Friday, January 31, 2014

Historical Census Base Maps


How possible would it be to obtain/create digital base maps of the census districts in Ontario for 1871, 1891, 1911, and possibly for 1930 based on data from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. 

I know the Bloomfields at Guelph recreated the 1871 district boundaries as part of their CANIND71 project (though I don't know how to access those digital files since the site only links to PDFs), but I don't know if base maps exist for the other years or if they were typically destroyed/lost along with the original paper schedules.


Unfortunately we are not be able to provide digital maps for the years in question, even as a cost recovery project. We can only go back to 1981 for digital base maps at the CD level, 1971 for PDF maps. Our Geographer suggested trying NRCan for their National Atlas, but he is not certain how far back their maps extend.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

CIUS 2012


There are a number of variables that do not appear to have any data in them but if you look at the codebook, there should be data for them. Here are the variables:
Is there something is the documentation that I missed about these variables?

We see no issue with the data files. Our processing team verified both PUMF files (Household and PERSON), there is no missing data. Data for all variables are on the data text files created in December. It is apparent that the issue is related to a syntax problem.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014



Is DDAY--from the various GSS time-use surveys--related to the day of the episodes?


Yes, it is the day the episodes occur.

CCHS Mental Health Survey


I have a researcher interested in the Synthetic file for CCHS - mental health survey that was released on September 18, 2013. When will the file be available through DLI?


Both the CCHS Mental Health PUMF and Dummy/synthetic files are slated to be released April 3rd, 2014.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Canadian Survey of Economic Well-Being


Will there be access to the Canadian Survey of Economic Well-Being through the DLI? RDC? And, if so, when?


There will not be a PUMF created. Clients can request Custom tabs or access the file through the RDCs.

SLID 2010 and 2011


Have the 2010 SLID or 2011 SLID been released as PUMFs yet?


The Corrected version of SLID 2010 has been disseminated and available on the DLI EFT. And ISD has begun work on the production of the 2011 SLID PUMF, but the release date is yet to be determined. Both the 2010 and 2011 SLID files are available in the RDC centres.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Population Projections by Age and City


A researcher at McMaster needs population projections by age and by city in Ontaro for the next 20 years or longer. I looked at some CANSIM tables but none of them go down to the city level. The age breakdown could be something like: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, etc. The more granular the geography the better it is. Are these projections available through Stat Can either as a standard product or as a custom tab?


You might wish to contact the Ontario Ministry of Finance - <> - they did CD-based population projections extending out to 2036, but I don’t see municipal ones. They might know if such things exist. The Conference Board of Canada will produce projections <> but I don’t know if they are available for all cities, nor what the cost would be.

Gifted People


I'm looking for percentages of gifted people in the neurotypical population. I understand "gifted people" to mean people that are gifted in one or more subjects such as math, music, sciences, languages, etc.
Ultimately I'd like to contrast this percentage with the percentage of gifted people in the autistic population (a number that's easily accessible). I've had little success with this search. The only fact I can find is a mention from the 1994-1995 cycle of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth that "about 7% [of students are] in some type of education program for gifted children."


I contacted special surveys and Education Division for more information. We certainly would not have the data at the level of granularity you require. What you have sourced is the best we have with the exception of a research paper offered in 2007.
The NLSCY looked at income and scholastic results. A report came out in 2006-2007, see link below, that looked at such findings. <> ; Any reference to "gifted" is based on the child "not" being enrolled in a special education program for academic problems - see below. But "gifted" was not necessarily the single identifier (very generalized).
Also from Special Surveys I noted that the Survey of Young Canadians asks if a child is enrolled in a school program for gifted students (EDC_Q07) and they confirmed that - yes the SYC data is available as a custom tab or through the RDC.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Updated Products: CIUS 2012

Please note the updated products listed below and the path to access them via the EFT site.

Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS), 2012

The public use microdata file from the 2012 Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) is now available.

The Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) was redesigned in 2010 to better measure the type and speed of household Internet connections. It is a hybrid survey that measures both household Internet access and the individual online behaviours of a selected household member. It replaces the previous CIUS, a biennial survey conducted in 2005, 2007 and 2009. As the new survey has two distinct components - household and individual - with revised and streamlined questions, it is not appropriate to directly compare results from these two surveys in most cases.

The Household Component of the CIUS includes a short series of questions on the type of Internet connections and devices used by households to access the Internet from home, as well as availability of high speed service, and a standard module on household income. The questions may be answered by any knowledgeable member of the household. This content is supplemented by selected household characteristics and some geographic detail (i.e. province and region).

EFT: /MAD_DLI/Root/other-products/Canadian Internet Use Survey - cius/2012

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Census Income Standard Error


A researcher is working with a 2006 Census Topic based tabulation, no 97-563-xcb2006072 , the second title on the list contains the variable: “Standard error of average after-tax income $”. This particular file is for “Total – Population 15 years and over”. Is there a similar variable anywhere that is associated with family and/or household income?


For 2006, most of the larger “income group” variables included Standard Error, for example Family income groups (22) – as seen here: < LANG=E&APATH=3&DETAIL=1&DIM=0&FL =A&FREE=0&GC=0&GID=0&GK=0&GRP=1&PID=94193&PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=81&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF>

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

CHILDID Variable


Are the NLSCY CHILDID variables comparable from cycle to cycle. Given that in cycle 1, CHILDID is defined as numeric, but in cycles 2 and 3 it’s a string we weren't sure.


It’s not the same person in the cross-sectional files.The numbers might happen to be the same in the cross-sections, but they don’t refer to the same person (as otherwise, it would be a longitudinal file).

Monday, January 13, 2014

Statistics Canada Product Notifications for 2013-12-12


Will there be a public microdata file from the Canadian Survey of Economic Well-being? If not, is the data available through the RDC?


It was a cost recovery survey and there was no funding provided by the client to build a PUMF. The masterfile will be available in the RDCs, however, there are no estimated dates as to when it will be available in the RDCs as of yet.

Blueberry Harvest and Market in Greater Sudbury

A researcher is looking for data on the size of the annual blueberry harvest and market in Greater Sudbury.
However, people mostly harvest wild blueberries in Sudbury - the Census of Agriculture records ZERO production in the Greater Sudbury CD because there are no farms. Also, most of the sales are roadside affairs.
I'm waiting to hear back from people at the Ontario government (OMAFRA) and the City to see if they have any way of sizing the harvest and market but I'm not getting my hopes up, since most data seems to be tied to farms.
Is there any chance that StatCan has some insight on this topic?


The fruits and vegetables is collecting data on blueberry production but we only publish at provincial level. Our data processing system isn’t outputting any data at the level of precisions, unless we make a special project.Blueberry productions around Sudbury is probably the low bush blueberry* type (but not managed as an agriculture activity). If this is the case ( “there are no farms”) than we are not collecting any blueberry sales around Sudbury. So, even if we make a special project, nothing will probably be found.

Have you considered Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. I came across the following report, however, the information is not available at the level of geography requested. Statistical Overview of the Canadian Blueberry Industry, 2010 <> The information is derived from the Fruit and Vegetable survey from STC.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Latest Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M)


The Latest Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M) (version 21.0) was released on Dec 10, 2013; the DLI ftp site has only v20 and prior issues. When will we get access to the current edition?


With the release of version 21.0 the author division released a new licence agreement governing access to SPSD/M. We are working with the division to include it into the DLI Collection. In the interim, researchers can request the file from here (it is free, requiring a sign licence agreement  <>

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

HR Employees in Saskatchewan


I have a patron who’s looking for the number of people employed in human resources in SK. I’ve found archived figures for 2006, based on the old SOC. Is there a source for more current data?


The CANSIM Table 282-0010 uses the 2006 NOC-S categories with the LFS to provide annual statistics. You'll need to select the "Add/Remove Data" tab to select SK and the NOC-S categories most appropriate to HR. The level at which NOC-S is reported might not be granular enough to identify all HR occupations, though.

There's also the NHS for Education and Labour:

And there are several tables with Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (691) at the provincial level. These include the NOC : 112 Human resources and business service professionals and 1121 Human resources professionals.

Multigenerational Households


A researcher would like to identify the common variables on multigenerational families (i.e., three generations in the household) across the GSS time use surveys. Are we correct in thinking there are no multigenerational variables for 1986 and 1992?

To check that we are not missing anything, what does the 10 = LIVING WITH TWO PARENTS) and 11 = LIVING WITH ONE PARENT mean in 1992 for the variable: DVLVGRGR: Grouped living arrangement of the respondent? Would this mean just two generations: respondent and parent(s)? Would DVRELHD RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON for 1986, 7 = parent, would be the same?

Where can we find more information?


1986 seems to be very limited. The closest would be DVLYGARR but it only includes the 2 generations-- Parent and child. 1992, however, seems to have more options. There’s DVLVGR which includes "spouse" and "single child" and "other relatives" and other similar variables. However, "other relative" is vague.

Another way to go about it would be to check if the mother or father is in the household: DVPLMO and DVPLFA and if a child is also present DVRC024C. Unfortunately, the household matrix was not expanded as much as it has been in later cycles so it makes it much more difficult to figure out multigenerational households. And our newer cycles are going back to that model.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Morbid Obesity


Is it possible to get rates of morbid obesity (BMI > 35) for each LHIN for an age greater than 18 years and for the period of 2007/2008 and 2009/2010?


Consult the CANSIM Table 105-0502. There is a health indicator profile, two year period estimates, by age group and sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (2012 boundaries) and peer groups. Under "Add/Remove Data" you can select Ontario by Local Health Integration Network and under Select Indicators you have the option to select: Body Mass index, self-reported adults obese. The reference periods from 2007/2008 to 2011/2012 available.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Canadian Survey on Disability


Will there be a PUMF for the Canadian Survey on Disability? And if so what would be an approximate time?


There will not be a PUMF for the survey due to a shortage of funding, but it will be available through the RDCs.