I have a faculty member looking for a breakdown of unemployment rates, incarceration rates, median household income, and poverty rates by race, including Aboriginals, in Canada (and, if I’m lucky, rates within those groups). I’ve managed to find a few tables here and there from Public Health, Corrections Canada, and Stats Can that this faculty member felt were fine, but nothing that really hit the nail on the head. Is there somewhere else I should be looking?
Have a look at these tables:
Unemployment rates:
Unemployment rate, Canada, provinces, health regions (2014 boundaries) and peer groups, annual (Percent), 2006 to 2014 (109-5334)
Labour force survey estimates (LFS), supplementary unemployment rates by sex and age group, unadjusted for seasonality, monthly (Rate), Jan 1976 to Apr 2015 (282-0085)
Labour force survey estimates (LFS), supplementary unemployment rates by sex and age group, annual (Rate), 1976 to 2014 (282-0086)
Incarceration rates:
Adult correctional services, average counts of offenders in provincial and territorial programs, annual, 1978/1979 to 2013/2014 (251-0005)
Adult correctional services, average counts of offenders in federal programs, annual, 1978/1979 to 2013/2014 (251-0006)
Youth correctional services, average counts of young persons in provincial and territorial correctional services, annual (Persons), 1997/1998 to 2013/2014 (251-0008)
Median household income:
NHS tables - Income and Housing
CANSIM - Household, family and personal income
Poverty rates by race (including Aboriginals):
Low income and inequality