We are pleased to inform you that the following product is now available.
Census of Population, 2016 Hierarchical File
Statistics Canada conducts the Census of Population in order to develop a statistical portrait of Canada and Canadians on one specific day. The census is designed to provide information about people and housing units in Canada by their demographic, social and economic characteristics.
Statistics Canada reinstated the mandatory long-form census in time for the 2016 Census of Population. As such, a sample of approximately 25% of Canadian households received a long-form questionnaire. All other households received a short-form questionnaire.
The Census of Population is a reliable basis for the estimation of the population of the provinces, territories and municipal areas. The information collected is related to federal and provincial legislative measures and provides a basis for the distribution of federal transfer payments. The census also provides information about the characteristics of the population and its housing within small geographic areas and for small population groups to support planning, administration, policy development and evaluation activities of governments at all levels, as well as data users in the private sector.
Clients: Federal government, provincial and territorial governments, municipal governments; libraries; educational institutions; researchers and academics; private industry; business associations labour organisations; ethnic and cultural groups; private citizens; public interest groups are among the users of census data.
EFT: /MAD_PUMF_FMGD_DAM/Root/3901_Census-Pop_Recens-Pop/2016/Hierarchical-Hierarchique
Nesstar Webview: Census of Population, 2016 [http://dli-idd-nesstar.statcan.gc.ca/webview/]
*Please note: We are aware that there are issues with some of the PDF Reference files. We are working to correct these.