Tuesday, October 4, 2016

2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey

This is a shot in the dark, but is there any chance that there is something in the works to repeat a survey similar to the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey?  I have a researcher looking for similar, but more recent, data for that 0-5 Aboriginal children age range.

The ACS is inactive, but I found the Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, which is in Pilot for 2016 reference period.

I have contacted the CHSCY analyst and received the following:
"The CHSCY pilot survey will be in collection October 17th to December 10th. The survey explores issues that have an impact on the physical and mental health of children and youth aged 1 to 17, such as physical activity, the use of electronic devices, time spent in school and extracurricular activities and the physical features of their neighbourhoods.  Information from the survey will be used to develop programs and policies to help improve the lives of Canadian children and youth.

Collection will take place in the provinces and territories. The off-reserve aboriginal population are included in the survey.

Collection is planned for either 2018/2019,depending on funding. For the main survey, we anticipate being able to release national estimates for the aboriginal off-reserve population."

I have contacted Social and Aboriginal Surveys Division (SASD) for surveys within their division that may be able to address the researchers needs. Will follow up if there is anything else.

Followup Answer
In follow up with SASD, unfortunately there is no plan to resurrect the 2006 ACS right now. The most similar survey I can think of that would give some information would be the Children's Health Survey that HSD is working on.