Thursday, March 20, 2014

Health Statistics Request


I have a researcher looking for the following:

-The prevalence of cancer for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available)
-The prevalence of COPD for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available)

I have not been able to find a breakdown and I suspect that it will have to be a custom tabulation. Is that correct, or is there anywhere else I may be able to find this information?


There is this report,that may answer the question about the prevalence of cancer for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available). However their data is based on persons 80 years and older. See page 10 of the report for Age-Specific Incidence Rates.

CANCER IN ONTARIO: OVERVIEW A Statistical Report, Cancer care Ontario Prepared by Saira Bahl, Beth Theis, Diane Nishri, Sandrene Chin Cheong, Loraine Marrett (Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance)Published 2010 <>

You can contact Cancer Care Ontario for additional information. Cancer Care Ontario provides more detailed data to researchers, public health and health care professionals and other interested parties, subject to applicable privacy legislation. Request Cancer Care Ontario data or get more details.

There is also the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) maintained by Statistics Canada which is a collaboration between the 13 Canadian PTCRs and the Health Statistics Division of Statistics Canada. The Ultimate authority and responsibility for the completeness and the quality of the data reside with the provinces and territories. The data that comes into the CCR describes both the individual with the cancer, and the characteristics of the cancer. <>

CCHS could do Ontario or Canada for 85 years and over as a custom, but probably only the Canada level broken down by any further dis aggregation, for 2012.

But Cancer, unfortunately, 103-0550 with age group “85 years old or older” comes the closest for the cancer part of the request. Other options could be RTRA or RDC to get direct access, or a custom tabulation.

However, when s/he says “prevalence” I wonder if s/he means incidence/crude rate? If s/he really means prevalence (number of people still alive at a particular time who have been diagnosed with a particular cancer), that would be more complex to calculate, and can only be done up until the most recent death clearance (Dec. 31, 2008, in the TMF that will be in RDCs and RTRA shortly).

Please advise if you would like more information in regards to a custom tab.