I have some researchers looking for cost data related to cannabis at the provincial level. Specifically they are looking for data on consumer spending on legal vs. illegal cannabis (I already sent them to StatsCannabis, but they are hoping for market size data and not just cost/gram), as well as wholesale costs of legal retail cannabis shops.
They’ve already been to our RDC and there doesn’t seem to be anything to suit their needs there.
I’ve received the following response from subject matter:
“Thanks for your inquiry, we just released provincial level detail in the core Provincial and Territorial Economic Accounts. We do estimate Household Final Consumption Expenditure by province for legal medical, legal recreational and illegal recreational cannabis consumption. This data is available by province to 2018. Nationally, the same data is available up to 2019Q3 and for more timely data, data on legal recreational only is available from the Monthly Retail Trade Survey (see the three links attached).
As a note, the Monthly Retail Trade estimates only include legal cannabis sales made by retail stores, it would not include any retail sales made by provincial wholesalers or own use consumption, which are included in the household final consumption expenditure estimate.
Wholesale costs for legal cannabis retail shops are not currently available.!recreate.action?pid=3610022501&selectedNodeIds=2D1,3D128,3D129,3D130&checkedLevels=0D1,0D2&refPeriods=20140101,20180101&dimensionLayouts=layout2,layout2,layout3,layout2&vectorDisplay=false (Provincial Household Final Consumption Expenditure)!recreate.action?pid=3610012401&selectedNodeIds=2D1,3D1,4D130,4D131,4D132&checkedLevels=0D1&refPeriods=20180701,20190701&dimensionLayouts=layout2,layout2,layout2,layout3,layout2&vectorDisplay=false (National Household Final Consumption Expenditure)!recreate.action?pid=2010000801&selectedNodeIds=2D30,3D1&checkedLevels=0D1,0D2&refPeriods=20190501,20190901&dimensionLayouts=layout3,layout2,layout2,layout2&vectorDisplay=false (Monthly Retail Trade Survey)”