Is there a public source indicating the value of dairy quotas - amount needed to purchase, value of current quotas, etc.?
The student is most interested in Ontario, if this information differs by province.
Thanks in advance.
Data on quotas are also available through the Canadian Farm Financial Database and E-Stat. Detailed instructions from our agriculture contacts on how to locate these follow:
1. Canadian Farm Financial Database at
Click Taxation Data Program (left menu)
In the box Data Type, select Revenues and Expenses of Farms, select year(s), geographical area(s), farm type (Dairy cattle and milk production) and revenue class. On the resulting table, the variable 'R458 Quota sale income - dollars' gives total amount, averages, farms reporting etc.
2. E-Stat
The student can access E-Stat for free at
In 'Search CANSIM in E-Stat', enter 'quota' in the search field. In the 3 tables, you will find variables like 'Quota, long-term assets', 'Current asset - quota', 'Quota -investment' and 'Quota - sales', by year and province. However, it is not broken down by farm type and does not precise what type of quota it refers to.
Additional data can also be extracted on a cost-recovery basis.
I hope that that these suggestions are helpful.
Additional Advice
This document may help it is the DFO MILK PRICING REGULATION 11/10 MILK ACT, R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER M-12, AS AMENDED that went into force on Sept. 1, 2010.
It gets a bit more complicated when determining the cost of milk see
There is more information pertaining to the Ontario Dairy Farmers at
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