Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Updated Products: Synthetic File ACS 2006

We are pleased to inform you that the following product is now available to the DLI FTP and website.

Aboriginal Children's Survey 2006 - Synthetic Files

Note: These synthetic files do not contain real data and should never be used for analytical purposes. Their only purpose is to assist users in developing and testing programs that are to be submitted by remote job submission.

"The Aboriginal Children's Survey was designed to provide a picture of the early development of Aboriginal children and the social and living conditions in which they are learning and growing. The survey provides an extensive set of data about Aboriginal (Métis, Inuit, and off-reserve First Nations) children under six years of age in urban, rural, and northern locations across Canada."

FTP: /DissFTP/dli/DLI-Collection_Other-Products/Aboriginal Children's Survey - Synthetic File/2006


Thank you.

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