QuestionI see the National Apprenticeship Survey 2015 was released last week. Is there any chance there will be a PUMF?
Answer“There is no PUMF for the National Apprenticeship Survey (NAS). The data can only be access through the RDCs and the RTRA.
We have released the following report disseminate the following on March 29th, 2017 for the NAS (see attachment)
National Apprenticeship Survey: Canada Overview Report 2015 (81-598-X)
CANSIM tables were updated this afternoon!
477-0130 Apprentices' educational background and parents' trade certification by apprentice status (2011 to 2013), Canada
477-0129 Demographic characteristics of apprentices, Canada
477-0131 Employment status by apprentice status, Canada
477-0133 Employment status by sex, Aboriginal status and immigrant status, Canada
477-0132 Grouped hourly wages for job held week prior to survey interview by apprentice status, Canada
We can also do custom tabulation at a cost.”