Tuesday, January 31, 2017

First Use of Common-Law Status

May I please confirm that statistics for common-law status began in 1991 (at least by Statistics Canada)?
A student is looking for stats on rate of common law couples or number thereof by province pre-1991. From what I’ve read, however, the breaking out of common-law status by StatsCan started in 1991.

I consulted the Census dictionary, and noted the following


Common-law status
Part A - Short definition:
Common-law refers to two people living together as a couple but not legally married to each other.

Part B - Detailed definition:
Common-law refers to two people living together as a couple but not legally married to each other. They may be of opposite sex or of the same sex.

Census years:
2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991
In the 1981 and 1986 censuses, people living common law could report their relationship by using one of the response categories in the question on relationship to Person 1; they were nonetheless included in the category 'Married' for purposes of data on marital status. For more information, see Marital status.

Since 2001, the response category 'Yes' includes same-sex common-law partners.

All persons under 15 years of age are considered to be not living common law.

Monday, January 30, 2017

DLI Archives Access

I'm having difficulty accessing the DLI list archives provided through any of the links at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/dli/guide/toc/3000280#a2. One of the StatCan links (under the heading "The dlilist archives") gives me a "page not found" message and other (in the paragraph under the "Asking a question on the dlilist") gives me a 404 error.

Am I looking in the wrong place for the archives or are the archives actually down?

Currently the dlilist archives are not available externally. A solution is being pursued in order to make it accessible to the public in the future. The DLI is currently in the process of updating all the links and materials on the web site.

We are pursuing making the old list (pre 2012) monarch dlilist archive available.

You can access the list archive, from 2012-present, here: https://dli-idd-listserv.statcan.gc.ca/scripts/wa.exe?A0=DLILIST

Please note, you must create a password to access the site. Your email is the one that is registered with the list. If you are unsure, please let us know and we can help retrieve it.

If you do not already have a password for the DLILIST, we recommend that you set one now. If you have an existing password, it has been copied to the new server. The password can be used for email commands as well as for access to the web interface, which hosts the list archive.

A LISTSERV password is linked to your subscribed address (Email which is subscribe to the DLILIST). If you do not know, please contact us at STATCAN.de-STCINET-dli-idd.STATCAN@canada.ca.

To set your password for this server, visit:

I took the feedback from the community at the regional training sessions regarding the value of the old mhonarch files and have been working with our IT resources to make the content of the old listserv discoverable again. We have successfully extracted the contents from the old server and have successfully tested the functionality internally. We are acquiring the server for external access and seeking the necessary security approvals to make it available.

We anticipate by the end of the fiscal year (end of March) we should have the old listserv archives discoverable.

Small Area Retail Data

Is there a source of older small-area retail trade figures, comparable to SARTRE, at the sub-provincial level?

“The only retail trade data at sub-provincial level we have are for Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) of MontrĂ©al, Toronto and Vancouver only. These CMA’s unadjusted data can be found in CANSIM table 80-0020.

SARTRE data are no longer available as the system is no longer supported.”

Implementation of the term “Archived” in CANSIM

In order to comply with Statistics Canada’s Web Archiving Directive and the Treasury Board standard for managing and archiving web content, it was decided to implement the term “Archived” in the CANSIM database.

According to the directive, archived web content is information that is no longer current but is retained on the website for reference or to provide context to current content.

Data tables are archived
  • when there is a concept or methodology change and a break in the time series is introduced; or
  • when there are updates to indexes or classifications; or
  • when the data product is significantly re-configured/re-structured.
Effective January 30, 2017, the term “Terminated” has been replaced with the term “Archived” in the titles for all terminated CANSIM tables. In addition, the archived banner has been added to each terminated table on the website.

The terminated members and series contained within active tables have retained the status “Terminated”.

A replacement of the term “Terminated” has been applied in the table titles in the SDMX and Beyond 20/20 downloadable files. The CSV files have not been affected by this change.

Footnotes which refer to the term “Terminated” will be updated manually over time to reflect the new label.

Statistics Canada is committed to achieve efficient and effective management of its key socioeconomic database while providing convenient access to relevant, reliable and timely statistical information.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Precipitation and Temperature Averages by Province

I am helping a graduate student who would like to obtain the following data for all Canadian provinces:

Average total precipitations AND temperature
  • At the provincial level
  • On an annual AND monthly basis
  • For the latest 35 years available
Although it is easy to obtain this data for specific locations (weather stations) from the Historical Climate Data page (http://climate.weather.gc.ca/) , I could not find provincial averages anywhere. I am aware that precipitation and temperature averages at the provincial level should be treated with caution because there is got to be great variability between different locations on such large geographic entities, but nonetheless I have verified that this is what the student wants.

I did manage to find the following resources:

Article - Precipitation trends in Canada
Summary Table - Weather conditions in capital and major cities
Environment Canada - Temperature and Precipitation information (note: non-Statistics Canada information)

Your student might find this of interest for Alberta… the data behind the visualization is from a national climate dataset:
Alberta Climate Records
  • This visualization web site allows users to explore temperature trends and variability from a dataset of nearly 5 million observed climate records between 1950 and 2010 for 6,834 locations across the Province of Alberta.
  • “The dataset originated from the National Land and Water Information Service (NLWIS), part of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), who released the daily 10km gridded climate dataset for Canada for the period 1951-2010. Grid values were interpolated from daily climate station recordings (Environment Canada).”
  • Data can be exported from individual grid cells at bottom right of each grid “page.”
One possible source of this information is the Canadian Climate Normals web site http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_normals/index_e.html

The site provides data for specific time periods 1961 – 1990; 1971 – 2000 and 1981 – 2010. It provides data by specific weather station name, by weather stations by province and by proximity to major cities in Canada. It does not provide data on the average for the temperature and precipitation by individual province. But the user can download CSV files of various weather station data and could work the data in order to derive the average temperature or precipitation for a province if they wanted to put the effort in to do this.

“Even though we published data about temperature and precipitation in the past, we used data from Environment and Climate Change Canada in our publications. Here are a few links of interest for you client:


But even if those links might be of interest to your client, they either don’t hold the information he is looking for or they are broken links. So, I think he will have to contact Environment and Climate Change Canada at this address ec.btvc-ctvb.ec@canada.ca or this address AHCCD@ec.gc.ca for daily adjusted climate data. I think he has a better to find the dataset he wants with the second email address.”

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sickness Benefits Statistics


I have researchers looking to obtain information regarding sickness benefits statistics.

The research purpose is as follows:
1. Determine the legal tests used for the granting or denial of employment insurance sickness benefits.
2. Determine whether or not the legal tests make it more difficult for individuals to access sickness benefits because their medical conditions do not easily fall within the medical model of disease.

As such, they are looking for information on the following:
1. The number of applicants (total and per province) that apply for sickness benefits.
2. The number of applicants (total and per province) who receive, and who are denied, sickness benefits.
3. Variation in the success rate of applicants according to the type of medical condition they present.

The most relevant CANSIM tables that we have found are the following:
1. 276-0003: Provides data on disqualifications for employment insurance, but not sickness benefits specifically; moreover, no information is available on whether applicants were denied on the basis of invalid medical reasons (which presumably falls into the category "Other reasons").
2. 276-0004: Provides data for applications received and allowed, but only for employment insurance generally and not sickness benefits specifically.

My questions are twofold:
1) Are there sources of information regarding sickness benefits readily available and that I am missing?
2) Do the administrative information from which the above tables are derived contain information regarding sickness benefits and, if so, is it possible to look at having custom tables created?


I’ve found the following resources that may help:
Those CANSIM tables are derived from the Employment Insurance Statistics Program.

This is the response we received from subject matter: “The Labour Statistics Division does not produce any custom tabulations from the Employment Insurance program. What we have on CANSIM is what is available.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Historical Maps (Quebec)

I received a question recently asking about "maps of Quebec from 1800-1850 primarily of the eastern townships (east of Montreal) ideally that corresponds with census data from 1825, 1831, 1841."

I found the following on the LAC site, but I just want to be sure that I'm not missing anything.

1825: Library and Archives Canada's (LAC's) site for the 1825 Census for Lower Canada: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1825/Pages/about-census.aspx. There is a sub-page for Districts and Sub-districts at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1825/Pages/districts.aspx. This includes a map, along with a list of all the districts and sub-districts. According to the metadata for this map at http://collectionscanada.gc.ca/pam_archives/index.php?fuseaction=genitem.displayItem&lang=eng&rec_nbr=4127087 it is from 1835.

1831: Library and Archives Canada's site for the 1831 Census for Lower Canada: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1831/Pages/about-census.aspx. There is a sub-page for Districts and Sub-districts at http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1831/Pages/census-districts-sub-districts.aspx. They are using the same map as above.

1841: There doesn't seem to be an 1841 Census on the LAC site, but they have a 1842 Census for Canada East (http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1842-Canada-East/Pages/about-census.aspx) and West (http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1842-canada-west/Pages/about-census.aspx). Both seem to use this map: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1842-canada-west/Pages/census-districts-sub-districts.aspx, which is from 1855. 
 The resolution of this map isn't great, but I also found it in the David Ramsey Map Collection at http://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~228305~5507616:Canada-East-And-West#.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Agricultural Data

I have a couple researchers who are looking for information about the following:

a) Producers who’ve reported cultivating at least some acreage of pulses (Lentils, field peas, chickpeas, and all pulses aggregated)
b) Educational attainment of farmers

They’d like this for the period 1976-2016 at either the CAR or CCS level.


Pulses in Canada (96-325-XWE) – An article from the 2011 Census of Agriculture
CANSIM Table 004-0110 - Socioeconomic overview of the farm population, number of operators per farm by occupation and level of educational attainment

“We cannot release micro-files (“producers who’ve reported cultivating at least some acreages of pulses” below). They can use our regular provincial CANSIM tables to enquire about pulses provincial productions over years requested (001-0017 for imperial figures and 001-0010 for metric figures). For any lower geography, they can find the same data (wherever possible to ensure confidentiality matters are respected), broken down at the CAR level in CANSIM 001-0071 (to be updated with 2016 data on upcoming February 13). The Census of Agriculture can also provide areas of pulses down to CCS level.”

The following reply is regarding your question on education attainment:

“The request is unfeasible, as Agriculture-Population linkage data is not available below the Province level. Note: There was no Agriculture-Population linkage done in 1976, as this year we had a short census of agriculture questionnaire.”

Thursday, January 19, 2017

CANSIM table 080-0032 (Retail Trade) - more recent numbers available?

A student is looking for 2015 and 2016 numbers for CANSIM table 080-0032: Retail trade, total sales and e-commerce sales, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) annual (dollars x 1,000).

Since the Daily article for this CANSIM table is dated July 2016 (http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/160718/dq160718b-eng.htm), I suspect that 2014 is the most recent data available. The information for the Annual Retail Trade Survey appears to corroborate this presumption.

“Nothing is available from the annual program for 2015 and 2016 as we have not published these results as of yet.”

They did inform us that the tentative release date for those years is the end of March 2017.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

2011 National and Provincial Multipliers

We have a researcher who is interested in the national and provincial multipliers. He was able to download the 2010 data from Abacus, and I see it is also included in the WDS.

HOWEVER, it seems that the System of macroeconomic accounts release dates are listed at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/nea/dates/index, and, when I click on National and provincial multipliers, I see a release date of January 19, 2015 for the 2011 data. Was this data actually released, and, if so, can it please be made available?

"The posting on the release date page is an error. The 2011 Input-Output multipliers were never released. The last version was released for reference year 2010 on February 10, 2014."

This error will be corrected and the page will be fixed to reflect the latest version.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Glyphosate sales

I have a researcher interested in obtaining glyphosate application and sales data. I have let her know about the Census of Agriculture but it is not detailed enough.  Is there additional information available?

I've also put in a request to Health Canada's Pesticides & Pest Management division for a copy of their most recent annual report. For some reason, these are not posted to the Web but only available upon request.

Answer 1
This is a good site on glyphosate http://www.carexcanada.ca/en/glyphosate/#sources

CAREX (CARcinogen EXposure) is a multi-institution research project that combines academic expertise and government resources to generate an evidence-based carcinogen surveillance program for Canada.

According to this site there has been no sales information on glyphosate available in Canada since 2013.

Response to Answer 1
Thanks,that is useful. The annual sales report has some information as well but does not break down by province. I've emailed the Health Canada library as well and we'll see what we get. Any further suggestions from the kind folks at Statistics Canada?

Answer 2
We have not yet received a response from subject matter, but in the past they directed clients to Health Canada. My colleague did some extra digging and this is what she found:

There is sales information in the Health Canada Pest Control Products Sales Report.

There is this one site - http://www.carexcanada.ca/en/glyphosate/#canadian_production_and_trade

“According to the Reporting Regulations for Pest Control Products Sales Information that came into force in November 2006, all pesticides sold and used in Canada must be registered with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) at Health Canada.”

Even though it isn’t a government of Canada website, it quotes the sources that it took the information from, in the Sources section. This includes various Health Canada reports and the links to them.

Friday, January 6, 2017

New files on Statistics Canada Nesstar

We are pleased to inform you that the following are now available on the Statistics Canada Nesstar WebView site (http://dli-idd-nesstar.statcan.gc.ca/webview).


Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component (CCHS), 2014
General Social Survey - Giving, Volunteering and Participating (GSS GVP), Cycle 27, 2013
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2001 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2002 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2003 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2004 – January to December (Rebased, 2011 Census of Population)
Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2016 – December

And more to come!

To access the microdata housed in the Research Data Centres (RDCs), researchers must submit a project proposal to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Statistics Canada.

Today's Release - LFS December 2016

Labour Force Survey (LFS) – December 2016

LFS data for December 2016 are now available on the EFT site.

This public use microdata file contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on the labour market activities of Canada's working age population. This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products
The Labour Force Survey estimates are based on a sample, and are therefore subject to sampling variability. Estimates for smaller geographic areas, industries, occupations or cross tabulations will have more variability. For an explanation of sampling variability of estimates, and how to use standard errors to assess this variability, consult the Data Quality section in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey.

Eft: /MAD_PUMF_FMDG_DAM/Root/3107_LFS_EPA/1976-2016/data/micro2016-12.zip

Today's Release - ITS 2015

International Travel Survey (ITS) – 2015

ITS data for 2015 are now available on the EFT site.

Records relate to the activities of Canadians travelling outside the country and visitors to Canada: Canadian residents; travelers; non-residents; expenditures; length of stay; type of transportation; purpose of trip; accommodation used; places visited; expenditure by categories.

International travel data are collected in two flows: Canadian returning from abroad; visitors from the USA and from other countries to Canada.

Eft: /MAD_PUMF_FMDG_DAM/Root/5005_ITS_EVI/2015/

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Waste Management Industry Survey data

I have a graduate student who is interested in accessing data from the Waste Management Industry Surveys.

Unless I am mistaken, it doesn't appear that these are available through DLI - is this correct? If so, wondering if there are any plans to make these data available via PUMFs?

Past that, as it stands I am assuming that the only way to access data is via the existing CANSIM tables, or possibly through customized ones. Are you able to please confirm?

That is correct, there is no public use microdata file for this survey.

The creation of public use microdata files is possible for areas where there is sufficient members of the universe to allow the identity of the respondent to be masked. Thus it is easier to produce such a file for the household and individual sector than it is for businesses.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Monthly Electricity Statistics for Quebec

I have received a request from a student looking for hydroelectricity generation and usage data in Quebec. They are specifically looking for the amount hydroelectricity generated from the La Grande watershed/reservoir system from the mid 1970s to present. Is Statistics Canada able to provide data at that geographic level by custom tabulation or otherwise? I have been able to find Quebec wide data in from the Monthly Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey in CANSIM Table 127-0001 and CANSIM Table 127-0002.

They also want monthly energy consumption statistics by cities located in Quebec with a specific interest in Montreal and the amount of electricity Quebec sells to New York. If this data is not available from Statistics Canada, I would be open to any suggestions from the DLI community.

“Unfortunately, I am unable to provide data at the level of detail that the student is looking for. My surveys only offer aggregate statistics at the provincial and national levels.”

Maybe this could help:

I guess that international exportation from Québec should be to USA...

ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par produits, dollars constants de 2007, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par produits, dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars constants de 2007, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles désaisonnalisées par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles par produits, dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)
ISQ Exportations internationales mensuelles par sections, divisions, groupes et classes du système de classification des produits de l'Amérique du Nord (SCPAN), dollars courants, Québec (25 janvier 2017)

“I am not able to offer information at the state level in the US. Cross border deliveries from a province are acknowledged as deliveries to the US only.”