Monday, March 31, 2014

Uniform Crime Reporting Survey


Does the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey report per 100,000? Also, I'm not able to locate justice spending back to 1990 only back to 2000:<>


Statistics Canada has not collected courts or prosecutions related expenditures data since the Courts Resources, Expenditures and Personnel Survey and the Prosecutorial Services in Canada were discontinued.

For police-reported crime rates per 100,000 population, the client will need to access two separate CANSIM tables. For data from 1977 to 1997, the information is contained in CANSIM table 252-0013 Crime statistics, by detailed offences. For data after 1997, the information is contained in CANSIM table 252-0051 Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations.

For expenditures on policing services, please see the following tables from the Juristat article Police Resources in Canada, 2013. Current and constant dollar expenditures on policing, Canada, 1986 to 2012 <>. Total expenditures on policing, current dollars, by province and territory, 2012 <>. Total expenditures on policing, constant dollars, by province or territory, 2002-2012 <>.

For expenditures on legal aid plans, please see CANSIM table 258-0007 Legal aid plan expenditures, by type of expenditure.
For expenditures on the adult correctional system, please see the following table from the Juristat article Admissions to adult correctional services in Canada, 2011/2012.

In regards to raw data, I do know that they were piloting access to administrative justice in the RDCs, but it is still in the pilot phase and not accepting new proposals.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2012 Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey


Will the 2012 Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey be available publically?


No, there won’t be a PUMF for the Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey, just a masterfile.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

First Nations Nurses in Saskatchewan


I have a researcher who is trying to find information about the number of Aboriginal/First Nations nurses in Canada, especially Saskatchewan.

We’ve been able to find figures for numbers of nurses overall at CIHI, but their stats don’t include ethnicity. LFS, APS and NHS tables address employment and educational attainment, but the data isn’t detailed enough. Is there another source of information or another approach one might take, short of ordering a custom tabulation?


You can try contacting the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada: <>. However, in regards to StatsCan, it would have to be a custom tab.

Wills in Canada

I'm wondering whether you can suggest a source where we can find statistics about the number of people who die intestate in Canada. Are there any demographics - gender, ethnicity etc.


The short answer is "no one knows exactly, really." The estimates gleaned from various Law associations ran anywhere from 1/3 to 60% in Canada. One can sort of understand why this situation exists. You have definitely unearthed a data gap in the jurisprudence data-sphere.

I believe the information would reside with the provinces, if available. I found one source that noted that
in British Columbia, you can register the location of your Will with the provincial department of vital statistics.
In B.C. this data is found in probate court files that are open for public access. However, there is no central probate index for all past and present probate files, so you will need to determine the court location where the probate application was filed, then visit the court house to obtain the information.

You can also do this via the Internet for recent cases through Court Services Online <> which allows you to search by Party Name, Decased Names, File Number and Date Range; however, you have to search probate case by probate case and once you find a case the court wants a minimum of $6.00 to access the record.

The Government of Ontario does not have a central registry of wills. There is information pertaining to Wills, Estates and Trusts on the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General site: <>

The 2010 Legacy Poll Findings might also be useful: <>

Monday, March 24, 2014

Farm Input Price Index


I have a researcher looking for FIPI data for SK, but he’s run into a few problems I haven’t been able to solve myself. Specifically he’s looking for the following:

1. Building repair (2000 – latest) and building depreciation (1991 – latest) price indices. In CANSIM tables 328-0014 (terminated) and 328-0015 there is only one aggregate grouping for "Buildings and fencing”. It appears there’s no longer a specific price index for 'Building repair' after 2000. I also wonder if there is data related to price index of 'building depreciation'.

2. Machinery depreciation and Machinery repair price index for the 1991-2001 period.

3. Property tax. Neither he nor I can find a property tax price index for 2007 forward.


Thank you for your interest in the Farm Input Price Index (FIPI). Before responding directly to your query, let me provide a bit of context. FIPI was introduced in 1961 and it has seen many changes over the years. In the 1990s, the index was calculated using surveyed data from farm operations. After budget cuts in the 1990s, most of these surveys were phased out and the structure of the index was modified. In fact in 2008 FIPI was terminated altogether. Following this termination, there was a great deal of user feedback indicating the need for this data, but there were still no funds to conduct surveys. As a result, the current FIPI index was developed that strictly uses administrative data or data from other existing surveys. The structure of the index depended on the data that was available. Moreover, the data quality in general is very good, but there are some components for which there was no good data and we had to use the closest approximation. Only the data of good quality is published in table 328-0015. Data of weaker quality is suppressed. For more information about FIPI, please see <>.

Indices are calculated for “building repair,” “building depreciation” and “property taxes,” but they are at a lower quality and hence are not published. Regarding “machinery depreciation and repair," these indices are currently published, but the structure of the index in the previous FIPI (CANSIM table 328-0014) didn’t include these components.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Taxfiler Data


Do we have access to Taxfiler data through the DLI: <>? My researcher is specifically looking for charitable donor information for Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.


Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 111-0001 will provide the information you are looking from 1997 – 2011. The table is supposed be updated annually and there is no indication that the table has been terminated, so I would assume that at some point in the future the data for 2012 and 2013 will also be available.

Other tables that may be of interest are 111-002 Charitable donors, by age and sex, annual (Number), 1997 to 2011 And 111-003 Charitable donors, by income group, annual (Number), 1997 to 2011.

GSS Cycle 26


Will the GSS Cycle 26 PUMF file may be available before April 1st?


The GSS Cycle 26 PUMF will not be available by April 1st, but will be available early this summer. There will also be a DLI Webinar for GSS Cycle 26 that's set for the end of April (date has yet to be set). I have asked that the presenters provide an overview of what to anticipate in the PUMF



Since the links:

-The list home page: <>

-The list subscription page: <>

are not currently working, when will the NHS masterfile be in the RDCs?

We apologize for the broken links, there was an unforeseen delay with the archive site when we went live with the new Listserv. It will be operational soon, with the launch of the DLI’s new WDS. It is available in the RDCs.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Health Statistics Request


I have a researcher looking for the following:

-The prevalence of cancer for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available)
-The prevalence of COPD for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available)

I have not been able to find a breakdown and I suspect that it will have to be a custom tabulation. Is that correct, or is there anywhere else I may be able to find this information?


There is this report,that may answer the question about the prevalence of cancer for the Ontario population (or Canadian population) for persons aged 85 years or older (prefer 100+ but doubt if it is available). However their data is based on persons 80 years and older. See page 10 of the report for Age-Specific Incidence Rates.

CANCER IN ONTARIO: OVERVIEW A Statistical Report, Cancer care Ontario Prepared by Saira Bahl, Beth Theis, Diane Nishri, Sandrene Chin Cheong, Loraine Marrett (Surveillance, Population Studies and Surveillance)Published 2010 <>

You can contact Cancer Care Ontario for additional information. Cancer Care Ontario provides more detailed data to researchers, public health and health care professionals and other interested parties, subject to applicable privacy legislation. Request Cancer Care Ontario data or get more details.

There is also the Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR) maintained by Statistics Canada which is a collaboration between the 13 Canadian PTCRs and the Health Statistics Division of Statistics Canada. The Ultimate authority and responsibility for the completeness and the quality of the data reside with the provinces and territories. The data that comes into the CCR describes both the individual with the cancer, and the characteristics of the cancer. <>

CCHS could do Ontario or Canada for 85 years and over as a custom, but probably only the Canada level broken down by any further dis aggregation, for 2012.

But Cancer, unfortunately, 103-0550 with age group “85 years old or older” comes the closest for the cancer part of the request. Other options could be RTRA or RDC to get direct access, or a custom tabulation.

However, when s/he says “prevalence” I wonder if s/he means incidence/crude rate? If s/he really means prevalence (number of people still alive at a particular time who have been diagnosed with a particular cancer), that would be more complex to calculate, and can only be done up until the most recent death clearance (Dec. 31, 2008, in the TMF that will be in RDCs and RTRA shortly).

Please advise if you would like more information in regards to a custom tab.

CIUS Supressed Variables


Can I just confirm that variables HA_Q07 (What is the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP)?) and HA_Q08 (What is the estimated monthly cost of your home Internet connections?) from the household level data collected in 2010 and 2012 of the CIUS have been suppressed but would be available either via RDC or RTRA, depending on user needs of course?


Please note that the variables HA_Q07 (What is the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP)?) and HA_Q08 (What is the estimated monthly cost of your home Internet connections?) from the household component of CIUS are not on the Masterfile. This information was collected for data verification and is not disseminated.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Aboriginal Peoples Survey


When will the APS 2012 microdata be available in a PUMF or even in a RDC? I see a date on the website as November 2013, but the webpage is from January 2012.


As presented in APS Webinar (, the upcoming APS Release dates are:

Winter 2014: Concepts and Methods Guide, APS data available in the Research Data Centres
Later in 2014: Report on Inuit health, Report on Métis employment, Report on school experiences of First Nation children and youth living off reserve, APS data tables on the Statistics Canada website (CANSIM tables), Public Use Microdata File (PUMF).

The APS masterfile is available in the RDCs and that a PUMF is tentatively planned to be released in January 2015.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Organic Farms 2006 and 2011


I have a researcher questioning some of the data produced in the 2006 and 2011 AgCensus for Organic farms and I have to admit after looking at it I'm wondering too.

2006 Data:
Total number of farms reporting organic products regardless of the certification status = 15511 - CANADA
Total number of farms producing certified organic products = 3555 - CANADA
Total number of farms producing transitional organic products = 640 - CANADA

2011 Data:
Organic products for sale (104) (Total number) = 2535 - CANADA
Certified organic products for sale (Total number) = 2383 - CANADATransitional organic products for sale (Total number) = 225 - CANADA

Note: 104. Organic products for sale. The total number of farms reporting does not equal the sum of the parts because a farm could report more than one category.

In the 2011 Data - the unit is Total Number and NOT Total Farms Reporting or Farms Reporting. Is this correct? If it is what this is telling me is that there are 2535 organic products for sale in 2011? If this is correct - then there is NO total for Farms Reporting Organic products as in 2006?


For 2011 is also number of farms reporting, although I can certainly understand where the confusion comes from.I would add that in 2006, because of the way the question was asked, there was a lot of self-identified "certified organic" farmers which does not qualify for certified because they don’t have the paper from the certifying agencies.So in 2011, we changed the question for only certified and transitional. In 2006 farm operators could include area that was organic, but uncertified. In 2011 that particular type of area was excluded.

Survey of Labour & Income Dynamics


I seem to remember that, with the cessation of the Survey of Labour & Income Dynamics (SLID), this data will continue to be collected as part of other surveys, is this correct? Could you explain more to me about this?


According to the IMBD page for "Summary of changes over time - Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID)"

This is the last release from the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics and contains cross-sectional estimates only. Effective with the 2012 reference year, cross-sectional income estimates will be available from the Canadian Income Survey (record number 5200).
Longitudinal estimates are available up to and including 2010.

Independent Contractors in the Construction Industry in Canada


A student would like to find information on independent contractors in the construction industry in Canada. The best I've been able to come up with is using the LFS to calculate a figure for the number of people who declared themselves to be self-employed and working as contractors or supervisors in the construction industry. Does this sound reasonable?
Is there a better way to find what this student needs? The sticking point is the need for independent contractors, I think.


The Labour Divison suggested using the National Household Survey. "Data will be more reliable with NHS. Also, it looks like it can be done by a special table with NHS."

Friday, March 14, 2014

CIUS and SPSS Access


A student here is unable to use SPSS to work with Canadian Internet Use Surveys. I am not surprised by his first complaint – I could see that already - but can anyone give me advice on how to resolve his other two issues? Is there some step he might be missing in installing the syntax files? He reports:
1. They are not self extracting. Instead they use a syntax to load the files.
2. The syntax does not appear to work on my version of spss.
3. The error messages tell me that I am unable to save the output file and that text file is not compatible


I'd check that the path statements pointing to the data file and saved files are correct -- it's a common mistake to make. Being unable to save the output file may mean that the program has had no data file to work with, which would be true if the path was incorrect. If he's using a student version, they can be limited in the number of cases and columns the data file is allowed to have. Also, ask the student to attach the output from running the SPSS syntax; that would help a lot with diagnosing any problems.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Canadian Business Patterns by Occupation


I'm looking for data on occupations by census tract - that is, not the location of the people who engage in the work, but where the work is taking place (something along the lines of Canadian Business Patterns, but for occupations, not industries). Are there any existing tables that provide this kind of data, or is a custom tab necessary?


For the 2006 Census there was the following cumulative profile available at the CT level:

In the 2011 standard product line we have the National Household Survey profile where you can download the entire profile by Census tract. That being said, depending on the level of detail you want for their Occupation variable, the categories may be too broad.

For more specific information, you would need to do a custom data request.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Inter-Corporate Ownership


I have a researcher interested in using ICO data going as far back as 1985. I was reading on the DLI webpage: <>, which says that: "The 1985 to 2003 editions of this product can be ordered by DLI Contacts through the DLI product order form". But, under "Notes" it says "DLI Contacts can order issues of this product for 1995 to 2003 through the DLI product order form." How far back can we order the ICO data through DLI?


We only have back to 1996 in our collection holding CD-roms, so I believe it could have been an error on the DLI product page site. I even looked at the ICO product page in the StatCan catalogue, which states it goes back to 1994, and that there is the print edition. Print 61-517-XPB. History note continues the print publication with the same title commencing with the first quarter 2001. We have had publication copies prior to that.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

2000-2012 Immigrant Stats


I have a researcher looking for immigration stats covering 2000 – 2012. He’s interested in foreign-born arrivals by province. I’ve found a couple of tables in CIC Facts and Figures; components of population growth (CANSIM) that may work; and I know that LFS includes immigrant status. Am I overlooking something more obvious?


If you're looking for yearly immigration stats, I found the following table that may be of potential interest: 
054-0003 < SDDS&tgtOb jType=A RRAY&srcObjId=5057&tgtObjId=540003> - Number of immigrant tax filers, by province of landing, province of residence, sex, landing age group, immigrant admission category, landing year for tax years 1996 to 2011

The Information in this table is derived from the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB). The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB), an administrative database combining an administrative landing file with the T1 Family File (T1FF) through exact matching record linkage techniques. The overall linkage rate is approximately 80%. The IMDB consists of immigrants landed between 1980 and 2011 and who filed taxes at least once between 1982 and 2011. The population for this table consists of immigrants who landed between 1996 and 2011 and filed taxes at least once between 1996 and 2011.

LADs Access


I have a researcher who is in need of an LAD because he needs RRSP and Tax Free Savings Account contributions and withdrawals along with income. From his understanding, the TFSA variables recently added to the LAD after agreements with CRA were finalized. Is this the case?


Yes, the LAD has both TFSA and RRSP contributions and withdrawals. There is no variable for the size of RRSP holdings.

Regarding your request for LAD data. Due to the highly confidential nature of the LAD data, and given our agreement with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regarding which persons may gain direct access to the LAD data, we do not supply LAD data outside of Statistics Canada, either through the DLI (data liberation initiative) or through the RDCs (Research Data Centres) at this time.

Regarding the cost for obtaining data results from the LAD, all of the prices for custom tables and other output of LAD data are based on a cost-recovery basis. This cost covers the cost of a Statistics Canada analyst performing the necessary functions to obtain any custom requests. There are two possible avenues for a client to obtain the custom output information for their work.

In the first option, a client may choose to send to Statistics Canada custom statistical program(s) written using SAS or STATA software, which we will then submit on our computer system to manipulate the LAD data. Following a check for confidentiality, we will provide then to the client checked custom output. The cost associated with this choice covers the cost of a Statistics Canada analyst submitting the client's programs and also the cost of checking the custom output to ensure the results meet Statistics Canada's confidentiality requirements for data release. The costs associated with this option are generally cheaper than those for the second option since the client would be doing most of the work writing the programs. However, this option generally requires that a client will have some facility with SAS or STATA and knowledge of the LAD, as the data are quite complex to work with.

The second option would be for the client to have a Statistics Canada analyst familiar with the LAD, perform the work of writing and submitting the statistical programs necessary to generate the output and results from the LAD. This could be more expensive since the Statistics Canada analyst would be writing the statistical programs as well as submitting them and providing a confidentiality check of the results. However, it can sometimes save time since the analyst will be familiar with the complex nature of the LAD data.

In both these options, there is a cost for the analyst's time. Most of our clients using these options budget about $5,000 for a smaller project, with some of the more complex projects exceeding $20,000. Again, these costs can vary depending on the researcher's knowledge of LAD, facility with SAS or STATA, their research questions, and whether they choose the first or the second option.

Unfortunately, there is very little information provided in the request regarding what you wish to investigate or what the main research question(s) is(are).

It would be somewhat helpful to know what you wish to investigate because it may be that the LAD is not the best source of information for you and there may be other sources of data that could potentially serve the same purpose.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2011 Farm Receipts


I'm looking for 2011 farm receipts by individual product in Niagara (CD). On the StatCan site, the data by crop is numbers of farms/acres/hectares/head, and the farm receipts are given for categories of total gross only. Am I overlooking something, or is it available as a custom tab?


According to the Agriculture Division, we do not ask for gross farm receipts by individual products on the census questionnaire; only total gross farm receipts of the operation. You can see how the question is asked in Step 31, page 14, of the census questionnaire at:

FIPS explained that, the lowest level of geography produced for the Farm Cash Receipts series is at the provincial leveI--in this case for Ontario. Unfortunately, we do not have data for the Niagara region.

Farm Cash Receipts data is available by commodity. Below are links to the related Cansim Tables. The quarterly table includes data for the first three quarters of 2013. To obtain data for Ontario, click on the Add/Remove Data button and then select the required detail (province, commodity, time frame etc…)

CANSIM tables
002-0001 Farm cash receipts, annual <>
002-0002 Farm cash receipts, quarterly <>



The Canadian Community Health Survey 2012 Pumf is listed as to be released in the Fall of 2013. Is there anymore information on when this PUMF might be available ?

There is no specific release date yet, but it will be later in the Fall.

2012 SFS PUMF Release


A researcher is looking for the Nov. 2012 Survey of Financial Security. I can only see the SFS for 1983, 1999 and 2005 listed in the DLI Collection and no mention of it on the soon-to-be-released list. Can you tell me its status?


They are planning for an SFS PUMF to be released sometime in the Spring of 2014. I will update the Tentative release dates of DLI products accordingly.

2006 Work Tables


I am trying to locate the following tables in the DLI collection:

Place of Work Status (7), Occupation - National Occupational Classification for Statistics 2006 (11) and Work Activity (4) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over

Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Divisions and
Census Subdivisions - Cat. No. 97C0056.

Census Metropolitan Areas, Tracted Census Agglomerations
and Census Tracts - Cat. No. 97C0073.

Both of them have "contact us" next to them, but I assumed I would find them on the FTP site; however, there is nothing that corresponds to the given catalogue numbers in the 2006/Topic-based-tabulations/place-of-work-and-commuting-to-work folder. Am I looking in the wrong place? Are they, in fact, not a DLI product?


You'll find these tables at the following locations on EFT site:
Cat. No. 97C0056: /MAD_DLI/Root/census_pop_recens/2006/pow_consortium/csds_static_and_flows/canada
Cat. No. 97C0073: /MAD_DLI/Root/census_pop_recens/2006/pow_consortium/cts_static/canada

Tuesday, March 4, 2014



I have a student looking for GDP by CMAs going back to 1991. The Conference Board of Canada's e-Data has this available for a fee. My questions are: has anyone obtained a membership/account for the e-Data? Second - is this data available anywhere else that I may have missed? CANSIM has Canada and Provincial level data.


We subscribe to the e-Data from CBC as well and get asked this a lot. The documentation is lacking from them. According to an economist at UofT there is potentially manual calculation work-around if a researcher is inclined I believe:

"If they are really only using the CMA employment data to do this, and we
already get it, then really the only thing that your money will be doing
is getting stats that could be computed from what we have. What they are
basically doing is the following: take gdp at the provincial level in each industry (mining, manufacturing etc...probably at the finest level of detail they have that matches the
employment breakdown). Then multiply the GDP in the industry by the fraction of employment in this industry and in the province that is employed in the region (say Toronto or the CMA region). Next they sum up across all of the GDP CMA industry values to get a total...that simple…"

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sibling Deaths


I'm looking for information on data on sibling deaths - accidents vs illnesses, responses to the event, etc. Where can I find information on this?


The cause of death data was just updated last month to include 2010 and 2011. Searching under “Mortality” might also help.

Deaths (please see the links in the Daily announcement for more information on tables and analysis available):
Daily: <>
Death: <>
Causes of death (please see the links in the Daily announcement for more information on tables and analysis available) <>

The Canadian GSS Cycle 5 also asked about total number of siblings – including any who had died. Looking at the questionnaire, there are additional questions: “how many brothers do you have still living” and “how many sisters do you have still living”. So, if it doesn’t need to be a PUMF, GSS Cycle 5 (1990) might be considered.

Here's the Masterfile metadata for GSS Cycle 5 available in Nesstar: <> You can view down to the variable level metadata for the Masterfiles.

If it doesn’t have to be Canadian data, it was included in at least one wave of the General Social Survey of the United States. The APS 2001 adults off-reserve asked how many siblings died before age 2. Those are the only ones that I can quickly spot in Equinox using search string (death/died) & (sibling*/brother*/sister*).