Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Annual crop yields for M.D. Taber and S.A.#2 in Alberta


I have a graduate student and researcher working on the drought impacts on some Canadian communities. The patron is interested in annual crop yields for the Municipal District of Taber under CD 2 and Special Area No.2 in CD 4 in Alberta from the year 1954 up to now.

Alberta Agriculture and Food do not have and suggested contacting StatsCan.


You need the crops small area historical data (22f0004xdb), which contains area seeded, area harvested, yield, and production statistics annually. It is yet another standard product that is not available under DLI. I bought it about 4 years ago (after having tried to get it under DLI), and at that time, only the years 1976 through 2003 were available. The price at that time was $995.

The data comes from the Crops section of the Agriculture Division. Producing them involves a bit of 'data fiddling'. The area is based on the Census and the intersectional estimates are created by joining together a number of indicators. The yield information comes from the yield surveys (which I believe are collected through a telephone survey. There stratified by CD/ag. areas (combinations of CD's or CSDs.) The survey level information at the CD level is weak but they are created to that they are consistent with the overal crop estimates. While not perfect, they are the best available.

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