Friday, November 13, 2009

Asian Women and Domestic Violence


I have a student who is trying to locate a dataset that links Asian women and domestic violence. We’ve gotten close with the GSS and the VAWS, but the best we can do is visible minority categorized into broad groups (I think too broad to link his concepts). Just wanted to throw it out there in case anyone has come across a dataset that might help….I’m going to check ICPSR, but not sure how successful that will be!


I do not know of other Statistics Canada surveys that would provide these data. GSS cycle 18 - Victimization (2004) asked respondents to provide specific information about their visible minority status (see p.294 of the questionnaire: but, as you have correctly noted, this level of detail is not available in the public use microdata file (PUMF). If the student would like to look into obtaining this information as a fee based custom tabulation, I will be pleased to refer you to an Account-Executive in our Toronto office.

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