I have a grad student looking for annual employment and wage figures for the forestry industry broken down by gender.
The LFS tables have the gender break down she wants, but lump together forestry and related activities, or include forestry with other resource-based industries. I found several tables based on SEPH which provide more detail about specific forestry activities (logging, reforestation, etc.) but aren’t broken down by gender.
Are there any other sources she might look at?
There's one recent project that involved pulling employment figures at the 4 digit NAICS level from the LFS. The results are here:
Have a look at the LFS PUMF, it has 43 groups of NAICS (eg: Forestry and Logging) and gender variables.
I also looked at the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) and Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), in addition to the already mentioned SEPH, and could not locate public standard tables. Potentially a custom tabulation could provide the information required, if interested in inquiring about a cost estimate, please advise.