Wednesday, June 17, 2015

CCHS Annual Components and Household Weights


A researcher needs access to annual components of CCHS for years 2005 to present.

The following is a link to the reference periods the researcher is hoping to receive: <>

The specific weight variable the researcher is interested in is called “Household Weight (WTS_HH)”, which is part of a separate file (HS_HHWT.txt) and this file is not available through DLI. Any chance these files can be made available through DLI?


The CCHS Annual Component PUMF is disseminated every two years.

In 2010 and 2012 we had both:

· one year reference period, and a

· combined two years reference periods

Previous to that, we have combined reference periods.

For annual reference periods, these are available through the RDCs:

The master files contain all variables and all records from the survey collected during a collection period. These files are accessible at Statistics Canada for internal use and in Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centres (RDC), and are also subject to custom tabulation requests.

See our Nesstar holdings for a comparison of PUMF and Masterfiles cycles available through the DLI and RDCs: <>

You can view the weight variable available in the masterfile vs the PUMF.

I checked and didn’t see WTS_HH in the PUMF or masterfile. What reference period is the researcher looking at?

I also followed up with subject matter to make sure that I didn’t miss anything:

There aren’t HH weights for PUMFs, but there is for master files. The answer to the question further down in Vivek’s email, would be no, these cannot be made available through the DLI. I hopes this helps clarify.

Again, access would be granted through the RDCs.