Friday, March 23, 2007

Post-Secondary Education Data


I have a faculty member who would like the some of the Statistics Canada data that is in CAUT's Almanac of Post-Secondary Education 2006:
They have 2003/04 data in this issue; he would like more recent, if possible. He is specifically interested in the data in tables 4.6, 4.5, and 2.12.


When I visited the site in question, I noticed that the most recent data is 2004/2005 - which is the most recent information available at Statistics Canada as well.

You may need to do a little digging, but these tables could conceivably be reconstructed using the data we have listed under Education

This collection is very recent for the DLI. The division has been very generous in sharing this data with us as it is not a standard product. They also have a very neat system within the Excel sheet - it has a similar function to Beyond 20/20 in that pivot tables are available.

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