The Interim List of Changes to Municipal Boundaries, Status, and Names (catalogue number 92F0009X<>) is now available in online (HTML only). The reference period of the document is January 2, 2014 to January 1, 2015.
The intercensal 2015 Census Subdivision Boundary File (catalogue number 92-162-X<>) is now available online and on the EFT. The Census Subdivision Boundary File, Reference Guide (catalogue number 92-162-G<>) is also available (HTML only).
DLI EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/geo/2015/CSD_SDR
The intercensal 2015 Census Subdivision Boundary File does not replace the 2011 Census Subdivision Boundary File (92-160-X), which is a similar product available as part of the 2011 Census suite of geography products, and used in conjunction with products and services from the 2011 Census.
The 2015 Road Network File (catalogue number 92-500-X<>) is now available online and on the EFT. The Road Network File, Reference Guide (catalogue number 92-500-G<>) is also available (HTML only).
DLI EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/geo/2015/RNF_FRR
The intercensal 2015 Road Network File does not replace the 2011 Road Network File, which is a similar product available as part of the 2011 Census suite of geography products, and used in conjunction with products and services from the 2011 Census.