Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CIHI Conversion Tables


I am looking to access a CIHI document "Conversion Tables: ICD-10-CA/CCI to ICD-9/CCP." I want to convert medical procedure codes from the newer CCI system to the older CCP system. CIHI provides this data, however it costs money < /productSeries.htm?pc=PCC85>. Is it possible to access it for free through the library system? Is this something that we can get from CIHI as part of the DAD project?


As part of the pilot project, we only have access to DADs sample files. CIHI data inquiries can be requested by filling out a data inquiry form: < DataInquiry/data_inquiry_e.asp>.

Academic researchers (except for students through the Graduate Student Data Access Program < submission/data+requests/reqdata_gsdap>) are considered Price A clients and are charged $145/hour. When the client completes the inquiry form it will be forwarded to the appropriate team who will then contact the client to discuss the details of the request. There is no charge for submitting an inquiry.

We would like to extend the partnership with CIHI to include more data, however, that will depend on the evaluation of the pilot project. Feedback from the DLI community is very important in moving this endeavor forward.