I'm looking for information on data on sibling deaths - accidents vs illnesses, responses to the event, etc. Where can I find information on this?
The cause of death data was just updated last month to include 2010 and 2011. Searching under “Mortality” might also help.
Deaths (please see the links in the Daily announcement for more information on tables and analysis available):
Daily: <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/dai-quo/index-eng.htm?HPA>
Death: <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/130925/dq130925a-eng.htm>
Causes of death (please see the links in the Daily announcement for more information on tables and analysis available) <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/140128/dq140128b-eng.htm>
The Canadian GSS Cycle 5 also asked about total number of siblings – including any who had died. Looking at the questionnaire, there are additional questions: “how many brothers do you have still living” and “how many sisters do you have still living”. So, if it doesn’t need to be a PUMF, GSS Cycle 5 (1990) might be considered.
Here's the Masterfile metadata for GSS Cycle 5 available in Nesstar: <http://www62.statcan.ca/webview/> You can view down to the variable level metadata for the Masterfiles.
If it doesn’t have to be Canadian data, it was included in at least one wave of the General Social Survey of the United States. The APS 2001 adults off-reserve asked how many siblings died before age 2. Those are the only ones that I can quickly spot in Equinox using search string (death/died) & (sibling*/brother*/sister*).