interest to the researcher. The first can provide statistics on generation status for Canada and the provinces and the second one includes statistics for Edmonton.
Generation Status (4), Age Groups (9) and Sex (3) for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 1971, 2001 and 2006 Censuses - 20% Sample Data (97-557-XCB2006010),97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=&D1=0&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0&D5=0&D6=0
Place of Birth of Father (35), Place of Birth of Mother (35) and Generation Status (4) for the Population 15 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data (97-557-XCB2006009),97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=&D1=0&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0&D5=0&D6=0
I located them through the following steps: --> clicked on Census on top right--> clicked on Data products on left --> clicked on Topic-based tabulations --> clicked on Immigration and citizenship --> clicked on Generation status
Additional 2006 Census tables on generation status are available at,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=725&Temporal=2006&THEME=72&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=
I hope that this is helpful.
2001 Census Individuals PUMF Additional Methodology Questions
A researcher has sent me a few more questions concerning the 2001 Census Individuals PUMF methodology. I have appended the entire text of the message below. The document referred to is the 2001 Census Public Use Microdata File: Individuals File: User Documentation, 2nd revision. The pages referred to are page 173-176 of 292 (page 168-171 in the document). I am quite confident that your census staff can answer these questions much better that I can. Thanks in advance for any information or advice that might be sent back.
"The canvasser area stratum is mentioned in the first phase of sampling in Chapter III Sampling Method and Data Quality (page 173 of the pdf file attached).
In part (b) Second Phase of Sampling, the strata used for selection of the individuals to be part of the public use microdata file (pumf) on individuals Canada Census 2001 are defined. One limitation of this stratification is mentioned that uses canvasser area stratum. However, canvasser area stratum is not defined as one of the strata available for stratification in phase two. This contradicts in my opinion the procedure used for defining each stratum in phase two of sampling (on page 176 of the pdf).
Was the canvasser area stratum used for stratification in phase two of the selection of pumf on individuals in Canada Census 2001? Is canvasser area stratum identifiable by any variable in the pumf on individuals in Canada Census 2001? Where does canvasser area stratum rank in importance compared to the rest of the variables used for stratification in phase two of sampling?"
The methodologists our census contacts consulted provided the following information in response to the researcher's questions:
"The file was sorted first by canvasser stratum and then by geography, and the other variables. By doing so, we were ensuring that these people (people living in a canvasser area) were well represented in the sample.
We limit the number of strata in these areas because the number of people within a given geography was already small (stratifying more would not do anything in these circumstances). It was not possible to identify them in the file for confidentiality reasons (canvasser areas have low population counts). However, we felt that, since those people are different characteristics than the other people, it was important to ensure their representation. In that sense, this stratum is very important."
I hope that this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.
A researcher has sent me a few more questions concerning the 2001 Census Individuals PUMF methodology. I have appended the entire text of the message below. The document referred to is the 2001 Census Public Use Microdata File: Individuals File: User Documentation, 2nd revision. The pages referred to are page 173-176 of 292 (page 168-171 in the document). I am quite confident that your census staff can answer these questions much better that I can. Thanks in advance for any information or advice that might be sent back.
"The canvasser area stratum is mentioned in the first phase of sampling in Chapter III Sampling Method and Data Quality (page 173 of the pdf file attached).
In part (b) Second Phase of Sampling, the strata used for selection of the individuals to be part of the public use microdata file (pumf) on individuals Canada Census 2001 are defined. One limitation of this stratification is mentioned that uses canvasser area stratum. However, canvasser area stratum is not defined as one of the strata available for stratification in phase two. This contradicts in my opinion the procedure used for defining each stratum in phase two of sampling (on page 176 of the pdf).
Was the canvasser area stratum used for stratification in phase two of the selection of pumf on individuals in Canada Census 2001? Is canvasser area stratum identifiable by any variable in the pumf on individuals in Canada Census 2001? Where does canvasser area stratum rank in importance compared to the rest of the variables used for stratification in phase two of sampling?"
The methodologists our census contacts consulted provided the following information in response to the researcher's questions:
"The file was sorted first by canvasser stratum and then by geography, and the other variables. By doing so, we were ensuring that these people (people living in a canvasser area) were well represented in the sample.
We limit the number of strata in these areas because the number of people within a given geography was already small (stratifying more would not do anything in these circumstances). It was not possible to identify them in the file for confidentiality reasons (canvasser areas have low population counts). However, we felt that, since those people are different characteristics than the other people, it was important to ensure their representation. In that sense, this stratum is very important."
I hope that this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bed-Sharing Info (Co-Sleeping)
A researcher would like to know the percentage of mothers in Canada who bed-share with their infants (co-sleep).
The following (non-StatCan) literature review on the Public Health Agency of Canada website may be of interest to the researcher. It includes references to a few studies on this topic:
The Practice of Bed Sharing: A Systematic Literature and Policy Review
The closest match I could find in the DLI collection is the variable BBEC6PP1 : Doesn't want to sleep alone? in the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, 1996-1997 [Canada]: Cycle 2, Primary File.
I hope that this information is helpful.
A researcher would like to know the percentage of mothers in Canada who bed-share with their infants (co-sleep).
The following (non-StatCan) literature review on the Public Health Agency of Canada website may be of interest to the researcher. It includes references to a few studies on this topic:
The Practice of Bed Sharing: A Systematic Literature and Policy Review
The closest match I could find in the DLI collection is the variable BBEC6PP1 : Doesn't want to sleep alone? in the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, 1996-1997 [Canada]: Cycle 2, Primary File.
I hope that this information is helpful.
Cost of Inmates
I can't seem to put my finger on numbers indicating Correctional Services Canada costs for inmates (minimum, medium, and maximum security as well as community corrections).
Any suggestions?
You may be interested in the content under "The cost of keeping an inmate incarcerated has increased" in the document Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview that is available on the Public Safety Canada website. It includes annual average costs per offender (current $) by category.
StatCan has CANSIM Table 251-0007 Adult correctional services, operating expenditures for provincial, territorial and federal programs, annual ( which includes average daily inmate cost (current dollars) and average daily inmate cost (2002/2003 constant dollars) under Operating expenditures.
We are also consulting with the Subject-Matter Division to see if there are other sources and will get back to you.
Additional information
The best suggestion is CANSIM Table 251-0007 for StatCan data. The CCJS can not differentiate expenditures based on minimum, medium, and maximum security.
And keep in mind that the information in Section B: 'Corrections Administration' in the CCRSO (the report on the Public Safety web-site) is sourced to CSC, the Office of the Correctional Investigator and the National Parole Board, not CCJS.
I can't seem to put my finger on numbers indicating Correctional Services Canada costs for inmates (minimum, medium, and maximum security as well as community corrections).
Any suggestions?
You may be interested in the content under "The cost of keeping an inmate incarcerated has increased" in the document Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview that is available on the Public Safety Canada website. It includes annual average costs per offender (current $) by category.
StatCan has CANSIM Table 251-0007 Adult correctional services, operating expenditures for provincial, territorial and federal programs, annual ( which includes average daily inmate cost (current dollars) and average daily inmate cost (2002/2003 constant dollars) under Operating expenditures.
We are also consulting with the Subject-Matter Division to see if there are other sources and will get back to you.
Additional information
The best suggestion is CANSIM Table 251-0007 for StatCan data. The CCJS can not differentiate expenditures based on minimum, medium, and maximum security.
And keep in mind that the information in Section B: 'Corrections Administration' in the CCRSO (the report on the Public Safety web-site) is sourced to CSC, the Office of the Correctional Investigator and the National Parole Board, not CCJS.
Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories
The following product is now available on the DLI FTP and website.
Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories, with Detailed Electronic Tables (91-520-SCB)
"This CD-ROM contains the English and French versions of the report on Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories (in PDF format) as well as tables (in the form of spreadsheets) presenting data by sex, single year of age, province/territory and projection year for projection scenarios. Based on the July 2009 population estimate, these projections present a detailed picture of the Canadian population for the provinces/territories until 2036, and for all of Canada until 2061, subject to certain hypotheses related to components of population growth." (
FTP: /DissFTP/dli/DLI Collection-except Census-Geography and Trade/Population Projections for Canada Provinces and Territories - pp
Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories, with Detailed Electronic Tables (91-520-SCB)
"This CD-ROM contains the English and French versions of the report on Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories (in PDF format) as well as tables (in the form of spreadsheets) presenting data by sex, single year of age, province/territory and projection year for projection scenarios. Based on the July 2009 population estimate, these projections present a detailed picture of the Canadian population for the provinces/territories until 2036, and for all of Canada until 2061, subject to certain hypotheses related to components of population growth." (
FTP: /DissFTP/dli/DLI Collection-except Census-Geography and Trade/Population Projections for Canada Provinces and Territories - pp
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